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Yeah, I was listening to them in the car on my ride home. They all sound the same, so it doesn't really matter what one I put on the mix I guess. I chucked a couple on there, they will randomly pop up.

Should I go to see them next Sunday though? I might have to go by myself, as none of my friends are really the gig going kind, they are more rap heads. They don't know how great it is to see talented people on stage while sinking brews. they would rather watch some talentless faggot walk around moving his non-mic holding arm over his head talking about his 'bitchez' and 'hoes' while some other hacks dance on the stage around him. I mean, I can do that (but for some reason I can't get away with it because the waist of my pants isn't around my knees/nor am I black) but never in my life will I be able to play guitar as good as the guys in Dragonforce.




PS. Yes I am drunk at present.

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It's more of a novelty band for me.


One thing you can't rely deny though is that dudes are fucking talented.


I bet they'd put on a good show though. I'd see em.


Might be able to fuck some cool metal chicks too.

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They are talented, I'll give them that, but after searching the net for some info on them, I find they apparently transcend the typical 'shred head genre' of fans, and are liked by scenesters and the like. I am not sure I could handle a concert (no matter how entertaining) with people I feel like smacking upside the head. The one person I wanted to take can't make it, I migth have to wait til my other mate gets back from watching NIN over east this week and see if he wants to go with me.


Fuck havign mates who listen to music that you don't.

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Good times.. Lots of the alcohols...


Teh nudez..


And I have some girls number.. Don't remember acquiring the number though...


Team Alco...


Oh yeah.. All in the honor of Big Maul's birfday...

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Well damn, I have a shitload of beer left. Due to winter everyone decided to hit the spirits.

I don't think I will be able to just quit. Maybe just moderate my intake a little.


Damn I was rambling this morning, the above post barely makes sense. I guess the bottle of Woodford did me in.

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my doctor told me to stop drinking today

apparently my liver is in pretty bad shape

asome drugs i was prescribed last year caused some pretty serious damage to my liver

they took blood tests and my liver is just above functioning capacity

so im on the list for a new liver

i cant believe it

my doctor at the time didnt tell me this shit would happen

i would usually have a drink about now

i dont know what the fuck im going to do

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Yeah fat ralphy you can be in. You ahve made me laugh on more than one occassion.

Just go to the myspace and send a request.

And I decided not to quit drinking, that would be stupid. I just have to quit getting crazy drunk when I am in certain peoples company.

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Page 3...unacceptable. BUMP!!!








p.s. the live-in girlfriend is "concerned about the frequency and amount of alcohol consumed" by me. "it's causing conflict".

:lol: Time for a little "spring-cleaning" on the no bill payin always gotta complaint girlfriend.

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You drank two 40s while driving?


actually it was two 24oz tallboys while driving to the bar/club then drink at the club then a 24oz for the drive home...cops followed me and i pulled some cutty moves


the most ive consumed while operating a motor vehicle was three and a half forties...then i started running red lights for fun....im an idiot and an alcoholic

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dude i need to get put down for team alco......i drank 2 forties while driving tonight then drank more at the bar...and pulled a cutty move to ditch a cop following me..now im drunk on 12oz...what more can you ask for


actually it was two 24oz tallboys while driving to the bar/club then drink at the club then a 24oz for the drive home...cops followed me and i pulled some cutty moves


the most ive consumed while operating a motor vehicle was three and a half forties...then i started running red lights for fun....im an idiot and an alcoholic


As member of Team Alco and all around awesome person I would like to put into effect a code of ethics...


First rule in this code is:



Any talk of this sort of reckless act should be barred from Team Alco'nauts. Putting your own life at risk is cool but the possible death of other innocents because of these actions is not...










I will wait for approval from other Alco'nauts...



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