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it looked pretty cool, although my woman accidentally trashed the file about 2 hours after i downloaded it so i wasnt able to read more than 10 minutes of it


It was actually really good of a read. I don't personally think that bodyweight training is the end-all of workouts, but I really dig the progressions and rep schemes that he laid out.


It also gives a ton of variations on the core movements, so it'd be pretty hard to get bored of things if you did decide to make a program solely out of BW stuff.


The whole BW-only thing has its place and it's obviously capable of getting you stronger and in shape, but I wouldn't consider it more "functional" than regular weightlifting, other than comparing pull ups to pull downs.


That said, dude is right about the OAC. It cannot be fucked with in terms of awesome and strength-building.

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fuck yeah...thanks gasface for posting up that bruce lee book...i will download it shortly.


just watched a documentary on bruce lee on the history channel last week called "how bruce lee changed the world"...and wanted to read some of his books ever since.


he had some good ideas when it came to workouts focused more towards combat rather than building bulkiness...worked with fast twitch muscles...also had interesting ideas on nutrition including ginseng and super high protein drinks....the documentary said he would blend together raw beef, a few cups of milk and like 7 eggs and down it.(obviously i wouldnt do that because of cross contamintation)

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Convict Conditioning  -book

"[b][i]Convict Conditioning[/i][/b] is a fantastic text crammed with  solid information, and tons of vital nuggets and powerful insights that  when followed will pack your frame with rock-hard, functional muscle.  Like a hard thrust with a razor-sharp shank, ex-con Paul Wade's writing  style rips through all the nonsense that fill the glossy muscle mags, to  get to what's real: You don't need free weights, fancy machines,  spray-on tan and carefully torn T-shirts to build powerful muscle. All  you really need is your own body, a few simple exercises and a plan. You  provide the body, [b][i]Convict Conditioning[/i][/b] gives you the rest  in a highly readable, easy-to-understand format that teaches you [i]what[/i]  to do and [i]how[/i] to do it. As a guy who has written extensively on  exercise, I highly recommend this book." 		
[b]—Loren Christensen, author of [i]Solo Training[/i] and [i]The  Fighter's Body[/i].[/b]

Fuck it. I'll post it for everyone.


Is there anyway I can this or something similar?



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Yeah Cali, dude was all about blended drinks and pasta.

Raw meat and eggs though? Gross.

I was interested in his vegetable shake mixes for a while, but I think I'd rather just eat a salad instead of chugging vegetable mush. Protein shakes are one thing, they can taste good. Vegetables though...that's like eating soylent green.

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Yeah Cali, dude was all about blended drinks and pasta.

Raw meat and eggs though? Gross.

I was interested in his vegetable shake mixes for a while, but I think I'd rather just eat a salad instead of chugging vegetable mush. Protein shakes are one thing, they can taste good. Vegetables though...that's like eating soylent green.



lol...soylent green is people!


the book you posted said he rarely ate baked goods, because of the processed wheat....so like no breads.


yeah, protein shakes are good cause of the bcaa's, but the calories in those shakes are ridiculous....i make my protein shakes with protein powder (2 servings), non fat milk (2 cups), a banana and ice cubes...i get about 60 grams of protein per shake but its about 500 kcals....i can make a can of tuna with cheese and 2 orowheat sandwich thins and get about 50 grams of protein for a lot less than 500 kcals.


so far the best protein powder ive seen with lots of protein and low calories and low carbohydrates is this brand called champion nutirion (the packets that com in 60 grams), but they cost an arm and a leg!


as for vegetables, the best thing about eating vegetables is the fiber in them...the fiber helps with better general overall health, but when you blend (or cook for that matter) your veggies, you are taking away from the fiber content...so its better to eat the vegetables raw....so i disagree with bruce lee's vegetable mush.


oh yeah....same is true for fruits...fibers and pectins and stuff like that make fruit good for you...but people that throw their fruit in a juicer lose fiber content and are basically drinking a glass of sugar.

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Nice, I usually mix up shakes with a bit of milk, nonfat plain yogurt, a banana and a couple chunks of random fruit for flavor. I can't find protein powder out in this desert. It must be working though because it fills me up after I exercise and the multiple small meals a day shit has cut my weight down like 10 pounds in the past 3 weeks.


Thank god that veggie mush isn't worth it. That shit is just grody.

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lol....my friend buys protein powder once in a while, but cant really afford it most of the time, so he just goes to burger king and gets a triple whopper...its like 60 grams of protein but super fattening....funny thing is he is in really good shape and strong /no homo.


with my genetics, if i go into burger king and just smell the air, i gain like 20 pounds.


fuck, i flaked out on the gym tonight...fail.

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"Juicing reduces the fiber content


How much fiber is lost in the conversion from whole fruit to fruit juice? Let's use apples and apple juice as an example.


A cup of apple juice that you can see straight through (pulp removed) contains no measurable amount of fiber. To create this 8-ounce glass of juice, approximately 3-4 apples are needed (depending, of course, on the size and density of the apples). Each of these 3-4 apples contains about 3.75 grams of dietary fiber, for a total of about 12-15 grams of dietary fiber. Virtually all of these 12-15 grams are lost in the production of clear apple juice! These 12-15 grams of lost fiber, if added back into the juice, would fully double our average daily fiber intake! "

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when you just drink the fruit or vegetable juice, you arent getting the fiber from cellulose, hemicellulose, pectin, amylopectin, etc etc.


trust me.....ive taken many classes on it.


the pulp thats left behind is where the fiber is at.


benefits of fiber:




^from same link:


(Refined or processed foods — such as canned fruits and vegetables and pulp-free juice, white bread and pasta, and non-whole-grain cereals — are lower in fiber content.)


i had a nutrition class where the teacher (who was in better shape than 99% of the class) talked about the importance of fiber, and how she recommended fiber one because it met 50% daily requirement of fiber per serving or something like that.





but fiber is better for overall general health, not increasing muscle strength nor muscle size.

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let me know how the convict conditioning goes...i was reading through some of the exercises and it looks brutal.


everyone i talk to seems to either be doing p90x or knows someone doing p90x...i saw an ex's sister at the gym looking in really really really good shape...turns out shes been doing p90x too.

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