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thanks for reminding me tango.


dear roommate's cats,


what the fuck is wrong with you? i've never seen a living creature shit, piss, and puke so much. my futon looks like a crime scene, and your owner never cleans up after you. i have to throw out a winter coat, because you covered it in vomit while using it as a bed. also, why is it that you have to shit every ten minutes? your piss fucking stinks, and for some reason, you feel the urge to drop gallons of it at a time? i don't understand what is wrong with you. i like you, you're really cute and nice to me, but what the fuck is up? thank god i'm moving out.


your friend,


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dear job,


thanks for being a gig that is cool enough to give me a paid holiday on monday, and a half day (full pay) today. but no thanks for being in a lull, and driving me to be so bored that i spend my whole half day on 12oz. wait, i'm getting paid to be on here right now --thank you once again. you ain't so bad after all.


take it easy,

earl broclo esquire

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Dear work,


thank you for single handedly ruining my day once again. I fucking hate you, and I hope you burn to the motherfucking ground.


yours in spite,

the supervisor


Dear Manager,


thank you once again for having me work 8 hours with no break or lunch. This seems to be a regular occurance lately when I work with you. I really don't enjoy starving while having to deal with multiple bullshit situations going on all at once.


hate you forever,


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dear fathead,


my roommate is always telling people how small his dick is. i've always thought it was some kind of reverse psychology game, to try and get the ladies curiousity level to the point of "must find out." but, after talking to some of the ladies who have had it in their mouths, it really isn't all that big after all. so he came home from the store, and i said "you've got to see this shit." i showed him the photo of tater dick, and his reply was "holyshit, that dude makes me look like john holmes."


you gave him some renewed confidence.


good job,

earl "sexual frankenstein" broclo

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dear caligula,


beat your neighbor's head with a brick (he deserves it), and put him in a deep coma or grave. then testify as a witness against his wife. "well, i could hear him beating her for a while now, but i never thought she'd go this far." while he's in a coma/dead, and she's in lock up awaiting trial, you'll have full access to their outlet(s). in fact, you could probably pop their AC out of their window, install it in one of your windows, and turn your place into a winter wonderland. hell, get a few power strips, and couple more extension cords, power all your electronics on them, and watch your electric bill drop like a hooker in a dive bar.


your's truely,




dear earl,


your plan doesnt seem too moral....but "drop like a hooker in a dive bar" line made me lol.


still trying to stay cool,


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dear caligula,

don't fall for it, his AC will mysteriously breakdown for no reason and he will trick you into taking your clothes off to keep cool.....in his bed.

concerned citizen against teh ghey aktibitiez




Dear Torq,


i would never fall for that!




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Dear Marc Ecko,

i hate to be the bearer of bad news, but your graffiti game turned out to be a joke among the "graff culture". im sure this is a shock, we all thought it would do very very well and be ultimatly respected, but alas we were all wrong. please do better market research before you release your next game to avoid being indefinatly mocked. or, just dont make any more games. or clothes. or shoes.



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