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You know I have never seen someone smoke weed in a bar...I guess I am hanging around at the wrong places...


I could see that though like at Eric Clapton concert in boston. Everybody was smoking weed and cigs in the banknorth garden in boston. However for the people who are working that night suffer more than the other patrons because they can just leave while the people who work there cannot...

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I'm glad they have banned smoking in clubs/bars over here. No more accidental burns to my clothes by random drunk chicks. Plus everywhere smells alot better too.


As for weed, the only time I saw a mate actually light up a pipe, then bouncer came and confiscated (pocketed it for himself) his tool and bag. It is kinda funny thinking about it now, especially when I think of other times at other venues where I have seen people use redbull cans as bongs.

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what dodgy establishments are you frequenting mauler?


that sounded like more of a cop question than i intended

This was from the old Babylon in Vic Park. Used to hit it up a fair amount when I was 18-19.


Maybe I shouldn't really say where I go because frankie and 'his boys' are out for me:rolleyes:


Anyway, the Redbull incident refers to one night at the Paramount on the balcony overlooking the beer garden. However I have seen mates repack cigars/cigarettes and get away with it many times too.


Fuck that when I am out though, I just stick to liquor.

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I saw a dude smokin a blunt at a movie theatre in the Bronx, shit was hilarious. This giant security guard came in like "PUT THAT SHIT OUT". He did, but then when the guard was walking away dude mumbled somethin like "yeah whatever, fat muthafucka...". Guard turned back around like "WHAT?!" and I swear the muthafucka shit himself in front of his girl and a whole theatre

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Are you fucking kidding me?
Of course I was.


You can't fake the face when the bottle is empty. As somebody who used to drink vodka straight, I know the face you pull after a big swig.


It is crazy to actually consume that much at once though. Headaches for days!!:lol::cool:

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Mixing Mythology

You've heard, and maybe heeded, the old saying:"Beer before liquor, never sicker; liquor before beer, you're in the clear." But is there any truth to this maxim?






The French call it la gueule de bois, or "mouth of wood." The Italians sometimes refer to it as stonato, meaning "out of tune." A Norwegian might say he has jeg har tommermen, meaning "carpenters in the head."


No matter what words one uses to describe a hangover, the symptoms are universal. After a hedonistic night of boozing it up, you wake up with a throbbing headache the size of Texas (exacerbated by even the slightest sound or hint of light), debilitating weakness, achiness and a powerful thirst. Nausea signals that last night's drinks are about to make a hasty exit out of one orifice or another any minute. The symptoms are usually accompanied by groans, oaths to never overindulge again and whining: "Why, oh why did I have that last drink?"


We all know who's to blame for our hangovers (no, it's not the person who bought the last round), but we still like to fault something or someone else. The saying "Beer before liquor, never sicker; liquor before beer, you're in the clear" is a perfect example of this misplaced blame. The advice suggests that it's not so much how much you drink, or even what you drink, but rather the order in which you drink beer and liquor that affects how you'll feel the next morning. We consulted experts to find out if there's any scientific credence to the oft-uttered phrase.


"There's no scientific basis to that," says Russell Marz, assistant professor of nutrition at the National College of Naturopathic Medicine in Portland. Marz does concede that mixing different kinds of alcoholic beverages may cause problems for a person with allergies to compounds found in such drinks. These allergies, he explains, are quite common. For example, someone with a wheat allergy may react to the barley, malt and hops in beer; a person with allergies to corn or rye might react negatively to liquor made from those compounds. Some people get headaches from the tannins in red wine, too. To make things worse, alcohol increases the intestines' permeability, so everything, including irritating compounds, is more rapidly absorbed. For a person allergic to wheat and rye, mixing beer and liquor could take a greater toll than sticking to one type of drink might. But Marz does not believe that the order in which you consume affects how you'll feel the next day.


Ed Gallaher, a research pharmacologist at the Veterans Administration and an assistant professor at Oregon Health Sciences University, agrees: "My inclination is that it doesn't make a bit of difference. People would like to come up with every alternative explanation or excuse for hangovers, but the active ingredient is alcohol." he says. Alcohol leads to intoxication, and intoxication leads to hangovers. In other words, don't buy the ticket if you can't take the ride.


It is possible that drinks containing high levels of congeners, or chemical byproducts responsible for the taste and color of alcoholic beverages, can exacerbate a hangover. Richer, darker drinks like whiskey, bourbon, brandy, red wine and dark rum are thought to contain higher levels of congeners than white wine, vodka and gin. Carbonated beverages and an empty stomach increase the absorption of alcohol (think wedding-reception drunkenness), and may increase your suffering the morning after. Paying attention to your body is the best way to determine what drinks--and in what amount--you tolerate best. If you think that drinking beer before liquor makes you sicker, don't do it.


Of course, moderation or abstinence is the best way to wake up hangover-free. But if you do have one (or more) too many, the following advice may serve as damage control: Drink lots of water before you hit the pillow and when you wake up, since dehydration is a primary contributor to hangover angst. Take antioxidants, including vitamins C and E, along with a milk-thistle supplement before bed to help clean up the toxic aftermath. They will especially help your poor liver. (Ideally, take these before you start drinking.). Drink some OJ, or any 100 percent-pure juice the next morning for the vitamins and water it contains. Taking a B-complex vitamin before crashing is also a good idea, and a non-aspirin pain reliever might even reduce your headache to the size of Rhode Island.

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Nah, I have actually cut down this week myself. Only been having a beer or 3 a night (due to assignments/conserving money). Was getting too much heartburn. Like my eating is all fucked up because of this schizo weather we have had. Now it is the weekend, I'm gonna go hard.


But the advice to drink OJ the next day is bad. Everytime I do that I get crazy heartburn.

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Had a bottle of red tonight.

It is Windshaker 2004 Shiraz. It isn't too bad, but hasn't hit me like I thought it would. It is also pretty sweet for shiraz which I am not used to, but this is only noticeable since I am on the very last sip now.


It went well with the nice steak I had for dinner.


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I love when a chick comes up to you starts a convo with you buys you a drink asks you to sit down chill with them. Then gives your friend she hasn't spoken to all night her number. haha I at least I got a couple bombay and tonics out of the deal.


The bartender heard me say something about grateful deads on the mics just kept bringing them over. I was hammered...It was good...


Some guys came and watched the final four game i guess were having a party afterwards inviting everyone in the bar. I dont think anyone wanted to go at least we didnt because when he came up to ask he said "If you see me naked with a sunflower costume on dont get freaked just continue inside..."

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So how did the gig go?

I woulda hit the party, if only to take pics of said idiot with the sunflower costume to embarass on 12oz liek the woman who died in EB's thread.


Gig was good tastiest and hottest Buffalo Chicken wrap. I sat out the whole second set while my friend had his boy go up and play. I was hammered sooooo hammered I am in so much pain right now...easiest hundred bucks I ever made...


Nsync medley was sooo fucking funny. Girls love the shit all... After we got off people were coming up to us going you guys are awesome I just was like dude you are drunk we just played a 4 song nsync medley you have got to be kidding me...


When I get the cash from my motorcycle I'll have some money left over after I buy my new drum kit I think I am gonna invest in a camera EBPH any suggestions?




Gayest set list ever! so funny


oh and I met the bassist that wants to play with us for free...

dude looks like this but I guess is wicked good...and is free...




Ill have pics from my show with the good band with the hot girl in it next week. We gotta come up with a team alco hand gang sign we can throw up...

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