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^Yup. Scotch is something you would ruin by adding coke, but whiskey is really nothing special. The higher end stuff can be respected (though I'm not that into it), but to act like coke would ruin Makers Mark is like saying adding juice to Absolut ruins vodka.


Anyways, the lady and her friend are drinking margaritas made from my tequila in the dining area. I was lazy so I made a vodka and root beer. They acted like I was weird for that combo - I told them to clean my kitchen and go to the bedroom. They thought I was kidding...

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I bought a beer. I forget what now though...


Also, there was this dude trying to trade the liquor store a little keg of beer for a bottle of henny, but the liquor store wouldn't take it.


So i got dudes number, I'm trying to get ahold of my friend who has tons of taps.


Dude is willing to sell it to me for like 30 bucks, keg and all.

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Well I hit the club.

Was pretty fucked, but I had my face gnarled on by some asian breezy. Never again.

We pissed a shitload of people off in the taxi line, by just jumping in front of like 50 of them.

Got picked up by a couple of chicks anyway, totally fucken random. Found out a friend won some lacross nation title. He bought me a Yagerbomb. I think that pushed me a little over the edge. Or maybe it was the vdka after it. I dunno I feel seedy as....

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my nite started off alright.

drankin it up at home.

playing some guitar hero.

then i went to a lame ass artshow (as expected)

and cruised around the bars to find myself at taco cabana.

wasnt that great.

i only downed 6 beers total tonite.

im sure ill make up for it tomorrow.

as for now....

i have to look forward to work at 8 in the morning.



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bad trip today with teh alco...after a bbq my boy decides we should take his car and roll up into the hills and do some 4wheelin/doughnuts....so after we do some doughnuts this ranger rolls up on us...my boy drives off after the ranger said stop...we throw our road "sodas" out the car when we get outta site....then down the road another ranger blocks us in and we get pulled over....my boy cops to liter 1,000$ fine and the driver said he had two beers earlier in the day (NEVER ADMIT SHIT EVER ABOUT SHIT) I sit back with my mouth shut and the pigs cuff my homie DUI and ask me to take a breathalizer to see if I could drive....i blow a .00 perfect after 6 beers cuz im hefty as fuck....good thing they let me go without searching me...point of the story is I no longer endorse driving while drinking or driving drunk, its been a bad habit of mine for the last few years....anyway that is all be safe TEAM ALCO

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I justf goty a p[hone call, aprpwntlr yth ekid I punche dout cALLED up a cfew cousins who are lookin for me to shhoptt me..pohwell, wouldn't be the first to tey haha


Also, eithe rmy ex chnged he rnumber o r idtn pay her pohne bill..firts time I've tried to clal he rin ahwile, not esure

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