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I garuntee i would black out act but I would still stay awake and be more active that all of you. I would wake up the next morning with yall sayin Dude 5th story catching outlines last night insane and I would just be like nigga wha?

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I just got a myspace add from some mom I met at one of my bar shows who is a beauty pagent winner she is 23...


I will quote her drunkness "You shouldnt even call me unless you want to get into a serious relationship with me."


Pretty much why I didnt call her...but she found me via myspaceweirdness and was like HEY YOU NEVER CALLED ME I'll be seeing you soon at a show! Damn having all my show dates online...


Well Team alco should I smash I have only gotten dome from a mom this girl is prolly kinda crazy what can I expect from the mom steezes?! She is prolly coming to my show thursday...awkward...








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