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To document your work or not?


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Don't forget a detailed list of your fears, likes, dislikes, home adress, alternative methods of being contacted, then give us all copies of the key to your house and each of us a really big machete.


Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeah biatch don't fuck with me when I'm listening to the Beatles.

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Document your shit. Keep Flicks. It's nice to see how far along you've came when you look back at your old shit. I'd probably draw the line towards pieces n throwups. Simply because they don't stay up nearly as much as tags on a box or something.

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how much does a graffiti fine run?


when i got caught it was 200$ plus court fees and a 500$ lawyer because they blamed me for all the graffiti in the area and claimed i also did gang grafitti...so i got a felony charge as well and now im on probation until the end of summer but im taking the time to practice on paper and practice alot...im crap though xD i got caught doing a real simple throw up..

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Since nobody on here is giving you good answers...


Document your work, and the work of others. Keep it in a photo album or whatever and if the police ask why you have so many pictures of "Grafferthattagsroc" just tell them that you're documenting all the graffiti art and vandalism you can find. (Be sure to work vandalism in there, cops love that shit)


This being said, try to keep your shit and other peoples shit in check. There is no reason for you to take a flick of every little throw up and tag you did. And FFS dont give out the locations of shit. Just say you were walking around one (insert time of picture) and you saw it and just took a picture of it.


Uhh, yeah, and dont write on the photo album....maybe do some shitty block letters and the cops will think you're too toy to do any shit that you got in the book...

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  • 2 years later...

Yeah I just got my first digital camera. I've taking some pictures of throw ups and shit. I'm still kinda sketching though. If anything get a external harddrive and save them on that and keep them at a stash spot. But if your gonna take a picture of you in front of your work make sure you cover your face. But does anyone know if keeping them on a phtotbucket account is any better?

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document your stuff but no action shots in recognisable clothing, or keep your painting clothes at someone you trusts house. Keep your photos there aswell plus any other contraband.And don't keep that person's number on your phone.


for all the people with real vandal squads that are actually on top.

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if youre painting freights or pieces on highways i definently incourage documentation to the fullest. i personally kick myself for not documenting some of my stuff that is now buffed. i dont see it neccasary to document every tag,and hollow that you do. but anything you put some effort into and even it turns out bad you should flick it. you can look back at your mistakes and see what you need to improve on. and its cool looking back at all the stuff youve done, a picture typically brings up memories and takes you back. but dont take your flicks and throw them up on here looking for easy fame. get em printed out and start a photo alblum. or start trading flicks with someone.


"dont have any flicks, never heard of ya." - Baser (N)

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iPhones and certain new digital cameras have geotagging. Which means when you take the picture it takes note of the latitude and longitude, time, and date. It's initial use is for people connecting like on google maps, like being able to upload your picture and it puts a pinpoint where you took it on maps.


I wouldn't worry too much about it really, but it's damning evidence if you get caught in the wrong position.

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  • 2 weeks later...

and a big hint is to back up your work digitally when you get pinched for your freights and the cops run you through the courts.


I know someone who has had his photo collection shredded in front of him.

that would kill me bigtime so I've backed up my pics on a scanner and then hidden them good




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and a big hint is to back up your work digitally when you get pinched for your freights and the cops run you through the courts.


I know someone who has had his photo collection shredded in front of him.

that would kill me bigtime so I've backed up my pics on a scanner and then hidden them good


Man, I dont know what to say about that. It just sucks.

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Documenting is time consuming for sure, but it's all about the flicks. I mean it allows you to study the good & bad elements from each piece. Having a back up drive or an extra set of flicks is always good. I'm diggin' these photo machines at kinkos 'cause you can somewhat edit the quality of the prints, eg. The brightness & contrast and you can zoom/crop too. Kinda expensive, but for your latest piece it's worth trying out.

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i have three 35mm cameras. im hoping to get a polaroid and a digi soon. i try to take pics of fillin throwups and pieces etc. no hollows or tags unless there is something cool about the pic artistically. i try to not only document my graf but the people i paint with and the cities i live in. i didnt get pics of alot of stuff i wish i did early in my career and am kicking myself now. also when i was early in my career no one told me to separate my collection and back it up whatever so i lost my whole early collection of pics in a search warrant. now i scan all my pics and keep it in a separate hard drive than my computer. and i keep my developed hard copy pics and negatives at a different address than i live. in my opinion you should document and stay on top of it otherwise you are gonna start getting all backlogged on the pieces you havent got pics of yet and it builds to the point when your collection gets out of control you just say fuck it and stop documenting. i have a bad memory and without my collection i wouldnt even know i painted half the pieces i have without the pics to remind me. also its jokes to smoke a fat spliff with a couple painting friends and look back at all the wack pieces and damage you did when you were young. and i also recommend start documenting when you first start writing. cause not only will those be some of your most memorable pics but you have to learn how to take pictures of graffiti too. to get a good pic is not as easy as it seems..especially if its on something that rolls.

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  • 3 weeks later...

i document everything except for moniker/hobo tags, i dont hate them but i dont respect them and tags on freights, i think tagging freights has no meaning except for the monikers i document everything i do i have at least 1500 digital flicks of myself and possibly 2500 of others

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its alright to doc to show on threads and shit like this.

BUT!!! do not put on myspace ,twitter,face,ect..

cuz my friend had some pics of weed n shit on his myspace and about a week l8ter he got called to the office and the campus officer had his my space pulled up EVEN KNOW IT WAS SET ON PRIVATE!!!!! so yea dont put on a place were somwon from ur area can see especialy if u live in a town that has a popualtion under 40,000

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