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Yo Seeking.

King Of Hell

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Could you imagine having a fucking tattoo on your neck? Disgusting. I saw this guy once who had some asian text across the front of his neck... scared the bejezzus out me.


Can someone clear this up for me once and for all...


Spider web on the elbow - what the fuck does it mean? Did it have a criminal connotation to begin with and now it's just retro-hipster crap?

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Could you imagine having a fucking tattoo on your neck? Disgusting. I saw this guy once who had some asian text across the front of his neck... scared the bejezzus out me.


Can someone clear this up for me once and for all...


Spider web on the elbow - what the fuck does it mean? Did it have a criminal connotation to begin with and now it's just retro-hipster crap?


I bet that neck tattoo wasn't as scarey as the music this one guy I know listens to. Vaccum cleaner solos and fifteen mintues of a dude counting change, then someone feeds a cat, some cars driving by, then finally a combination of crickets at night and a clogged garbage disposal. ;)


Spiderwebbs. Killed someone I believe, although, you can disregaurd that for just a bout anyone nowadays.

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Dude... seriously, that is the best description I've ever heard of the music I listen to. Honestly.


Okay, spiderweb on the elbow... with a spider or spiders used to mean a motherfucker killed someone. That's what I thought. So now when I see some rockabilly dork with a spiderweb on each elbow and spiders (yes, plural) in each web (I'm talking about one person in particular)... I have every right to laugh my ass off, correct?


Do tattoo artist know the history of such things? I assume they would. And would assume they wouldn't give idiots such tattoos because, well, it would be idiotic. Maybe money is money.

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Just to add my two cents, even though it's already been clarified. As far as I know the spider web is just to signify being locked up. Spiders= addict. Tear drops = killing people...


I'm sure people just make whatever excuse up they want to now a days though...


"Oh yeah this shit signifies my favorite book... Charlotte's Web."

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spider webs with spiders in them are supposed to mean you're an addict.

but these are criminals we're talking about...they're not always the sharpest knives in the stab-you-till-you-die drawer.


Not exactly the sharpest shivs hidden in the rusted frame of your cot/or your orifice when the warden is making cell room checks.

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I am a racist ex-junkie who spent years in prison.

And I am totally extreme to the max and love getting sick tats, bro.

I should totally get some spiderwebs on my face.

And neck area.

That would be totally sweet.


Pizza has been disappointing me the last two days.

Last night's frozen sucked big shit.

Tonight, we ate for free at a fancy pizza joint.

I was stoned and not thinking of what my perfect pizza should be.

And went for some stuffed deep dish bullshit.

It turned out to be not that great.

And now I have 11lb of leftover pizza that is mediocre at best.

The rest of the experience was nice though.

Free meals are my favorite hobby.

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