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cell phones will be used against you


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heads up to all thoughs with cell phones.


erase emails containing painting details "hey lets paint .....spot next friday"

a homie got caught and they had all his painting details for the month where he met, who he met, when etc


erase recently called numbers or recieved calls before going into action.

while painting cops come and catch your friend but not you. homie with the cell phone will automatically get you busted. a recent call from your cell, or a recent email detailing your plans could serve as evidence


turn off your cell phone before entering the place or area of painting.

gps from your company knows where you are always. if you run, get away, catch your friend, he doesnt rat but cops suspect you from your friends last phone call recieved. they could run your phone record to see where you were at that time. this actually saved me from getting busted because i was at home when my friends got caught they ran my phone record and the gps wasnt even in the area of the yard.


during a night on the town throw away all reciepts.

my homie got caught claimed he was alone, they checked his wallet, found the reciepts for that night, got the dvds from the store cameras and got all 3 of them in a store near the yard.


this stuff seems common sense but it isnt to everyone. make a habit of clearing the cell phone. that is all.

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When purchasing paint, be sure to conceal your face with a ski mask, and attach a voice scrambler to an embedded microphone taped close to your mouth. This will make them think that you are somebody else. Then simply explain profusely to the cashier that you do not intend to do any criminal damage to property with the supplies that you are purchasing. This will cause them to think you are buying paint for legal purposes. BELIEVE me, it works.

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take the advice and move on.


all im doing is passing on information. my friends paint clean trains atleast 3 times a week. during the last session they were chased and got away. their car however was stupidly parked in the area and by running the number got my friends name. then questioned him. they had nothing. no proof besides his car being in the area.


but his cell phone is what told a different story to what he was saying. they luckily only got busted for that nights work and not past trains. $10,000 fine for each of them. they no longer paint. end of story.

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this happened in japan. the police here are not very quick witted at all but they do have alot of time on their hands and will investigate the tiniest things. most criminals that commit crimes often turn themselves in the next day out of guilt. so their investigation techniques are quite dated compared to western countries but still this was pretty slick to me.


i don't know too much about mobile phone technology and just how much information can legally be extracted from a presumably innocent person's record but any email on the phone at the time of being caught/questioned can be used as proof. the major difference that japan plays here is that anything the police request they get. if they want a search warrant they get it. proof or no proof. can western police do this, i presume so. will they do this probably not, they are usually too lazy and have better things to do. but if they did....


my friends ran from the scene and were unable to retreive their car. the plates were ran and my boy's address came up. meanwhile my friends took a cab home. once they got home they had to go into the station to get their car out of impound and to be questioned. obviously rule #1 dont park your car near the spot. this seems common sense so i dont think i have to mention this but this was their third yard that night and they were pressed for time. :shakehead:


once they got to the station my boy denied everything claiming he went out that night alone but someone stole his car later that night.:rolleyes: but he brought his cell phone and his wallet with him. they then took his phone and his wallet. inside the wallet were reciepts from that night. they took his emails and downloaded them onto a spread sheet. my emails to him were translated into japanese. all calls outgoing and incoming were noted. i was the last person to talk to him before he went out. luckily i wrote in code saying yeah sorry i can't make it tonight to meet thoughs ladies have fun.


they temporarily let him go because he denied everything but they still knew it was him because of his very lame story but they still had to prove he did it and with whom he painted with. so they went to the places on his receipts. one in particular was a 7-11 down the street. there they received a dvd copy of the nights recordings and even got digital sound. all 3 of them were on film, talking about painting. again dumb.


so next they ran my number and got my name. from there they accessed my gps from the phone company. my phone call that i made and email was sent from my house which is in a completly different area than where the trains were hit. so i was cleared. his phone gps was accessed and it was shown that he was in the yard at exactly such and such time. also all the previous yards that he was in were also matched up even though no one even knew they were there.


so after coming up with a car that was parked in the area, with a few cans inside, a lame story, reciepts/dvd disproving he was alone and that he was in the area of the yard, and finally his pin pointed gps proving that he was in the yards they locked him up for a few months and then gave him the choice of pleading guilty and having no criminal record but paying a $10,000 fine or pleading innocent and having the possibility of 3 years in jail plus a fine. he paid the fine. japanese courts have a 99% guilty verdict so there was no choice.


this case is long over, and he no longer paints. i know this is japan but if this information can somehow help others to escape getting bit then so be it.


i am not a paranoid delusional btw, but now when i discuss painting through email i use code, when i paint with friends we erase all calls and emails from that day and then turn off the phone before entering a yard. that way hopefully if one of us gets busted everyone doesnt have to go down. now how much will that help? who knows. are police tactics and attention spans different yes. so sorry if this is long winded and sounding a bit on the lame side but hopefully it will prevent a fellow writer from getting busted.

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All good advice, not so likley that police would go to this effort in many places, but I have heard lots of storys about phone records being used for location.

Also erasing recent calls and messages is a neccesity, although not full proof. SMS messages are stored in the providers database for 10 years, which means if you have had the same phone number for a while, or have phones registerd in your name it can be pretty red hot.


How did the police get this guy's email address?

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yes they do store all the emails but whats important is that the emails on your phone at the time of being caught don't contain any information that can be used as evidence.


the emails that im talking about is the text messages that only your mobile phone recieves. my friend while in lock up said that a large number of people there were caught for selling meth. again the thing that got them caught. the email. hey meet me at 5 in front of 7-11 i want 2 grams. if the dealer or the customer in that situation later gets caught, the transaction is recorded for the police to read. essentially what i'm talking about is dominos. in order to keep yourself safe keep a clean shop. i'm not even sure where the boundary of right to privacy comes into play here but lets imagine we have no privacy when caught by the police. if the police have nothing to read, they have no reason to try and aquire your emails.


fines in japan are usually the method preferred to locking people up. the fines for painting trains in japan can be calculated by the number of early morning passengers that the train company provides service to. those people are now late because that train was pulled out of service. but yes that is a huge fine to me. they take their trains seriously out here. and they have the right to. these are the finest trains in the world. all have spotless interior/exteriors, all are on time by the minute, and all have an almost perfect safety record.

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That's interesting. I don't think that could happen in America. Unless you're under arrest, you have the right to deny a search (But you don't have the right to deny a quick pat-down for weapons).


Japan has newer and better technology than the U.S. This is good to know, because it's like an early warning for us Americans. I will be more careful when the new phones come out, and I will stand on my head and sing "Old MacDonald" when the trains are safe, spotless, and on-time.

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Interesting. My phone has "GPS capability" but the manual that came with it made it sound like the technology to locate people in emergencies via cellphone didn't yet exist (at least here in north america) and was included for future use. The text message, etc info is good advice, however, and not entering people in your phone via what they write is a big one.

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yes i dont think gps can be used in emergency situation yet because every minute/second counts.


i believe the gps record works kind of like this.


7:30 pm owner recieves call from person A in area #302

9:45 pm owner moves from area #302 -303,-304,-305, to -306.

11:00 pm owner sends text message from area #306


just how pinpointed each area is unknown to me. but if it isnt too large and say its only a few square blocks. information like that could be used against your story if you said i wasn't even close to such and such spot. this takes a really anal retentive person to search through phone records in order to compare your story to your phone records. but in this situation the cops had plenty of time (2 months) from the time they let my friend go till the time they picked him up again. police here have atleast 2 months allowed for investigation before they can charge you for a crime. i dont know how long it is in america. they already had tons of evidence against my friend this was just the icing on the cake.


again, you dont have to stop using a cell phone, just remember its one piece of the puzzle that could be used against you. you still can run, not park close to the spot, not be stupid and not have a problem. its when you do other stupid stuff that just compounds the situation. if it ever came to a time that the police are stacking evidence against you this is where the phone comes into play. its just one piece added to the evidence stack. if you get away no one is going to search through everyones phone records. atleast not now in 2006.


i just remembered this. my friend wore a glove on his right hand but not his left. the police dusted the whole car and found his left hand fingerprints when he leaned against the train. they even knew where along the fence they had entered the yard. not because of cameras but because they had dusted the whole damn fence along the yard. before anyone had put on gloves. they obviously really wanted him pretty bad to go through all that trouble. i laughed when i thought of all the trouble these guys went through to bust my friends but $10,000 each wasn't a joke.

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i met people that had a pre paid (registered under a fake name)phone set on silent in a pocket with them while panneling. all the look out at the end of the station who had the vantage point had to do was send a text message of anything and the buzz in the pocket let's em know someone's coming and then if you need you can chuck it afterwards.

but reading serum's advcie makes me think maybe it aint such a good idea

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i met people that had a pre paid (registered under a fake name)phone set on silent in a pocket with them while panneling. all the look out at the end of the station who had the vantage point had to do was send a text message of anything and the buzz in the pocket let's em know someone's coming and then if you need you can chuck it afterwards.

but reading serum's advcie makes me think maybe it aint such a good idea


Your better off pranking, with caller ID turned off my man.

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no, thats a good way of using the phone. especially with a prepaid. here the phone is hooked up to your home address, along with another person as a cosignor in case you dont pay your bill, and is linked to your bank for taking out the monthly bill. as long as you dont get caught, the phone cant be used against you.


shit today i didnt even listen to my own advice and totally didnt turn off the phone. i was blabbing away to my girl with one hand and painting with the other arguing about when i was going to stop painting and get my ass home. soon real real soon :o


^total hypocrite-oner^

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  • 3 weeks later...

Shit, i got arrested last year, all i did was sayi that some guy i just met asked me to come with him, and help him. The cops laughed, but they didn't charge me for any of the damage, they didn't check my phone, emails or anything.

Then they found my receit for the paint(why i kept it? who know?) and i just told em i bought it for my the guy i just met. They beleived me and i got off without doing any community service.

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  • 1 month later...

Guys, I got arrested,... I'm 13, and we bombed more than 20 pieces, and 100 tags that night... Me and my friend snuck out at 11.00 and were JUST heading home, doen tagging and everything, and the cops came. There was a building next to us, and I told my friend to act cool... But NO! HE HAD TO RUN AROUND THE LITTLE 20FT BUILDING! "POPO! BOOK IT!" he yelled. I slapped myself. But then it was 4.30 in the morning, and we got busted, and his brother ratted on us because "The cop started yelling at him". I told him not to come, and he said no matter what, He wouldnt rat us out. Fucking 13 and arrested. I wrote COLD3... I changed to SinSTwo, then I now write Spoke One.... as obvious, I am in RAC. But damn, I never knew those cop cars were so tight, I layed down instead of sitting.

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yo in order to charge you they need to observe you actually doing shit. Just because they think they know who you are dont mean shit. In order to really fuck you they need to be able to prove in court that you did some shit... this means the police saw you painting or caught you with paint on your hands a block from a still wet painted wall. That being said... once they got you for 1 they got you for all of them

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