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Nah man I fuckin get it in when I drink. I only drink once or twice a week usually but I like to just get smashed as fuck until like 5 a.m. I'll usually start with like 12 to 15 beers that are mine but by the end of the night I done ran out of them all and start getting them off all the people who are pussies or too fucked up. I guess I drink like that because ever since middle school whenever I drink I just go all night constantly chugging beer while playing cards and pong and shooting the shit with madd people and you don't even notice till your blackin out as the sun rises.

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first when i moved in we wernt together, then her boyfriend sucked , like i told her, and i said no more my space whores, so we got back together. she likes to play poker so sheis out twice aweek. i call last night shes not at the bar to play poker, shes at a diff bar "drinking a pitcher by herselves". i say come home. she wont or cant. she leves a voice mail wit a dood saying jessica in the back ground. so i said fuck it you make me want to get my third strike. so its back to 101. (we ant together but live together for the kid) back to my space hoes.

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Yea i've been on this pretty serious whiskey/bourbon kick as of late. I'm tired of druiinkign rum and shit like that all the time. I think tomorrow im going to try hitting up the ELijah Craig. Mauler you are the one who talked about drinking chartruese is that shit anygood?

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