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i kind of went through a divorce. we werent married but we bought 80% of our homes contents together (<not a good idea) so when it came time for her to move out it felt a lot like a divorce. she even took my fucking can opener.


*note- new boogie hands rule of divorce/break-ups...if you are the one moving out all of the random shit (corkscrews, iron, etc) stays and the moving party gets either two pieces of wall art or one extra piece of furniture not to exceed $200 in value.

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if i remember correctly it was an irish bird, no?


*this is an offical 'too long on 12 oz post'




and as an aside, divorces take damn long to go through. my parents had to do a few years of separation plus court time to make their shit offical.


and to add even more, when i had my serious break up thing, we had agreed beforehand to this in regard to the big ticket items: if you buy it its yours. we didn't go halves on things like the sofa, shelving and shit

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she was french, but we lived in dublin, so you're close.


i had the luxury of being in the position of living in a fully furnished apartment during my marriage, so there was nothing to split.


the court date is set, and it's a dual application, so it should fly through without a hitch.

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anybody ever ended an unhealthy relationship.


Been taken advantage of for years and ended the shit only to

feel a good deal of pain?


Find out she is in another relationship and wish you had her back

even though she is now someone elses problem?

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I plan on doing the Irish bachelor thing until I'm 45 and rich' date=' then score some sweet 22 yr old with a water tight pre-nup[/quote']


awesome. i figure if i'm not married with children and rich by the age of 50, then i'm killing myself. funny thing is, i have no intention on having kids. shit.

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