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WARNING :for all the ch0 heads


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okay, im pretty sure by now that Pringles, Lays Stax and cheetos are all laced with some kind of addictive substance, possibly cocaine, meth, heroin or some other kind of drug. For some reason, when it comes to these things, I just cant control myself.

Watch yourselves guys

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nah dude its something way more sinister than that, they just havent revieled it yet

i bet they use some un-named and not so popular drug which is what makes that shit addictive. Cheetos aint even that salty....same with the lays...i guess pringles are, but still, theres something way more to it...

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MSG appears to bring about an addictive response to MSG-laden foods themselves so that many carbo addicts find themselves going back again and again for foods which contain MSG (among others, Chinese food). If you find that you experience any of the above described symptoms (not related to any other physical cause) or you find that you have an intense desire to eat the same foods over and over again, you might be experiencing an MSG reaction.

Free glutamates appear to cause similar problems to MSG. You may be surprised to find that free glutamate is found in so many foods and food additives. You may think that something that say "no msg" is safe and that you don't have to worry about free glutamate. You cannot be further from the truth for, and this is an important note: food packagers, now catching on to the fact that consumers want to avoid MSG, are adding free glutamates while claiming their foods are "msg-free".

Free glutamate and MSG, in particular, have been associated with:

burning sensation in the back of the neck, forearms and chest,

numbness in the back of the neck, radiating to the arms and back,


warmth and weakness in the face, temples, upper back, neck and arms,

facial pressure or tightness,

chest pain,



rapid heartbeat,

bronchospasm (difficulty breathing) in intolerant people with asthma,



intense cravings for the same foods. While there may be many other causes for any of these symptoms and other physical causes should be ruled out, many carbohydrate addicts experience one or more of these symptoms after consuming foods that contain glutamates. The food industry has known for years that adding glutamate to snacks and prepared meals makes you want to eat more - and more and more and more.

Do not panic. Just be aware that more you depend on "prepared foods" in your diet, the more you are at risk for high doses of free glutamate. The more that you prepare your own foods from fresh sources, the more you will be able to reduce your intake of free glutamate. In any case, armed with this info you can become an informed consumer and, if you find yourself experiencing any of these symptoms, including cravings and/or a weight-loss plateau, you might want to lower (or better yet, eliminate) your glutamate consumption.











case closed thank you come again

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MSG appears to bring about an addictive response to MSG-laden foods themselves so that many carbo addicts find themselves going back again and again for foods which contain MSG (among others' date=' Chinese food). If you find that you experience any of the above described symptoms (not related to any other physical cause) or you find that you have an intense desire to eat the same foods over and over again, you might be experiencing an MSG reaction.[/b']

Free glutamates appear to cause similar problems to MSG. You may be surprised to find that free glutamate is found in so many foods and food additives. You may think that something that say "no msg" is safe and that you don't have to worry about free glutamate. You cannot be further from the truth for, and this is an important note: food packagers, now catching on to the fact that consumers want to avoid MSG, are adding free glutamates while claiming their foods are "msg-free".

Free glutamate and MSG, in particular, have been associated with:

burning sensation in the back of the neck, forearms and chest,

numbness in the back of the neck, radiating to the arms and back,


warmth and weakness in the face, temples, upper back, neck and arms,

facial pressure or tightness,

chest pain,



rapid heartbeat,

bronchospasm (difficulty breathing) in intolerant people with asthma,



intense cravings for the same foods. While there may be many other causes for any of these symptoms and other physical causes should be ruled out, many carbohydrate addicts experience one or more of these symptoms after consuming foods that contain glutamates. The food industry has known for years that adding glutamate to snacks and prepared meals makes you want to eat more - and more and more and more.

Do not panic. Just be aware that more you depend on "prepared foods" in your diet, the more you are at risk for high doses of free glutamate. The more that you prepare your own foods from fresh sources, the more you will be able to reduce your intake of free glutamate. In any case, armed with this info you can become an informed consumer and, if you find yourself experiencing any of these symptoms, including cravings and/or a weight-loss plateau, you might want to lower (or better yet, eliminate) your glutamate consumption.











case closed thank you come again


thank you sir


so would pre cut meats you buy at the deli like hams and chicken/turkey breast have a lot of these as well?

what are the sources of msg and free glutamates

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