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why did the wtc's collapse? conclusive proof


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"never trust a man that says he has found the truth, but only those that say they are searching for it"




i seriously don't think that anyone will ever find out the whole of the truth

about what happened that day, but the pieces are very telling.


when is it that we learn everything about JFK's assassination? 2019? they've moved it up a few times.

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i seriously don't think that anyone will ever find out the whole of the truth

about what happened that day, but the pieces are very telling.


when is it that we learn everything about JFK's assassination? 2019? they've moved it up a few times.


wont they jsut release a hundred pages of blacked out text?

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The Information war is over.


The NWO has lost in a big way.




Why are Architects and Engineers Re-examining the WTC Collapses?


Architects and Engineers are trained to design buildings that function well and withstand potentially destructive forces. However, the 3 high-rise buildings at the World Trade Center which "collapsed" on 9/11 (the Twin Towers plus WTC Building #7) presented us with a body evidence (i.e.controlled demolition) that was clearly outside the scope of our training and experience.


In addition, the shock that hit us on that date from the repeated attacks and staggering loss of life has limited our ability to rationally evaluate what really happened. We therefore found ourselves relying solely upon the judgment of outside "experts"...


Now, we have to pick up the pieces, and deal with sheeple who haven't woken up to the obvious yet.

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Re: 9/11 was an inside job.




Belly of the Beast!

Belly of the Beast!


Belly of the Beeeaastaaa!


Belly of the Beast!

Belly of the Beast!


Belly of the Beast! Central Texas!


Belly of the Beast!



Oh and about the proof needed to explain how 9/11 was an inside job.... For Fuk sake people! How much more obvious does it need to be?


Do you remember what YOU thought when you saw them collapse? I remember thinking 'That doesn't look right... Looks more like a demolition...' But then the so called 'News' told everyone for years that jet fuel did all of this, when thats PHYSICALLY impossible.

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Re: 9/11 was an inside job.


<--------------shakes head


It's not that everyone here disagrees with you Noewhan...it's just that your only on post #19 and already starting 911 threads... slow down.....take a look around....then come back and kick it ....just some advice for you...

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the tape looks old. for one he's recording the tape with an outdoor backdrop, something he doesn't do anymore. i'm sure the government would get topography analysts and geologists to survey the rocks/hills/trees to get a general idea of where he's at. his last video was in 2004 just prior to the bush/kerry elections, which was indoor with a drape covering the wall.

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the tape looks old. for one he's recording the tape with an outdoor backdrop, something he doesn't do anymore. i'm sure the government would get topography analysts and geologists to survey the rocks/hills/trees to get a general idea of where he's at. his last video was in 2004 just prior to the bush/kerry elections, which was indoor with a drape covering the wall.




exactly. and who released it? an intell agency. and what does the news say? new bin laden video....bullshit. they all know it's old.

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Re: 9/11 was an inside job.


noewhan, dont try it here, the ones that say 911 wasnt an inside job wont believe now,they have seen all the proves and know it but its too big and too ugly for them to accept it, go get the ones that havent seen any proves,they need help....


unless you like to argue the internet way, keep on going, youll have a great time here

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