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EYS-Express Your Self


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Count me in.


First, do we actually have to go out and "bomb"? My cerfew is at like 10pm, so we would either have to do it before that or maybe like you can help me sneak out of my window or something.


Second, could we do a sick burner graff piece in all of our rooms. Cause like my mom said it was cool.


Third, I write Trane. I know that there was a guy in the video game but like my styles are way sicker and I've been writing Trane for like hecka long like 3 months before I even heard of the game.


Also, I breakdanze and emcee and I dj too. And I think that everyone else in the crew should be down the the hip hop and the 4 elements because you have to know your history.


PS seen is a tight name. It's like "Oh I seen that" good name rush...


TR4N3 0N3 3Y5

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