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Not getting caught?


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^^right, its really just having the balls... ussually the people what get fucked cuz of graff either have balls or are stupid... just go to a spot and do your shit till the cops come... thats my idea.... do your shit till you hear or see cops... simple

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yoooo sonz, graff is all abowt teh ballz! you need to find really good writerz because they will always help you, just let them know you've never painted before. also, get a clown suit and face make up and bomb as a clown, this can have three effects, all of which help you

1.) reverse sycologee. people will be too confused to think that a clown would do n e thing wrong.

2.) they could have seen the movie 'it' and will be shit scared of you.

3.) you could pretend to actually be a clown and entertain them.


i think someone on this forum once said 'i hate my parents. my passion for graff is all i have.' that's the type of attitude that would make me respect you as a l33t 8o|\/|83r.


actually, i think the best advice has already been given: hang your stirrups up before this mule hoof fucks you in the mouth.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The best way to not get caught is to use irrational superstition. Only paint when the spirit moves you, and if something isn't shaking right (The cans in your backpack perhaps) it probably means that the cops are in on it. Don't wait for the cops to show up; run away at the instant the thought of donuts and bacon enters your mindspace.

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  • 4 weeks later...

dont ask for advice writers are normaly dicks, (obviously), you got figure shit out on your own,, you should anticipate it taking alot of years to get decent, then thats when the fun starts, if you count running, geting hurt and locked up fun, then you might do alright,, in general write by your self and rember that just cus you have a common intrest in something doesnt make a stranger your freind.. besides if your doing your thing corect on your own its likely some one will extend there knowlege to you, to further your graff,, but still.. dont trust em!! haha..:o :o

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I write in a small town too, Charlotetown PEI.


The best advice I have, fellow small-towner, is this:


In daylight, only use markers and stickers in fairly hidden spots... behind abandoned buildings, roads no-one drives on, schools (during summer vacation).... You can use paint in daylight in extremely safe spots, but be careful.


Most in-the-open stuff should be done at around 2am. Try to come up with a simple disguise, since in small towns people know everyone. I wear an orange hat, nerd glasses with no lenses, and a red and white hankerchief. The key is to hide your hair, forehead, eyebrows, nose and mouth. Just keep your eyes and cheeks visisble, and you're good.


The main thing is to make sure no-one knows you're interested in graf at all. The only people who should know are other writers who you know you can trust.


Also, learn to be silent and sneaky. Even though I'm in a small town, I've still painting on rooftops and in alleys in broad daylight.


Keep yourself up, and spray it safe.

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yoooo sonz, graff is all abowt teh ballz! you need to find really good writerz because they will always help you, just let them know you've never painted before. also, get a clown suit and face make up and bomb as a clown, this can have three effects, all of which help you

1.) reverse sycologee. people will be too confused to think that a clown would do n e thing wrong.

2.) they could have seen the movie 'it' and will be shit scared of you.

3.) you could pretend to actually be a clown and entertain them.


i think someone on this forum once said 'i hate my parents. my passion for graff is all i have.' that's the type of attitude that would make me respect you as a l33t 8o|\/|83r.


actually, i think the best advice has already been given: hang your stirrups up before this mule hoof fucks you in the mouth.


HAHAHAHAHHAHA I find it hilarious that you spell "the" like "teh", and bomber like 8o|\/|83r.


DUDE are you a fucking keyboard warrior or what :) , or maybe your just pro and pwn n00bs alot.


There is no point tagging in a small town. It only makes it more obvious that there is one person doing it, and thus you will be caught o' so much quicker. Go bigger is my advice. As in bigger cities.

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Just be sensible and dont let onto anyone AT ALL that you write. Try not to just hammer the same routes or areas. Jump on a train or get a mate to drive you to somewhere a little bit more built up then get a few hits up there.

The most important thing is to keep your house completely clean of flicks, sketches whether on your computer or not. Even after you have deleted a file off your PC it will still be there.

Goodluck mate.

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uhhhhh, if you dont want to get caught? honestly bring a fat kid bombing, that way when the cops DO chase you he will be slow and get caught instead of you, but make sure he keeps his fucking mouth shut, or you kick the shit out of tubby. BEST ADVICE ON NOT GETTING CAUGHT IVE EVER BEEN GIVEN. everything else i figured out on my own. like i shove my cans in a article of clothing in my backpack to make them quieter and bring gloves to keep paint off of your hands, and roll up your sleeves, and get the fat kid to keep a look out for you. but honestly i dont care if you get caught or not, thats your problem not mine.

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Guest qwerty

Oh man, the fat kid advice is the BEST advice you will get. Some more advice is, dont ask for advice on the 12 home dood, cause your gonna get advice from toys and dickheads, hence filling you up with 99.9% bullshit.

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