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what are you on


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seroquel is some fucked up shit. Made me sleep for 32 hours straight


i cant trust myself with pharmies. I used to get sticks and klonopins. I would

eat the entire scrip in days. 90 1mg footballs of friday and wake up on tuesday

either in jail, the hospital, or at home with none left.

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not on anything. i was on klonopin for a couple months for panic attacks, about a year ago. and on prozac for about two months. didn't notice a difference with the prozac. hate the idea of medication so now i've learned cognitively how to suppress any anxiety naturally.


i take a multivitamin every morning but i don't think that counts

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what are you PRESCRIBED legally is the focus of this thread.


some psychiatrists are some sheisty motherfuckers. my dad moved into a house where a psychiatrist couple lived prior, they left behind a lot of stuff, and they were prescribing themselves all types of medications for getting high with. he also found rubber dildos and pornos in the clothes/boxes they left behind. and they're supposed to be the mentally stable ones that went through years of college and shit.

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