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Man, I am thinking of cutting back to only 2 beers a night for weeknights. My tolerance level is getting too high, and it is taking me to much to get drunk. Which is just what i don't need when I am soon to be an unemployed student again.


How can I curtail my taste for the finer beverages in life and go back to VB longnecks?? I can't go back!!! The thought alone is scary enough!!

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Luke is my middle name funnily enough.

My friend suggested that when we go out from now on as a facade I should tell them my name is Luke, and I am seriously considering it. But I still think I need more persuasion than a generic Star Wars quote. Add to that the fact I have been 18-19 before, and feel as though I couldn't go through it again, with all the preservatives they add to VB. Much worse however is EB (Enema Backwash)


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That is good to know. Nobody should ever stoop that low. My uncle and former boss are mad EB heads. It is all they drink. And they both suffer from gout. Do the math!!!


I'm on a budget too, I just knocked off the free sample I got from work, one of these new midstrength Smirnoff superdrys or something like that. Weird tasting crap. I'm going back to Crownies.

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psst I banned myselves from the interwebz so's I don't loose teh jarbs. Just starpin een. kthxbai...




Today's reason to drink daily gmail generator deally:

March 15, 2007 Beware the Ides of March! Oh, wait! It is the Ides of March and time for another toga party!

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Yo its supposed to snow here friday and a little saturday I hope the St. Pattys day block party i am working at doesnt get cancelled because i need the cheddar and the whole not paying for booze thing. On a side not I found an unopened 12 pack of bud light (yeck) in my trunk from like 2 weeks ago its been pretty cold hopefully its not skunked because I am broke and thats all i got for personal stash to hold me through the weekend...

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Yo its supposed to snow here friday and a little saturday I hope the St. Pattys day block party i am working at doesnt get cancelled because i need the cheddar and the whole not paying for booze thing. On a side not I found an unopened 12 pack of bud light (yeck) in my trunk from like 2 weeks ago its been pretty cold hopefully its not skunked because I am broke and thats all i got for personal stash to hold me through the weekend...

as long as it wasnt open you should be good.but it still bud light

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Btw. Don't sleep on this shit. Frangelico.



Nice after dinner hazelnut liqueur. Pour it straight into a liqueur glass, drink.


No homo. Godfather shit right there. Wonk Snailati.

Last time I had it was with this pretty young chick I know. We had this mixed with lemon lime and bitters.


The taste didn't get out of my mouth for the whole night afterwards, and evertime I have anythign hazelnutty, I think of her feeding me this potion.:lol:


I am so slaughtered from last night. Went to my neighbours house and was fed an unbelievable amount of beer. What is it with Crownies? They always leave me waking up feeling like total shit! I think I need a few more hours sleep, to recover from this feeling.:o

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So, seeing as tommorrow is st. pattys day, whats on the menu for all you alcoholics? personally, i could feel some flying dog or blue moon is always a good choice, but who knows, maybe ill mix it up and try something new, just as long as i get drunk

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