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the un official workout thread


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There is no reason for anyone to use steroids unless they:


-are a professional athlete or bodybuilder

-are at their genetic limit for muscle gain & want to see how far they can push it

-suffer from low levels of testosterone


Anyone that uses that shit and doesn't fit the above criteria is just asking to fuck themselves up somehow.

Be it from not learning how to train & diet properly by seeing how their body reacts to different methods or just from using the shit improperly and growing boobs.

I still don't give a shit though.


Curlbr0s are ridiculous and yeah, girls don't generally respond well to any guy with disproportionate body parts.

I saw some study where they asked a huge group of women what body parts they are most attracted to on a man and they rated back, ass and forearms really high.

Three areas curlbr0s NEVER train.

Biceps and chest were low on the list.

Mirror muscle faggots.

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someone gave me a sample of this pre workout shit called C4 that i tried yesterday. first time i've ever tried a pre workout energy booster besides just a caffeine pill and i gotta say it seemed like some bullshit. just got to the gym kinda hyped up feeling but more so twitchy and anxious. will not buy. also got a free sample of some other pre workout called no xplode or whatever and i doubt it will be any better. it's all shit i'd rather not use anyway.

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Stick with caffeine or an EC stack if you ever decide to use that to cut.

Those pre-workout supplements are mostly garbage and the benefits the claim to give you are bullshit.

The only thing with caffeine and EC stacks is that they are only effective for about 2 weeks on and two weeks off before the receptors that they operate with in your brain get used to them and they stop working all together.

Then you gotta take a break.


Matter of fact, the only supplements worth using at all are caffeine/EC stack, fish oil, multivitamins, creatine and maybe some melatonin if you have sleep issues.

Protein powder isn't even really a supplement as much as it is just convenient food.

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yeah i hear ya. i RARELY use caffeine before a workout anyway, unless i go there from work sometimes i'll drink some coffee beforehand. but as far as an actual caffeine pill goes, last week was the first time i'd use one in like a year. then the c4 just for the hell of it.


been using fish oil for the past few weeks, i can't say i notice a difference in anything but i've read plenty of stuff to convince me it's a pretty necessary supplement for anyone who works out regularly.


protein powders are good for people who don't stomach a ton of food like me. protein/calories quicker and easier than a meal. been using the gaspari chocolate myofusion protein lately which is byfar the best tasting one i've tried. the shit can pass for dessert. tastes like a legit milkshake

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You won't really notice the fish oil working at all.

It just cuts down inflammation and is an essential fatty acid that everybody is supposed to get.

How much are you taking?

Best results come from getting between like 2-3 grams of total omega 3 (epa/dha) out of the capsules which averages out to taking between 6-10 of them daily.

Taking less or more than that doesn't do much for you.


I just buy whey at Costco.

Shit is cheap and tastes fine.

6 pounds for like $35...sold.

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This is my type of shit.

Go the Callisthenics. I been working on a callis routine with some plyometrics for close to 3 months now, losing weight, getting cut but more importantly getting strength. No I can't bench press 300 or squat lunge with fuck off huge barbells but I bet I can rip more chin ups or burpees and have better cardio than most of the beefcakes in the gym

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Protein powder is great for me though as I dont enjoy the process of eating, especially when im not hungry.


I know that feel.

Eating gets hard/tedious some days.

I'd just prefer to chug shakes to meet numbers sometimes.


but I bet I can rip more chin ups or burpees and have better cardio than most of the beefcakes in the gym


You'd be surprised.

Heavy/high rep compound weight movements build endurance and cardio capacity and lots of weightlifters bang out huge sets of pullups in their back workouts.


Do you though.

But there's no need to limit yourself when pretty much ALL the stuff is beneficial to you.


If you are really into learning crazy bodyweight stuff, you might wanna check out Strength Project & Ido Portal on Youtube.

They teach progressions on harder gymnastic moves and that Ido guy is pretty much the Yoda of all bodyweight/leverage movement.


Also, I'm not trying to come off as some know it all in here.

I just like talking about this shit and helping people to not waste time on stuff I have wasted time on.

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Yeah, those Bartendaz dudes are impressive, I just have a hard time believing some of those dudes got as massive as they are by only doing shit in playgrounds.


The leveraging stuff that Ido Portal teaches is progressive enough for a beginner to learn, but also gets to a point where you're like wtf is this Cirque Du Soleil bastard doing?!?!? He also has some good videos on shoulder health and really good warm up type shit.

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Anyone here familiar with Schwarzenegger's encyclopaedia of body building?

800+ pages compiled by the man himself on the history, techniques and everything else to do with it.

Pretty costly but a worthy addition to the bookshelf if you're interested in the sport.

Did a bastardised version of the advanced level 2 workouts for awhile (couldn't do 2 workouts a day so bunched it into one and took away some exercises as I was working with only a squat rack, leg press and bar that I hung from the rafters for chins) and got the best results I've had from any gym work.

Wasn't doing any cardio at the time but you only get 45 sec rests between sets so the weights work is harder than any running/ GPP stuff I tried.

This thread is looking the goods, thinking of returning to the gym but doubt whether I'll ever be able to will myself into doing those Arnold workouts again.

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i got that book a few months ago, definitely worth having. not even costly, it was like 25 from barnes and noble or i think 15 on amazon was the cheapest i saw it. either way it's worth getting. but the thing about that book you gotta understand is arnold is a freak who is capable of doing what pretty much nobody else was. it's not exactly a book that caters to any natural bodybuilder, although he does write against steroid usage plenty in that book, and at one point suggests all bodybuilding competitions should outlaw it. which is kindof funny.

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Looking back on it, I think the only thing I learned from that book was that I couldn't rest for 5 minutes between each set if I wanted to get cut without doing any cardio other than the weights.

Still a valuable lesson.

That, and I thought that if I wanted to look anything like this man (nh)...




... it would help to do his workouts, or at least a manageable version of them.

It was the sheer volume of work and time spent in the gym (2 hours a day) that killed it for me though.

I think the general consensus is that no more than an hour a day is really necessary...

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The roids Arnold and those guys used back then were pretty much just testosterone by itself.

They didn't have d-bol and all that shit to abuse.

It helped, sure. But it probably only aided in their recovery for the most part and helped them train more often.


Doing experienced pro-bodybuilder workouts as a newb non-pro is more or less useless to any of us as we aren't taking hormones, haven't trained our CNS to the point that they are at etc...


You don't need cardio if you watch your diet. Yeah, it's gonna help you shed some excess flab to get below 10% bodyfat, but if you aren't counting calories and watching your macros, you are going to fail at getting shredded regardless of rest times between sets.


Also, you can work out as long as you can go. I'm not saying that killing yourself daily is a good idea, but overtraining is not going to happen to you unless you are an elite level athlete that has overdone it for months at a time. You should do as much as you can without feeling like a lump of used up shit.





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Yeah, I really wanna get it checked out, but no health insurance.

It developed after last year after I started running. But I'm 100% sure I had proper squatting form, maybe just a bad running stride?

Unfortunately I've been completely off leg exercises.. except calf raises... for awhile now, and for cardio all I'm doing is steep inclined walking and elliptical


But if you're saying there's stuff I could do, I'm all ears.

What's mobility work?

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Interesting point about roid use in Arnolds day gas, I've never considered using them but often wondered what the go is when it comes to attaining a physique like that.

Take it back to the days of Larry Scott and you'd have to assume they'd have been using minimal drugs.

I used to eat dick loads of tuna and five bean mix (straight out the can) as well as a lot of oats, more tuna, almonds, peanut butter and that burgen bread with 15g protein in each slice (which I can't find anywhere nowadays).

I get a bit of knee crunch action these days as well, this physio bird told me I needed to do some band work because I have lax knees (whatever the fuck that means).

In addition to squats, I feel it necessary to add, a dead lift a day keeps the doctor away :D




Gotta love the simplicity of this movement and the weight it allows you to use.

Disclaimer: Keep that back straight

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Deadlifts are great.

End of story.

I also like overhead pressing.

Benching not so much, but I do it just cuz it's part of the programming.


I have a couple mobility books for you guys if you want em.

They have served me well and worked wonders on my posture.

I seriously stand like a half inch taller since correcting my pelvic tilt and rounded shoulders.

If you add mobility drills and foam rolling to your warm ups you will feel about 9000 times better while working out and life in general.


I'll upload em and post a link.


Mobility is a necessary part of weightlifting to ensure that you don't turn into a cripple.


No need to upload after all. Here it is:



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Cheers for dropping that knowledge gas.

I'm propping you not only for delivering the info but also because you have over 10,000 posts.

Commitment to the game.

I'm not a big fan of benching either, being a lanky cunt (reach almost 3' longer than height) it's never been my forte.

It's all about the dead lifts.


And mobility exercises.

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Whattt I didn't know they got a pic of me at that comp :lol:

Man, I had an account from '06 that I can't log into anymore coz it was logged in on 2 computers when they were doing site maintenance.

Luckily it's not the number of posts, but dead lift weight, that keeps a man sane :D

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