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On My Shit List


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Rummy's Big Shit List Fall 2006

(more concepts and actions than KOH's people to die list)




People who ignnore trafic rules

- this includes, but is not limited to taxi drivers, people on bikes,

pedestrains, soccer moms and cops. Please dont fuck with the rules.

Illegal U-Turns can kill people, and yourself, so dont be an asshole, asshole!

And people on bikes, the stop signs apply to you to, and so do RED LIGHTS!


People who Fight Old Age to Excess

- I understand this world is all about youth, but please stop kidding yoruself!

Women over 50 with bleached blond hair, fake tans and plastic faces dont

look young... they scare the children! If you look like the woman (or the man)

from Dog The Bounty Hunter, you need to step back from the hairspray.


People who wear hoods up when it's not raining

- what the fuck are you hiding from? Spy satelites?


People who try to sell you junk

- I buy a lot of used records and I cant stand it when someone will place

and add on craigslist and not say what kind of records they have. I sent

an email to one person asking what kind/how many records they were

selling at their garage sale, to see if it was worth even going, and the

answer I got was "oh there's lots, come and see". There were 30 classical records.

There's probably way more junk sellers online, but I try not to buy too much crap.


Drunks who ask for money while drunk

- dude, get up off the street, whipe the shit off your face, and then maybe

I'll give you a dollar, but now that I've seen that you spend your money on

cheap cherry/crack/anything to fuck you up and you sit behind the library

where all the kids can see you..... not a fucking chance. no sympathy.


That big centipede in my bathroom this morning

- You make it really hard to relax and take a shit when I know there's probably

more inch long bugs running around in the floorboards. Bugs outside are fine,

but come inside and you get squished.


My Umbrella

- where the fuck did you go? I've lost so many umbrellas it's astounding.




meh..... this is rumpuncher, 4 days sober, before coffee.

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People who ignnore trafic rules

- this includes, but is not limited to taxi drivers, people on bikes,

pedestrains, soccer moms and cops. Please dont fuck with the rules.

Illegal U-Turns can kill people, and yourself, so dont be an asshole, asshole!

And people on bikes, the stop signs apply to you to, and so do RED LIGHTS!


I'm sayin'.


You should definitely ammend 'The asshole that never uses his turn signal' to this section. I swear to god nothing bothers me more.

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Guest R@ndomH3ro

Sneak's Shit List



People who drive like they are retarded


Come on people, dont act like this is your first day driving. Check you blindspots, USE YOUR DAMN TURN SIGNAL!! If your piece of shit breaks down or you get in a minor accident, lug your shit off the road and dont block the way.


People that feel the need to cheer you up


If I wanted the attention I would be emo or something, but when someone tells you they are in a shitty mood and dont want to be bothered, dont feel like its your obligation to stay around and try to make them smile.


Bosses who think its a great idea to incovince others


Just cause you live down the street, doesnt mean everyone else does. So dont give me shit for being late when I have to fight traffice while you just ride your gay ass bike.

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people who do not tip...its 3:30 am, you live inte ghetto and I just drove 10 minutes to bring food to you at this ungodly hour...give me a fucking tip...and remember I have your name, phone number, and I know where you live.


Drunken yuppies that think just because they make more money than me, wear name brand clothes and know how to work hair gel they are automatically higher up on the social ladder than me. Sorry dickhead, your not, just because your such a prick I am going to use that as a reason to act like I am better than you, you snooty fucking cockwad.


cabbies, anyone thats ever been behind one late at night while the bars are letting out will understand why.


the fact that my faucet is broken and I can not use hot water or my dishwasher until I get enough money for a new faucet so the only thing I can do is let my dishes soak in soapy COLD water until I get this shit fixed....along with this I am laso pissed about the fact that my toilet it also broken.


johnny hip hop that we just hired at work, I swear this kid personafies about 90% of 12oz. Its a kid I see out at bars and clubs occaisionally trying to so hard to be hip hop. I was outside smoking a ciggarette and out comes this fucking cracker and the first thing he yells to some random stranger is "YO SON!! I JUST GOTS ME A J-O-B!!!"...seriously this kid is trying to be something, and when you got to try to be something that means your not it...go fucking mix draino and hennesey and see how much you can drink.


fuck buddies trying to become wifey status and telling me what I need to do with my life. I like the way I live my life, its fun and I have no responsibility to anything other than myself. Plus bitch you need to know your role. you are nothing more than the girl I fuck everyonce in a while because I have nothing better to do with my time.


jews...nuff said


thats all for now, I am sure there will be more I will add on after I get pissed about something esle

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people who do not tip...its 3:30 am, you live inte ghetto and I just drove 10 minutes to bring food to you at this ungodly hour...give me a fucking tip...and remember I have your name, phone number, and I know where you live.


Drunken yuppies that think just because they make more money than me, wear name brand clothes and know how to work hair gel they are automatically higher up on the social ladder than me. Sorry dickhead, your not, just because your such a prick I am going to use that as a reason to act like I am better than you, you snooty fucking cockwad.


cabbies, anyone thats ever been behind one late at night while the bars are letting out will understand why.


the fact that my faucet is broken and I can not use hot water or my dishwasher until I get enough money for a new faucet so the only thing I can do is let my dishes soak in soapy COLD water until I get this shit fixed....along with this I am laso pissed about the fact that my toilet it also broken.


johnny hip hop that we just hired at work, I swear this kid personafies about 90% of 12oz. Its a kid I see out at bars and clubs occaisionally trying to so hard to be hip hop. I was outside smoking a ciggarette and out comes this fucking cracker and the first thing he yells to some random stranger is "YO SON!! I JUST GOTS ME A J-O-B!!!"...seriously this kid is trying to be something, and when you got to try to be something that means your not it...go fucking mix draino and hennesey and see how much you can drink.


fuck buddies trying to become wifey status and telling me what I need to do with my life. I like the way I live my life, its fun and I have no responsibility to anything other than myself. Plus bitch you need to know your role. you are nothing more than the girl I fuck everyonce in a while because I have nothing better to do with my time.


jews...nuff said


thats all for now, I am sure there will be more I will add on after I get pissed about something esle



people like you are somewhere in my 10 page long shitlist.

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Drunken yuppies that think just because they make more money than me, wear name brand clothes and know how to work hair gel they are automatically higher up on the social ladder than me. Sorry dickhead, your not, just because your such a prick I am going to use that as a reason to act like I am better than you, you snooty fucking cockwad.




"You guys have it real easy. I never had it like this where I grew up. But I send my kids here because the fact is you go to one of the best schools in the country: Rushmore. Now, for some of you it doesn't matter. You were born rich and your going to stay rich. But here's my advice to the rest of you: Take dead aim on the rich boys. Get them in the crosshairs and take them down. Just remember, they can buy anything but they can't buy backbone. Don't let them forget it. Thank you."

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more random shitlist....



- how come show can be so nice out in the country, or on the mountains but ti's so shity in the city?

Same with rain. A rainy day in a cabin in the woods is kind of relaxing. Toxic puddles of shit water

all around the city are far from soothing. Who come somethign so nice in the country can be so shity in the city?



- I was walkign up my street with this couple, and a walk that takes me about 2 minutes took us 20!

It was seriously like we'd pass one house every 20 seconds. I just can't doddle like that. get a move on!

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dude..... stingrays are great.


I went scuba diving at a place called 'stingray city' in Grand Cayman where you swim with and feed dozens of them.


Their stinger only works as a reflex, so they can't actually attack with it. It's strickly a reactive sting.


just saying.....

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My Shitlist


People who sit next to me on the bus/subway even though there are other empty seats

What is wrong with these fucks? they are sociopaths. Doing that is breaking one of the unwritten social codes....get the fuck away from me with your B.O.


The bookstore at my school

lineups around campus. 2 hour waits for textbooks I need this week. Fuck that. I pay too much for this. Where is the service??



Cunts who sit and yap on aim/msn during lectures

its cool that mommy and daddy are paying for your school and all but mine arent so get the fuck outta here with that distracting shit.


When the losers I live with use the last of the milk and there is none left for my coffee

This is truly evil and makes me cry. Also when all the cups are dirty. just do your fucking dishes.


People who mince words when giving me bad news.

out with it motherfucker. just say what you gotta say and stop fluffing me for some bad news that I probably wont give a fuck about anyway.


People who grab my arm and yank on me to look at my tattoos

asking is all good but just dont fucking touch me. Same thing goes for people who Ive met once who want to hug me..no. I dont know you. hugs are reserved for those who are not mere aquaintances.



thats it for now...

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