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I don't know what is worse, eating out a fat bitch or half a bottle of Capt Morgan??


I remember visiting my friend in Cairns a couple of years ago. As I had only got of the plane and had a couple of hours sleep we decided to go and buy a carton at 11am as the tropical weather required it. We then proceeded to drink the whole carton, then hit the town. We went to every venue in town (with the exception of the gay bar!) and had 1 or 2 pints at each. so after 12 beers, and an equal amount of pints, I decide that it is time to start having some cocktails with the pommy backpackers I had picked up, and proceeded to dance on the tables with.


After they disappeared back to the hostel, almost unable to stand, we hollared at a cab and made our way back to my friends house, where we decided it was time for some green. Anyway, 3 buckets later, and I proceeded to run to the toilet and throw up. At which point my friend took this photo



The whole next day I couldn't be in any other position than lying down without having to throw up. I managed to eat half of a meatball sub, then throw it up 20 minutes later. My friend went out the next night with his Mrs, and left me home sick on the couch. When they got home at 2am, I had only just finished being sick for the last time. The next day, we went out and did it again, but with only about half the drinking as I still felt crook. 4 days later I was still getting acid reflux, and pulled a solo mission on my last night out there, meeting up with chicks we met at the bungy park that day. After half a litre of JD's and 10 Coronas mixed with Midori Illusion shakers I felt fine. After waking up from the 3 hours sleep (5am) to goto the airport the car ride churns the grog around inside me. While checking in at the airport, I leave my bags in the line run to the toilet and cover the bowl and surrounding floor with the contents of my stomach. I feel sorry for the person who had to clean it up. It was bad. I hold on to what was left inside my guts until the very second I could remove my seatbelt on the plane when I literally ran to the toilet at the front of the plane and threw up some more. Seediest trip ever. Never felt so sick.

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went to this party for a coworker a few weeks ago it was her 50th b day they had 3 gallons of smirnoff i gets mad scummy trew a beer at my supervisor ran out with a gallon of smirnoff woke up at my uncles house showed up to work one day later and i did not even know what to say scince i was no call no show so they let me go but that pussy ass supervisor dint even look at me.........he was a hoe whot just ran his mouf............


at the moment in drinkin crown royal with coke n limes it guid and ima smoke weed n tweak

of the simpsons





pour that shit



brass mokey is my all time favorite

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A month or 2 back at my boy's 18th birfday party I drank a half liter of Smirnoff vodka in 15-20 minutes...that was pretty bad. It was good for awhile, dancing, singing, and making out with bitches, but it ended with me puking in every room of the house, falling flat on my face, falling down the stairs, and passing out in the middle of the floor at my crib.

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I can't join the team Alco myspace page because all I have is a page I access about once a month for friends - it has my picture, and I'm a wanted criminal mastermind.


That said I'm logging in to explain I'm drinking $7 wine purchased at Trader joes. I was declined for a promotion today so I'm thinking about drinking all night...

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I can't join the team Alco myspace page because all I have is a page I access about once a month for friends - it has my picture, and I'm a wanted criminal mastermind.


That said I'm logging in to explain I'm drinking $7 wine purchased at Trader joes. I was declined for a promotion today so I'm thinking about drinking all night...

Do you really think they will find you in between all the other 170+ members? Anyway, you should still join in my opinion.
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They do that in california too. Arizona isn't special.


I knew that, and in my opinion that makes California special as well. New York has last call at 4am (and bodegas don't seem to give a shit at any hour) and Vegas has no cut off... having lenient liquor laws is awesome no matter what. What other states have good liquor laws?


Denver sells beer that has half the alchohol on Sundays...thats no good.

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I knew that, and in my opinion that makes California special as well. New York has last call at 4am (and bodegas don't seem to give a shit at any hour) and Vegas has no cut off... having lenient liquor laws is awesome no matter what. What other states have good liquor laws?


Denver sells beer that has half the alchohol on Sundays...thats no good.

tank good for nv. st paddys i left the club about 5 am shit was still poppin. went to 7 11 pkayed a few 25 cent slots anmd bought a baby bottlle of pepermint . yeah

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They sell liquor at convenience stores / gas stations until like 2am in Arizona - that is a state that has its priorities straight.


they sell it here 24 hours a day...they want you drinking, except now they made a stupid california law and i can't smoke anywhere anymore. some owners still let people smoke inside though, since whoever is smoking is the one who gets fined.

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they sell it here 24 hours a day...they want you drinking, except now they made a stupid california law and i can't smoke anywhere anymore. some owners still let people smoke inside though, since whoever is smoking is the one who gets fined.
thta is why i go to 3rd street and sometimes el cortezz still smoking
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Every place should have a law to not smoke inside. It's the tackiest shit ever.



Indeed. Now I know ebph hates how everything relates to me playing music but when I first started playing out 5 years ago there were no bans in bars in my state 6 months later they banned it in bars. You could breath easier it was easier to play my equipment wasnt stained yellow when I would clean it, the shit didn't smell like smoke which inturn made my car smell better and our practice space. (which smelled like an ashtray even though none of us smoked) Every time we went into mass to play you get tired so fast from breathing all the shit it we really noticed the difference. Banning smoking is the best thing ever...

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