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hahahaha that is mad.

Did she punch you after you bit her??


i had to quote this...it tokk me a solid 2 mins to find the trhread because i amphazed....i will now go by phazini ulotra saucematic...all typing ,mistakes shjall stand ala ayebee....but when im bucking nasty ill spit in breezys grills and in their mouths and shit thats whaats up...ruthless stello ....chron is chron..cheokeouts and face slaps...uhhhh nasty fatralph im tryin to go to the bar idn a while after dinner

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The owner of the barbershop jus showed up with a case of Corona, so I am now drinking beer for the second time this week


I'm gunna needa drink even more vodka than usual to cancel this shit out



Ayebee sounds like he is on his way to man status!!! :lol::lol:


jk big guy!


But yeah, i am going to get trashed tonight if this cold subsides like it has after the Homer whopper I just ate. Those burgers are too addictive...

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Damn tango, you been slanging rocks or something? Not that I don't have money in the bank, but weren't you broke not long ago? LOL


I'm just laughing with my brother about how our friends $50K ride is pretty much useless without returning it to stock, as it is so heavily modded that it requires so much shit done to get it legal it is ridiculous.


And is there any real losers when you play beer pong? Especially when you get to the point of typing like that Ayebee. haha

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Got it in last night I guess..it was just a few cats everyone is off at college and what not.

Momdukes is bringing me Famous Daves BBQ take out so I'm about to munch the fuck out.

After that I think I'll either get more beer for tonight, or maybe some Vics, or maybe a 8 mg Saboxin if my boy comes through with that out of his stash.

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