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A BAR FIGHT >>>>>>>>>>


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Let me preface this with I'm 25 and haven't been in a fight since I was 22....until now


My boy Greg is a brother, and pretty big. He's 32 and has been a bar tender since forever and both of us are not from the more moderate suburb we live in. My ex is his fiancés sister, and thus we're all four hanging out tonight because its his fiancés birthday...


At one bar, the DJ whom we know makes a sarcastic comment, which was funny but doesn't matter.


Than at the next bar, a dude who had been there repeats it. He doesn't know us... And he's acting foolish, bragging about being from LA and geek shit like that...


We're about to leave and in the bathroom Greg is talking about how pissed off he is about said comment, and I'm trying to be level headed explaining it doesn't matter...


Than the dude walks in hearing my friend talking shit and owns up to it, like he's a bad ass...he starts mocking my friend, calling his fiancé names. Oops.


My friend looks at me, and I give the 'lets kill him nod' and Greg kicks the bathroom door off the hinges at the guy, slamming a door into dude and hitting his head on the wall...


Than we trounce on the guy, I hit him point blank on his nose than his jaw. My friend is hitting him in his face over and over again, and suddenly all I'm doing is blocking him from running at this point. He gets passed me, I grab his shirt and pull him back from his collar, chocking the shit out of him, and start hitting his head. He's bleeding and swollen all over his face. His boy walks in as my friend is messing him up, literally picking him up and dropping him head first on the tile. He is trying to run and I'm kicking him, chocking him and whatever to keep him back. His friend sees me strangling this guy, and starts asking me to let him go. I was ready to fight the new guy, I punch him, but he apparently didn't want to...I'm barely a tough guy...his boy does nothing, so I hit his Friend some more.


The bar owner, a patron and a bartender kicks us out, as we're hitting this guy. I break the handle from the door and the front window just because he acted like we started it. My hand hurts, my friend got a cut....but hey, welcome to the suburbs; that dude got his skull ingured...


Whats your story? Tonight was a good night...

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hahaa. well done. i used to have heaps of school brawls but nah lately nothing. i miss fighting. brings a weird feeling. (in a good way) and half the time im in a fight i cant remember half the shit that happened.

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I saw a great fight at the pub I was in last night after the france v portugal game, I think it was unrelated tho.

We were in The Good Mixer, which can get rowdy at times.

It was all going on outside, there were three guys making trouble being idiots etc.

Anyway, I was at the bar, only kinda half interested, buying a pint of stella, and I am looking over at the table where my friends are, and they are becoming more and more interested in what is going on.

It seems like the fight is on the move, they get up and look out the door as the fight starts to kick off. I am still at the bar and the barman is looking agitated, when suddenly the fight bursts through a side door off the street. Immediately there are girls screaming and people trying to get out of the way. There is this one guy in a blue t-shirt, about 6'2 with fists raised and a maaaad angry expression, starts trying to beat the shit out of this rockabilly guy with a tattooed neck. It's quite a small pub so everyone is catching a beating except for the people on our side of the room, there is a kinda partition to separate the bit with the pool table. I am standing on a bar stool watching, there are bottles smashing, girls catching punches to the face, bar stools flying, it was fucking great. By the end the guy in the blue was on his back on the floor of this grimy pub, kicking and flailing his legs, a couple guys caught one in the groin from that.

Eventually it was swept back out of the door, and the door was locked. It was quite un-rocknroll because they kicked everone out, it was about midnight.

We saw the girl who got punched holding ice on her face, I said "see, you won't do that again will you?!" and she was like "wtf?".


Ahh the good mixer, it was funny because me and my friends were talking before it happened, about all the great memories we had of that place, and all the epic shit that must have happened there over the years, and then it got punctuated by a proper bar brawl.

Happy days.

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When i was back in school these kids used to pick on me. . I wasnt very popular but these kids were. The main one was quite chubby and he used to always call names and shit like that. . . a few fights broke out and i used to get beaten up. I fucking hated school, then a year later it started kicking off again it was just as everyone was lining up to go into school. id say 80% of school was crowded around whilst me and this kid were fighting. I thought fuck this im not going down easily im putting up a fight for once in my life. I hit this guy square in the nose and he was like WTF? didnt expect it at all. i was all over him knocking the shit. The teacher ripped me off and i got detention even though it was defending myself. For the rest of the week i had a smile on my face, he had a black eye and a swollen nose, the whole school knew who i was. He didnt try bullying me since after thAT. . .

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When i was back in school these kids used to pick on me. . I wasnt very popular but these kids were. The main one was quite chubby and he used to always call names and shit like that. . . a few fights broke out and i used to get beaten up. I fucking hated school' date=' then a year later it started kicking off again it was just as everyone was lining up to go into school. id say 80% of school was crowded around whilst me and this kid were fighting. I thought fuck this im not going down easily im putting up a fight for once in my life. I hit this guy square in the nose and he was like WTF? didnt expect it at all. i was all over him knocking the shit. The teacher ripped me off and i got detention even though it was defending myself. For the rest of the week i had a smile on my face, he had a black eye and a swollen nose, the whole school knew who i was. He didnt try bullying me since after thAT. . .[/quote']

sounds like the textbook "Nerd beats up cool kid" story. 6.5 stars out of 10

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When i was back in ninja school these samurai kids used to pick on me. . I wasnt very popular but these samurai were. The main one was quite chubby and he used to always call names and shit like that. . . a few fights broke out and i used to get beaten up. I fucking hated ninja school' date=' then a year later it started kicking off again. It was just as everyone was lining up to go into the space ship. Id say 80% of school and some dinosaurs were crowded around whilst me and this kid were dueling to the death. I thought fuck this im not going down easily im putting up a fight for once in my life. I hit this guy square in the nose with a shrikun and he was like WTF? didnt expect it at all. i was all over him slicing him to shit. The sensai ripped me off and i got detention even though it was defending myself. For the rest of the week i had a smile on my face, he had one eye and a missing nose, the whole dojo knew who i was. He and the rest of the kobra kai didnt try bullying me since after that. . .[/quote']


Here I fixed it.

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ahh i love bar fights.I haven't been in one in a minute though.Not for lack of trying though no one every steps up.Last one i almost got into could have gone horribly wrong.Someone talked shit as i was leaving the bar so i park my truck get out and starting talking shit to 4 guys chillin and 2 more in another car.Knowing it was one of them who said something.Sad thing is there 6 would have kicked the shit out o my 1.All my other boys were inside the bar.Which i know they would have come out but the other guys all backed down.I proceed to go back into the bar and drink some more.Later the bouncer who i happen to be cool with told me they talked more shit as they left.Fuckin pussies...

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i was involved in one bar fight a few months back...i was absolutely polluted downtown in vegas one night with this one dude who i didnt really know that well. so i approach this girl and ask to buy her a drink she agrees and we start chitchat yeh know..i ask her who she was there with and she said her boyfriend but that he was a jerk and was on the dance floor with some other bird. about five minutes into the convo dude walks over and starts getting in my grill so i drill him in the side of the face he grabs my arms and we're tussling and shit neither of us can get our arms up before i know it i am being grabbed and thrown out by 2 monster bouncers..they toss me out and im being belligerent in the lobby of the casino because there is this guy in a wheelchair with a videocamera filming me screaming at the other cat..i look at the guy with the camera and tell him to get it out of my face but he continues to film...2 seconds later the guy in the wheelchair's friend a juiced up black dude comes outta no where and hits me with a viscious left to the lip that stuns me for a moment...i regain composure and begin to search for my buddy because we are sorely outnumbered and he is trying to stop a riot from happening in the lobby on account of me trying to steal the parapalegic guy's videocamera..so i get the fuck outta there real quik trying not to get arrested while my shirt is stretched out and my lip is bleeding pretty profusely...my lip was fucked up like all week but atleast i fucked up that other dude..i told that bitch im a lover not a fighter she mighta changed her mind as she was icing down her boyfriends face..but seriously this is like the wildest fight ive been in since the college years and probly wouldnt have gone down if i wasnt so drunk..but yea thats it kinda wild

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hrmmm.. ll just mention the last one because its the most similar related...


live out on eastcoast, from southwest.. some "good friend" backstabbed me and i found out when i was back in town.. i called her up and the dumb drunk bitch is talking shit to me... so i explain her next time i see her, her head is gonna get busted and its best to stay out of my way.. she keep talking shit and my girl gets on the phone and she's basically talking shit to two girls you dont talk shit too..


she's dumb enough to go over to my boys house..where she knows i would be..my boys call me up and lemme know.. one of the homeboys wont let me fight her..and so i ask him "what the hell? why are you sticking up for this hoe?" and he's like "oh i just want a ride home" how foolish would you feel if you were her, right? oh and my other girl wants to jump her, but im like nah..just go home i'll handle it ..so she leaves..


so he walks away from her, and shes screaming his name and sitting on the steps and i just rush her and start punching her in the grill..and she's screaming so i give her a chance to stand up and shes trying to hit me with the beer bottle..i wrestle with her to get it out of her hand and then i'd just stand back and then punch her in the face and stand back..and ever time shed try to hit me move out the way and punch her again..


then she gets pissed and tries to rage on me so but isnt getting any solid hits so i just knock her to the ground and punch her in the face a few times.. keep in mind im still fighting with my purse on..why i dont know.. and then i just start kneeing her in the face..


i'm not even mad and i think this fight is going pretty pathetic considering she hasnt gotten one hit on me so i grab her by the collar and knee her in the face one more time and let her go..


during this time my girl had been walking to her car and had heard me punching her so ran back..

i didnt know cause my back was turned that she had been running on up.. the girl i just beat up was running inside the house screaming cause i kicked her ass..just as my other girl is coming up on her.. one of the boys just leans on the door and my girl all stealth like runs inside only a few steps behind the girl..


girl who's ass just got beat turns around and see's my girl who is crazier then me and screams and starts screaming at the top of her lungs and goes down on the ground in fetal postition.. my girl gets on top of her and starts slamming her fist into the back of her head and the girls hands which where covering her head..


this girl aint playing..and im starting to feel bad for this chick cause i just got done beating her ass.. so i tell my girl to get off her.. so she does.. and the other girl starts to pull her self off and is on all fours.. my girl in flipflops kicks her so hard in the face..near her left eye.. i thought her eye ball was gonna fall out the socket..


girl gets up bloody, with two of the swollenest eyes..and we bounce out..


she is now begging for my friendship back..

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I havent been in'a good brawl since HighSchool....

Ill jus say only time I ever lost was when these Loma girls

jumped me outside of continuation school, an even then

I never made it on the ground.


I hate the build up to the fight... but quite enjoy the fighting itself..



bitches that act to tough an are loud as hell (This is also the case with guys)

90% of the time... cant slang em, these are usually the retards that get

there heads smashed...


You win some, you lose some..

Theres always someone out there that can kick

yer ass, I know what Im capable of, an

I dont needa be loud about anything.

Im actually purdy quiet buildin up to a fight.



On another note..

Im due to fight in a couple

of weeks for the East Bay Rats fight




come an cheer me on fags.

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I used to smoke weed with this fat kid Jordan in high school, and I guess he was "set trippin" on these Samoan gang bangers at school and they called him out. This one cat Tyson would rock a fucking orange jump suit to school, like the prison unifrom thinking he was hot shit. Anyway three of em including Tyson tried to jump him Tyson gets popped in the jaw right out the gate and is laid the fuck out on the hood of a Buick. The other two are trying to kick Jordan in the legs and shit and he's just going off them with the gorilla swings. Dude rocked all three of em and didn't drop once himself. It was hilarious.

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