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ive been so drunk i cant even look at the computer...i had my girl order me a 1,300$ bike because i was to drunk to type and she ordered the wrong size....it worked out in the end thought...i just love it how ayebee is so far off when hes fucked up


it looks like this: iwwa s soo Fucjrked uPp an thwen gfight

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Get someone to chip in with you.

Or if you buy it, it will probably just sit on your shelf, for the occassional shot every now and again. It is an aquired taste, and don't give any to young girls as I mentioned earlier in this thread, unless vomiting is required.

I am not sure of the difference sorry, I have only had the green one.

But for getting fucked up, if you had 5 shots, I'd say you would be on your way. I'd say try an over-priced shot from the bar with your mates, then decide on whether to get one or not.

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Mauler i have a question for you. Is chartreuse anything worth buying? And what exactly is the difference between the green and the yellow kind? I never drank it before and I really want to try it, but want to know if it is something worth buying or getting someone to chip in with me. Thanks.



chartreuse is only used to induce vomiting in young girls and weakass dudes.

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I fucin feel like shut right now. My brother hasta get up early to catch a plane to RI tomorrow (yesm he's goin to RI while I'm down in Florida visitng him, makes maddddd sense) so he convicned me to play pong withh beer. This has served as a remidner of why I hate beer so fuckin muhc, my stomachs killin me

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bought 2 slabs last night

crownies and stella

beer bar tomorrow

mates getting engaged so we its a huge pissup with all the lads

plus free booze cos his uncle owns the place

free gulden draak here i come

Tango you aren't Victorian are you? We call them cartons over here! :lol::lol:

You know you are from a pisshead nation when you have all these different names for packaging/glass sizes all around the country.

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