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you ever just want to cum on my girlfriends face?


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Re: you ever just want to punch your girlfriend in the face?


^^That is still abusive.



If punching a wall is abusive then my girl gets beat at least a few times a week


I grabbed an ex by the throat once, don't regret it...that bitch was the devil

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Re: you ever just want to punch your girlfriend in the face?


If punching a wall is abusive then my girl gets beat at least a few times a week


I grabbed an ex by the throat once, don't regret it...that bitch was the devil


Im with you ayebee. Back as a malcontent teen my ex kicked me in the nuts for telling her to take it easy on drinking for the night because she always ended up being "that one drunk girl" so I grabbed her throat and threw her against a wall. I felt so shitty for the next couple of weeks but now that I look back at it some shit just has to be done. Any girl that tries to attack a dude that violently should be struck down.

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Re: you ever just want to punch your girlfriend in the face?


I got hit by my ex-once when I was in highschool. We were fighting I went up to the door to appologize she started screaming at my and pounding me in the chest...so I grabber her threw her on to the couch started kissing her and then the most amazing hate sex ensued...


Bitches liked to be fuck up...

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Re: you ever just want to punch your girlfriend in the face?


See, beating up on a lady is kinda like hitting a retarded kid. Actually, it's worse. The retarded kid might get mad and hit back. We all know how strong the mongoloids are. When you beat up on a girl, it's like the weakest shit. You know she's never going to be able to hurt you, even if she tries to place a blow to the junk. She's probably going to miss in her anger, fear and urge to hit you as hard as she possibly can. There's absolutely no sport in it. I could understand hitting the girlfriend if one were actually mentally retarded, because then it might make for a fair fight. I guess that would suggest that anyone who beats up on their lady must be retarded.

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Re: you ever just want to punch your girlfriend in the face?


Thats a good point except in some places where I live dudes ladies are Tongin or Somoan in that case "stick and move"


And that example I put posted last was a drunken reflex. I also was a lot more prone to violence back then. Now if I argue with my girl I chill and mellow out and just walk away from the conversation. It really seems to get them more pissed off.

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Re: you ever just want to punch your girlfriend in the face?


I could understand hitting the girlfriend if one were actually mentally retarded, because then it might make for a fair fight..



ZeroCool you gotta get back with that retarded chic hal just gave you permission to beat on her!


I could never hit a retarded kid...Even if they were killing me or mauling me to death. I would feel too bad. I mean you get up after it and even if your missing an arm your friends are all standing there around his body you bleeding and armless. "dude you just beat up a retarded kid." "DUDE HE BIT MY FUCKING ARMS OFF WHAT DID YOU WANT ME TO DO!?"

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Re: you ever just want to punch your girlfriend in the face?


when I was 18, I was dating this psycho chick. one evening we were having a heated argument, and she threw an ashtray across the room at me. it hit me in the head and split my shit open. I chokeslammed that bitch so hard I thought I broke something in her neck. I didn't feel bad about it then, and I don't feel bad about it now. you hit me with an ashtray and I require stitches, you're going to have some repercussions, man or woman.

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Re: you ever just want to punch your girlfriend in the face?


I remember seeing on tv once, this dude who was stalked by an ex for like a year, she was screaming at him, assaulting him, slashing his tyres, etc, so then he smacks her to make her stop, and gets sent off to jail.


woman are always campaigning and shit to be equal to men, but when we treat them equal it's illegal.


what the fuck!?

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Re: you ever just want to punch your girlfriend in the face?


have you ever been sleep deprived by a crazy drunk girl who won't do anyhting except abuse you and slap you for hours to the point where you can't even think straight.. and then she spits in your face



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Re: you ever just want to punch your girlfriend in the face?


i saw an awesome fight last year . i was drinking on a pub balcony above a town square and this guy + his girlfriend fighting team were on a violent rampage. they were both just slowly moving across the square systematically punching everyone. from memory the dude was just bashing guys, and his girl was punching chicks and dudes


oh and they werent a middle aged bikie couple, they were youth, out on the town, she was like 20 and wearing a dress

{not really on point}

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Re: you ever just want to punch your girlfriend in the face?


Yeah this thread is mad weak. Guys that hit girls are pussies... end of story. Some girls are crazy, that doesn't make it ok to hit them. How could you go through life living like a pussy that hits women?


Dhabz maybe you were housetrained better than most but the consensus is if a girl or really feminine guy violently attacked you you have the right to end it and if a quick slap to the face wont put them down then by all means a chokeslam will.


And you cant really judge because everyones got a different situation. Like I stated before some dudes have crazy girls or girls that are bigger than them so it might be ok to defend yourself and then maybe end the relationship over a phone.


I watched a dude sit and get stabbed by a girl numerous times because he didnt feel like retaliating. I'm sorry I'm not that guy. Being stabbed isn't something I consider a good way of peaceful protest.


But to the main point of this thread I dont think you should hit a girl for being annoying or arguing with you. Just ignore them. I'll make them more pissed off.

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Re: you ever just want to punch your girlfriend in the face?


ZeroCool, you are right... there's always just "walk away".... or if she's in your house and she wants to continue being stupid, you could always just kick her ass out the front door and lock it... call the police if you have to. I still think that hitting a girl is wrong... if she hit's you and the police get involved and you haven't done anything back to her, guess who's going to jail? Not the man.

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Re: you ever just want to punch your girlfriend in the face?


It's whatever, I have my beliefs and that's that I don't hit a woman no matter the reason. And if a woman wants to get sassy, she can pay the price... I'm not going to go to jail over hitting a woman, nor am I going to feel guilty or like a pussy for hitting a woman.


Not to mention hitting anyone on purpose is wrong, let alone a woman...

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