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Being drunk and playing that game guitar hero is an absolute struggle, I played it at a party a few weeks ago and started the evening beating all the other new people. By the end, after the bar, I was incapable of responding to the easiest queues. But my story is more interesting...


The bar that evening: I got a skinny 90 lb girl to come to the bathroom with me to give me a blow job and do coke just to prove it could be done - that is what I told her we would be doing. She was my girlfriends sisters friend, and my homie who bartends at the bar had been saying this girl was bad news for my girls sister. So I decided, being the charming attractive person that I am, to test out if he was just over reacting.


After she came in the bathroom and started acting like she was ready I was like "stay here, I think I left my drink..."


She stayed in the mens bathroom for a few minutes than came to the table where I'm drinking asking what happened. Sad thing is, she is kind of cute...

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Getting together with some friends for some Alaskan King Crab dinner(home cooked). Of course there will be a lot of beer consumed with said meal. Then off to the local dive bar to consume more libations...


Team Alco...

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I just got home after a huge bender.

Gatecrashed a chick from highschool's engagement party last night, after getting roasted at my next door neighbours watching footy. Crashed at my friends place then left my wallet there this morning after getting to a drive thru for some grub and wondered where the fuck my wallet was, then had to drive 10 minutes to get back there to pick it up. I still am fucked up now, my brain is scrambled.

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Ahh lep, sounds liek the time I was posting in here a few weeks ago. I can so relate! I am pretty sure that was the day of asking everyone here what to drink.


I have to organise my birthday party for a couple of weeks time and it is shitting me. I don't know how much booze to buy or what booze to buy as I'll be having a pretty mixed crowd coming.


I dunno, I guess I'll just sleep on it. I'm out, peace.

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Tooheys wtf!? If people complain about free beer which they often do you reserve the right to kick them out. Even if they are girls (use this to weed the ugly girls out of your party because they are usually pissed off that they are ugly and will complain about anything). I have kicked many people out because of this many times. If you dont like it get the fuck out!



Girl:Why do you guys always buy the cheapest beer!?

Me:Are you seriously complaining about the type of beer we bought for you to drink at our party that we are not charging you for?

Girl:So? Why do you get the cheap stuff? Seems like you could splurge once and a while.

Me:Bitch do you know what you are saying right now?! What do you drink when you go to the bar?

Girl:Bud Light.

Me: WTF IS IN YOUR HAND!? GET THE FUCK OUT NOW DRIVE YOUR UGLY DRUNK ASS HOME! I spent $40 on booze your drinking for free! Did you put money in the tip jar we got goin on? NOOO! YOU GOTTA SAVE IT FOR THE AVON LADY TO FIX YOUR BROKE VOLKSWAGON ASS GRILL!!!

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I knwo what you mean about girls being pissed off that they are ugly! I encounter them everytime I approach a girl at a club, or they take the role of 'fat bodyguard' of the group whos sole purpose is to stop their friends from hooking up with nice guys like me, instead sending them off with real cunts who will cheat on them, if only so the fat bodyguard can bring their good looking friend closer to their own miserable state.


But yeah, the guest drink the cheap stuff, just so I can buy more of it.

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See I guess I am lucky. My friend one of the funniest dudes I know he can get girls but always ends up getting drunk pop-locking dancing crazy jumping up on stage singing with whatever band is up there. All round party animal. He can get hot girls but when he gets drunk he is prone to the fat chicks like I am talking about 2's and 3's knah mean? So I just bring him around hot girls and he usually takes out the bodyguard of the group even though I am trying to hook him up with the goods that I am talking to. Its so fucking funny and sucky for him the next day but so far it has gotten me some good pussy 3 differnt occassions last summer from what I can count.

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Oh I do every one of my shows that he comes to he drinks for free and gets up on stage and sings roadhouse blues. He is a wicked good friend. But like I said its not him blocking I try to get him hooked up with the hotter girls but then he just goes after the fat ones. I think its a self esteem issue...

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