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Your responses suggest that drinking or drug use has become a real problem for you and that your drinking or using is consistent with most definitions of alcoholism and drug addiction. Good for you for being so honest about your drug use or drinking. We know it's a cliche, but admitting your problem, even to yourself is the first and most vital step you can take to a better life. We strongly encourage you to consult with our admissions office to find out how you can work towards a better life free of drugs and alcohol. We will never pressure you to make a decision you are not comfortable with and if you need a referral we can help you find the best referral source for you. There are literally millions of people with who have taken charge of their lives by seeking help and are now able to live healthier, happier, and much more productively.


I win...

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My boydv rank a botte of wine tonight and kidna sorta tried to kill himself over his ex girl (shes had this poor fyuckin kid fucked up for the last 4 or 5 years). He broke a few window,s sliced his hands wide open, jumpe dout of a cra ogin like 30, and was rerpeeatedly tyrin to geta way from me and bashing his haadf

off the ground. i finally retsraied him, threw him int ehc ar, and toomk him to the ER


DSht was wild.


I hadfta be up for work in 3 hours...a3eomse.

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