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ch.0 is turning to shit.


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Savage banning spree's don't work as well as you would think. Because for every one person banned there is three of their gay ass cronies whining about it incessantly, sending emails to raven begging for clemancy, or making protest threads about it in here calling all the moderators a bunch of power tripping, goosestepping fascist nazi dictaor opressors. Its so fucking gay. Then we have to ban all of them, then all the regualr people just start viewing us as opressive dictators even though they hated all the people we banned too.


Either we take a respectable, honest but firm approach and get walked all over, or we take a hard approach and get called hitler moderators.


Not to mention it gets to be a complete pain in the ass when we are constantly having to come into here to weed out the stupididty when we are already spending too much time pruning all the other threads of the snitching, cop sensitive shit, spot blow ups....all that.


If you guys would police yourselves, especially the older heads who've been here a while, and have been part of the community(which are usually the ones bitching when the assholes act up) it would make things that much easier on everyone. The problem with that is you guys will generally get into flame wars and insult matches with people you hate on here instead of using tact and reason to diffuse their bullshit.


Everyone talks about how they are addicted to 12oz and that they loose it when its down, or what have you, but no one really steps up to take up the slack and keep their community "sucker free" if you will. The very few people who have done so have been rewarded with crew status, or minor moderation respnsabilities and there are other perks as well.

Step up to the plate. If you are going to use this place as your social fullfillment then get the most out of it by helping out. That doesn't mean just bumrushing the report button every second either.

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Police yourselves.

If people are acting up or are clamouring for attention, don't give it to them. Talk to trouble makers like regular hmans and son't instantly resort to whatever whitty insult you can think of. People don't generally react well when someone attempts to humiliate them infront of a bunch of other people so they tend to respond in kind with an even more shitty attitude. Just be respectful, and tactful when dealing with people. If things get real out of hand then bring it to our attention.

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i know it's been said before: newbies should have at least 100 posts before they can start a new thread. i'm sure it wouldn't end the bullshit, but i'm sure it would cut some of it out.


actually, it would probably just create more people posting bullshit responses like that kid who was randomly posting "don't mind me" in every thread a week or so ago.


KOH has it on point.

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Boo fucking hoo, have a listen to yourselves! You are contributing tho these so called ‘shit threads’ with this drivel…‘oh the good ol’ days of ch0’ and ‘there are all these new members that I don’t know’ blah blah blah, this is the fucking internet, people will find this site just like all you ‘old school’ members did.


Furthermore, there has been some truly cringe worthy comments littered throughout this thread…It’s almost like some sort of ‘120z action group’ getting together to bitch about the apparent lack of quality of threads. I don’t see many of you guys contributing with good quality threads either…or is it just easier to blame all these newbies for making shit ones than it is to make a great one yourself? All I’m hearing so far is the re-hashing of previously great threads; give yourselves a pat on the back for totally uninspired and unoriginal ideas.


One guy said that cutting people down and unnecessary berating is tiring…look at the main perpetrators of this, it’s the guys with ridiculously high post counts; there’s a link between utterly derisive commentary and high post counts. Many of you feel that 10,000+ posts entitles you to some sort of ownership of this place, no shit it’s turning into some sort of elitist wankfest, where you go and reminisce about the good old days and re-do previously thrashed threads and rip into the newbies…yeah that’s real progression.

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I think Ch.0 is about the same as it's always been. If you think otherwise, you probably spend way too much time on here.


Anyway, as a part of the new board functions, I heard they're going to be adding another member-ranking after 'Mod' and 'Unstoppable'. It's called 'Functional'. Once reached you get a job and a girlfriend and stop spending so much time on here trying to carve out a niche for yourself.

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I think Ch.0 is about the same as it's always been. If you think otherwise, you probably spend way too much time on here.


Anyway, as a part of the new board functions, I heard they're going to be adding another member-ranking after 'Mod' and 'Unstoppable'. It's called 'Functional'. Once reached you get a job and a girlfriend and stop spending so much time on here trying to carve out a niche for yourself.



most of the mods on here are really just AI programs. you didn't know? 12 oz is that advanced!


skynet nigga!

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