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Everything posted by xploda11

  1. xploda11

    my book...

    you mean a ghetto? a ghetto is pretty much a suburb which is very urban or poor
  2. this one is so not toy bro it makes you look like the kingiest king the ever kinged bro! with the arrows come out of nowhere and all!
  3. you know if you go and say something so ...."eccentric" like this to "prove" how you INT NO TOY and then you go and post all your drawings, which are pathetic
  4. i don't think you can really use the term hitting up when your just painting a canvass....
  5. really you think its to long?? So does every-fucking-body else
  6. Case fucking closed
  7. what the hell is your problem Tze? what the fuck do you want people to say? "oh theres actually a secret to being a total king you gotta paint while your stoned heck you'll even paint the future with enough practice!!!" just check the fucking forums for this shit there numerous threads on this exact stuff.
  8. this is fucking pointless
  9. you'd be surprised what people are capable of....
  10. pointless thread we don't want your help
  11. Re: CANDY!!! goddammit what is your fucking problem?
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