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macauly culkin the shit out of my new apartment


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im bored and drunk so i decided to caulk some cracks around shit in my new apartment, cause my landlord is a fucking lazy bitch and doesnt do shit but say 'no' when i ask to fix shit and take it off my rent. anyway, i ran around caulking shit but then i used up my tube of caulk and i dont want to break oen a fresh one cause theres not that much caulking left to be done, so im walking round looking for shit like....hmmmmm, do you think that could use some caulk? im fucking looking for excuses to caulk some shit.


i also just signed up for a lastfm account cause people have been telling me for months that id like it. i dont like it. i fucking hate it. the internet is fucking gay. it always wants to make a community out of everthing. gay ass community. the internet doesnt do shit but find things for me to buy off ebay and annoy me. the shit i buy off ebay even annoys me. the last thing i got was a 100 year old tibetan thangka (painting). i was annoyed cause i had to pay $40 for shipping. its 54" long and comes from tibet, but i expect it to be like $7 or something. fuck ebay. fuck my unrealistic expectations and once again, fuck online communities.


big ups to m friend jeanine that i went to high school and have recently become friends with again. she's fucking awaeome.


also big ups to bloc party. if you were to find my lastfm page, youd find that im listening to nothing but blc party tonight. fucking yeah!

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Re: im caulking the shit out of my new apartment


yeah dude, and i need to find out if my apartment still has cable. the fat girl who used to float cable for the whole fucking building just moved out, and i know she cancleed her shit. it might still work, i gotta pull more fucking manurvers and see if its still popping. i also need to re-wire my new place if it is.

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Re: im caulking the shit out of my new apartment


i used to have a lastfm thing. but people kept trying to say shit to me and i was like.. dude, im just using you idiots to find more music. but they wouldnt stop talking to me.


so in a way, i agree with you.


except i enjoy cocking more than caulking.

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Re: im caulking the shit out of my new apartment


I downloaded that last bloc party album, was nyah!

But you should have seen the cracks at my last place, mother fucker was built too close to train tracks apparently and had these like half inch thick cracks thru the whole wall. Shit was bananas.

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Re: im caulking the shit out of my new apartment


thank you for sharing the magic of caulk with everyone.


you know what else it does? it fucking seals cracks. its so easy a child could use it.


PRO CAULK '07/'08

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Re: im caulking the shit out of my new apartment


yeah dude, im d, but i dont know. i dont wanna go ape shit and cault everything.

or maybe i do. i dont know.


i bought a 150 year old tibetan monks desk yesterday. im so fucking irrational. ha.

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Re: im caulking the shit out of my new apartment


cat face wants to be caulk face.


i would request a name change, but i'm too sad at the moment because i just accidentally ripped my nose stud outta my nose.

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Re: im caulking the shit out of my new apartment


can't you freeze caulk for long periods of time?




you know whats waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better then caulk? that 407 or 403 glue we use to build retaining walls! shits the best...you could glue a small car to the pavement:)

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Re: im caulking the shit out of my new apartment


the shit i'm talking about also comes in like a tape, it looks tire repair glue. Set the brick on it, level, one hit it with a malet shits set for life.........dont a be a faggot and try something new faggot

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Re: im caulking the shit out of my new apartment


as soon as i need to glue a small car to the street, ill peep your shit. in the meantime im filling small cracks in the walls and moldings.

my caulk costs 1.28, pretty sure you're mega-awesome super glue is mucho dinero.

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