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Why do guys pick graffiti over girlfriends?


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I pick graffiti over girls because graffiti doesn't demand expensive gifts at christmas and never asks me to drop $200 on a fancy dinner on Valentines days.


Graffiti also doesn't get moody and bleed all over my goddamn bedsheets in the middle of the night once a month

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Graffiti will always be there for me when I need it the most.


Too bad I can't say the same for people.


Thats very true, for me at least.


I can't say much about problems with other people in other relationships. I've met writers who are total dicks to their girlfriends, and I've met non-writers who are dicks to their girlfriend. It all comes down to what kind of person the individual is.

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  • 1 year later...
am i the only one whose noticed like 80 percent of girls fucking dont do anything. its like what they call you "i want you i miss you so much i have nothing to do" i mean jesus christ. they go shop with there freinds and thats it. whats with that? i mean i draw. i paint. i skate. i love photography. i reveiw films. i bboy. i hang out with freinds.


i think that a lot of girls have fallen pray to this bs society stuff. like oh you learn to cook clean and nothing else. whatever.


real shit.

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girls are assholes.

graffiti is my friend




you guys can chop on me if this has been asked already but how long into talking to a girl that you wanna wife up do you tell her ur a graff head? for those who are strictly piecers its probably nothing but my hardcore bombers out there know how chicks get when ur going out every other night bombin hard hours on end.

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I would've told her in the beginning, makes shit easier. So in your case, the sooner the better! The longer you wait the worse things are going to get. Like you can marry her and you will still be keeping this big "secret" from her, and you don't want that to happen. Kinda like In that Seinfeld episode where Jerry has a friend and he forgets her name and they are all ready past that point where they've been talking for way too long for him to ask her what her name is. So yeah, not sure if this relates but you get the point.




you guys can chop on me if this has been asked already but how long into talking to a girl that you wanna wife up do you tell her ur a graff head? for those who are strictly piecers its probably nothing but my hardcore bombers out there know how chicks get when ur going out every other night bombin hard hours on end.

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am i the only one whose noticed like 80 percent of girls fucking dont do anything. its like what they call you "i want you i miss you so much i have nothing to do" i mean jesus christ. they go shop with there freinds and thats it. whats with that? i mean i draw. i paint. i skate. i love photography. i reveiw films. i bboy. i hang out with freinds.


i think that a lot of girls have fallen pray to this bs society stuff. like oh you learn to cook clean and nothing else. whatever.


the problem is; bitches aren't cookin and bitches aren't cleanin. if they are that bored; cook me up a fuckin feast for when i get home; and vacum while your doing it.


apart from that she has two other tasks as a women:


1. swallowing loads

2. shutting up

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My girlfriend's don't know about my secret love affair with graffiti until I know I can trust them. Even then, I don't pick graffiti over them, I make time for it. I'm addicted to painting, no doubt. But if their with me long enough to find out about it, then they're willing to allow me enough time per week and shit to go take care of business.

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  • 2 months later...
girls are assholes.

graffiti is my friend


haha, that shits funny. but idk. its jus the way some peeps are. around personal friends and girlfriends, they know i do it, but i don't talk with them about it unless they bring it up with me. but thats just how i am.

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I think it's usually pretty clear within the first week or so to whoever I date that I do something involving paint, ink, late nights, and semi-obsessive doodling. If they can't connect the dots I laid out rather clearly for them, then whatever we've got going on is doomed because that lets me know that they're either dumb, not paying attention, or both.


I've had a few girlfriends who didn't like graffiti but they didn't care what I did as long as I didn't do it around them. That's respect. As far as this "I need to change my man" shit, graffiti is some part of who that dude is. you take that out of the equation you're going to end up with someone else. Kind of like when I tried to get my ex to stop partying constantly...without that shit, she was miserable and resentful and with her on the shit I was miserable and resentful.


And like I said, if your man is a dick to you then don't automatically assume it's because of graffiti.

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the problem is; bitches aren't cookin and bitches aren't cleanin. if they are that bored; cook me up a fuckin feast for when i get home; and vacum while your doing it.


apart from that she has two other tasks as a women:


1. swallowing loads

2. shutting up


Ahhhh ha haaaa...! Funny shit man..

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  • 3 weeks later...

I had a girlfriend once who hated graff she hated when we would walk and i would peep a spot or tell her to hold on while i caught someone elses shit on the way. She hated that 5 nights a week i was out bombing or piecing. she hated that me and my boys would go up to canada and bomb for the weekend up there while she sat home. she hated that instead of cuddling her on the couch watching some bullshit pop culture i would be sketching in my black book and the shit goes on. Graff does for me that no girl can. Graff provides comraderrie between me and my boys that we have each others back no matter what goes down. Graff provides an expression of self and expresses how my surroundings affect me. True graff is not only a lifestyle but is my life period. If i wasnt painting graff i dont know what i would be doing probably sitting on the couch with my girl watching tv. Graff is everything she isnt .

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