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I heard on the TODAY show...


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Smoking might possibly be the most retarded shit out. If you have to smoke, smoke weed.


I don't do drugs, I don't smoke ciggeretes. I drink a tad.


I understand people aren't like that, but fuck, do a drug, it gets you high. Cigs are pointless, smelly, lame ass stupid ass shit.


Go do some coke or something. I love you all too much to see you get cancer.



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Smoking might possibly be the most retarded shit out. If you have to smoke, smoke weed.


I don't do drugs, I don't smoke ciggeretes. I drink a tad.


I understand people aren't like that, but fuck, do a drug, it gets you high. Cigs are pointless, smelly, lame ass stupid ass shit.


Go do some coke or something. I love you all too much to see you get cancer.




You only say that because you've never been addicted to cigarettes before.


It's been about a month and a half since I smoked my last one, and I still crave them just as much as I did the first day without them. It's worth it, though, because I feel great physically.

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Smoking might possibly be the most retarded shit out. If you have to smoke, smoke weed.


I don't do drugs, I don't smoke ciggeretes. I drink a tad.


I understand people aren't like that, but fuck, do a drug, it gets you high. Cigs are pointless, smelly, lame ass stupid ass shit.


Go do some coke or something. I love you all too much to see you get cancer.





agreed...fuck ciggaretts...never smoked them shits never will...NIGGUH!

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hahaha have fun exploding.


ma got me addicted in the womb

her obsterician was like "you don't have to quit, just cut back to ten"

i only found that out a few weeks ago, she was ashamed to admit it for my entire life

dad busted her on it

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45 million US citizens smoke


WHY isn't this a national health CRISIS?



there is to much money in it.


the only way it would become a crisis is if they were running out of tabacco and they charge as much as they want for it



like oil

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hahaha have fun exploding.


ma got me addicted in the womb

her obsterician was like "you don't have to quit, just cut back to ten"

i only found that out a few weeks ago, she was ashamed to admit it for my entire life

dad busted her on it



he busted her on it?


how did that go?




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