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stupid liberal asses

Guest nutsonmychin!

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are we not also disrespecting our country by defacing property and disrespecting gov't officials...

not to be against what we do... but americans or most view this art form as rather disrespectful... to its citizens and tourists alike...

america is a dump now as we are all against each other and ones beliefs....

but yet we stand together whenever something comes along that best suits us....

the corporate brainwashing of youth in america is ridiculous.... what to eat, whats cool and how to act... kids eat this up... free speech is great... but when the media suggests acting ignorant is "cool" then america is really garbage...

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its definitely not my history. I had no part in all of that. I thought this country was so great becuase of its freedoms? I don;t need to be told what to do or think about "my history" or "my past" by some ann coulter rhetoric.



Are you a citizen? If so, then it is your history.

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the flag gets burnt when its old


protesting the country can be done by displaying the flag

but upside down

'so the colors run out'



for those who didn't knooooooo





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the flag gets burnt when its old


protesting the country can be done by displaying the flag

but upside down

'so the colors run out'



for those who didn't knooooooo


also, i saw a mom who got a flag after her son died for his citizenship,. literally.


shit got screwed up in boot camp, finally in iraq he was able to sort it out

his commander sent him on a helicopter to go pick up his papers for citizenship he should've been granted months before

and the shit got shot down



The worst was in the world series, they flew the Canadian flag upside down. That was wack, but it was a mistake (I hope). I bet that Marine had to do tons of pushups.

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You should practise what you preach and stop assuming that I haven't looked at this from other angles. This topic isn't new to me. I've thought about this shit for years, when skinny fucking bleeding heart, uneducated vegans were telling me how they did it back in '97. I chose to never ever associate myselves with them again. To this day, I will not shake their hand if I ever have the misfortune of running into them.


Second, you're not a fucking patriot - don't even try.



first off..I'm not making assumptions I'm just going off of what you give me god son..second off I am a patriot..I vote, I pay my taxes, I try to help my fellow man..true I could be doing more..I mean who remembers the Weather Underground or the Panthers..yeah, compared to them I'm not a patriot at all..but y'know..its 2006..I got that good cable..

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Guest nutsonmychin!
we have starving and poor people ehre and we are spending billions upon billions of dollars over a war that shouldnt even be. Why not take that money and actually give these poor people in america a chance for a good life? does that seem fair to you? or is there more liberal bias in my post? I coulf fox news it up for you if you want


start a canned food drive then. dont disrespect people that think they are over there making a difference. dont sit on your computer on 12oz and tell me how people are suffering and your country is so fucked up, and whaa whaa whaa.


DO SOMETHING. create change.


thats what used to be great about this country. people with ideas and hope would motivate and effect change.


now they bitch and moan and sit around thinking the next MLK is right around the corner.


all i am saying is if you really want to be heard, speak in a voice more people will listen too. and goddamnit, i marched, i am not for the war, i am not a fuckin republican


but dont burn the fucking flag. make it illeagal. it's not right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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"but dont burn the fucking flag. make it illeagal. it's not right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"



I have a feeling if this gets passed, more flags are gonna be burned then ever before. You know, just to stick it to the man.


Actually, i'd bet money on it.

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start a canned food drive then. dont disrespect people that think they are over there making a difference. dont sit on your computer on 12oz and tell me how people are suffering and your country is so fucked up, and whaa whaa whaa.


DO SOMETHING. create change.


thats what used to be great about this country. people with ideas and hope would motivate and effect change.


now they bitch and moan and sit around thinking the next MLK is right around the corner.


all i am saying is if you really want to be heard, speak in a voice more people will listen too. and goddamnit, i marched, i am not for the war, i am not a fuckin republican


but dont burn the fucking flag. make it illeagal. it's not right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


then what the fuck are you doing to change anything? you're sitting on 12oz doing the same exact fucking thing. Our next president will probably be a 40gb ipod, so while your're still talking about this flag BS on 12oz, i'm gonna be out on the streets in a manic state dancing around to the songs coming from ipods that have been implanted in my brain.

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Guest R@ndomH3ro
True, but really my only point is this.


When you flag burning commies go see Superman Returns in 3D, he's flyin right outta that screen and punching your bitch ass in the neck FOR AMERICA.




He wont be punching me, I got my 3D stunna shades on

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what a dumb bitch hypocrit you are, porkcop.


The First Amendment to the United States Constitution is a part of the United States Bill of Rights. Textually, it prohibits the U.S. Congress from infringing on six rights. It forbids federal laws that:


* Respect an establishment of religion (the "Establishment Clause");

* Prohibit free exercise of religion (the "Free Exercise Clause");

* Infringe the freedom of speech;

* Infringe the freedom of the press;

* Limit the right to assemble peaceably;

* Limit the right to petition the government for a redress of grievances.


The First Amendment only explicitly disallows any of the rights from being abridged by laws made by Congress, but as the first sentence in the body of the Constitition reserves all law-making ("legislative") authority to Congress, the courts have held that this extends to the executive and judicial branches. Additionally, in the 20th century the Supreme Court has held that the Due Process clause of the 1868 Fourteenth Amendment "incorporates" the limitations of the First Amendment to also restrict the states.



i'm tired of you zionist republicrats screwing us on our rights. our fucking god given rights.



you come on here talking all this yap and flapping your fucking jaw, which i fully support, but you fail to understand that it is our right as citizens of this country to burn whatever we want as long as it does not infringe upon the rights of others. if you don't like it, don't look at (or for) it.


guess what bitch, you won't have any rights pretty soon and all of us political dissenters

who speak up about losing our rights will be in fucking civilian labor camps under rj210_35 (look it up)


guess what else, you're living a lie.

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the problem is that people are getting emotional over something completely irrelevant. it's not coincidental that this 'issue' comes up biennially. if you feel like getting worked up over politics, how about something pertinent, like say... health care? social security? election reform? and on and on.

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we have starving and poor people ehre and we are spending billions upon billions of dollars over a war that shouldnt even be. Why not take that money and actually give these poor people in america a chance for a good life? does that seem fair to you? or is there more liberal bias in my post? I coulf fox news it up for you if you want


thats the dumbest idea ive ever heard


oh yeah give money to the homeless and poor, they DEFINITELY spend it on a way to better their living situation

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thats the dumbest idea ive ever heard


oh yeah give money to the homeless and poor, they DEFINITELY spend it on a way to better their living situation


Um i dunno about you. But being drunk as fuck makes my living situation better anywhere.

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what a dumb bitch hypocrit you are, porkcop.


The First Amendment to the United States Constitution is a part of the United States Bill of Rights. Textually, it prohibits the U.S. Congress from infringing on six rights. It forbids federal laws that:


* Respect an establishment of religion (the "Establishment Clause");

* Prohibit free exercise of religion (the "Free Exercise Clause");

* Infringe the freedom of speech;

* Infringe the freedom of the press;

* Limit the right to assemble peaceably;

* Limit the right to petition the government for a redress of grievances.


The First Amendment only explicitly disallows any of the rights from being abridged by laws made by Congress, but as the first sentence in the body of the Constitition reserves all law-making ("legislative") authority to Congress, the courts have held that this extends to the executive and judicial branches. Additionally, in the 20th century the Supreme Court has held that the Due Process clause of the 1868 Fourteenth Amendment "incorporates" the limitations of the First Amendment to also restrict the states.



i'm tired of you zionist republicrats screwing us on our rights. our fucking god given rights.



you come on here talking all this yap and flapping your fucking jaw, which i fully support, but you fail to understand that it is our right as citizens of this country to burn whatever we want as long as it does not infringe upon the rights of others. if you don't like it, don't look at (or for) it.


guess what bitch, you won't have any rights pretty soon and all of us political dissenters

who speak up about losing our rights will be in fucking civilian labor camps under rj210_35 (look it up)


guess what else, you're living a lie.






I thought you forgot to add that casek so I'm just helping you out my dog

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