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Should I bring something to protect me?

Blac Korp

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^^^WHAT in the hell are you talkin about?




I'm from NY if you're walking around certain neighborhoods that are known for nightly murders & you don't have a gun on you then you're just dumb ass hell. (Regarless if you write or not, they are certain you just don't go without proper protection.



If you want real fame you have to be up everywhere, not just where its safe, (the more dangerous the spot the more respect). all the writers I mentioned b4 are respected because they are up in a variety of places (JA & Risk 9 have hood passes) Fame comes @ price, you might have to run from gangs & dodge bullets evey now & then but its a part of the sport, deal with it or leave



If you get caught with a gun on you don't bitch about the time you have to do cause you made the decision. Graffiti can lead to a bid

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fuck guns and shit, you dumbcunts will prolly end up trippin out and shootin urslef.


fight with ur fists, or if there bigger than u and u feel threatend, use the butt end of ur cell phone and ram it in sum1s nose, that useualy stiops em. a marker or a lighters in ur fist hardens ur punches too.


failing that a can of paint to the head dus it.


fuck guns and all that ganster shit. ppl like that only make things worse. and if ppl bitch at me on here claimin there crew is guna pop me yo.....


please, fools. i wud rly love to see it.

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you might spend 5 years in the pen but your dead for life if you get shot. all the real writers, ja, risk, MQ, cope, they all pack guns when they bomb. i know for a fact cope has shot and killed a few people doing graffiti. graffiti is GANGSTER. dont get it twisted, ive shot niggas and been shot at. THIS IS REAL HOOD SHIT BITCH. PACK A REVOLVER (they cant trace the shells) AND SHOOT ANYONE THAT GETS IN YOUR WAY

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excuse me, but when did "white t shirt wearing minorities" (roflmao) start giving a fuck about the property around them?


like one dude said, just play it cool. look like you belong, don't be scared, and talk if spoken to. don't try to sound black (btw, that applies to all you "ni**er" saying white boys on 12oz), just talk like yourself (unless you're totally square) and tell 'em what's happening.


chances are, they want to see the cops about as much as you do, so ask homie to look out for you, holler if he sees 'em coming, and you'll put his name/set up if they ask.


they usually don't give a fuck, unless you're going over their tags or hitting someone's house, etc.


i think all this pepper spray shit is bullshit, man up and fight. if you get your ass kicked, so what? the only things you should have on you are a few bucks, your paint and maybe a cell phone to get picked up or your keys if you're driving. but pulling mace and spraying one dude in south houston (where i'm from) will get your ass beat by the other 4 dudes.


but if you're scared of minorities, stay out of their neighborhoods. i don't see why people paint in places they'd never go. if you don't kick it out there from time to time, go hit the suburbs where you stay or the mall you hang out at or whatever lame shit.


and i personally think bringing a crew is useless unless you're all painting and wearing "nuetral colors" is retarded. if the cops come, you're better off looking like the white boy coming to cop some dope than the wanna-be gang banger.



I'm from NY if you're walking around certain neighborhoods that are known for nightly murders & you don't have a gun on you then you're just dumb ass hell. (Regarless if you write or not, they are certain you just don't go without proper protection.


shit, man, there's been more murders in Houston and Dallas in the last 5 years than NYC consistently, and i think that JA and R9 have hood passes because they earned them. I figure, buy some herb, some crack, whatever they're selling if you can't just man up and get them to be chill with you. i don't think carrying a gun on your person when writing is intelligent at all. but that's my opinion.


If you want real fame you have to be up everywhere, not just where its safe, (the more dangerous the spot the more respect). all the writers I mentioned b4 are respected because they are up in a variety of places (JA & Risk 9 have hood passes) Fame comes @ price, you might have to run from gangs & dodge bullets evey now & then but its a part of the sport, deal with it or leave



If you get caught with a gun on you don't bitch about the time you have to do cause you made the decision. Graffiti can lead to a bid


true and true.


seriously, if you feel you gotta be carrying, stash that shit in the bush near by or something, i really think that you should be able to fight and handle yourself if you're man enough to go out fucking up peoples' property, but that's me. and even mother fuckers jacking you for your paint, you should be able to fight or get your ass beat and loose your paint.

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excuse me, but when did "white t shirt wearing minorities" (roflmao) start giving a fuck about the property around them?


like one dude said, just play it cool. look like you belong, don't be scared, and talk if spoken to. don't try to sound black (btw, that applies to all you "ni**er" saying white boys on 12oz), just talk like yourself (unless you're totally square) and tell 'em what's happening.


chances are, they want to see the cops about as much as you do, so ask homie to look out for you, holler if he sees 'em coming, and you'll put his name/set up if they ask.


they usually don't give a fuck, unless you're going over their tags or hitting someone's house, etc.


i think all this pepper spray shit is bullshit, man up and fight. if you get your ass kicked, so what? the only things you should have on you are a few bucks, your paint and maybe a cell phone to get picked up or your keys if you're driving. but pulling mace and spraying one dude in south houston (where i'm from) will get your ass beat by the other 4 dudes.


but if you're scared of minorities, stay out of their neighborhoods. i don't see why people paint in places they'd never go. if you don't kick it out there from time to time, go hit the suburbs where you stay or the mall you hang out at or whatever lame shit.


and i personally think bringing a crew is useless unless you're all painting and wearing "nuetral colors" is retarded. if the cops come, you're better off looking like the white boy coming to cop some dope than the wanna-be gang banger.




shit, man, there's been more murders in Houston and Dallas in the last 5 years than NYC consistently, and i think that JA and R9 have hood passes because they earned them. I figure, buy some herb, some crack, whatever they're selling if you can't just man up and get them to be chill with you. i don't think carrying a gun on your person when writing is intelligent at all. but that's my opinion.



true and true.


seriously, if you feel you gotta be carrying, stash that shit in the bush near by or something, i really think that you should be able to fight and handle yourself if you're man enough to go out fucking up peoples' property, but that's me. and even mother fuckers jacking you for your paint, you should be able to fight or get your ass beat and loose your paint.





I agree w/ you 100% about handling business with ya hands, & you're right about chillin, w/ gangstas. the only problem is depending on the state you're in a drug conviction could be worse than a weapons. The problem is that there are too many trigger happy idiots out there. When I was in the game I didn't need heat cause I hung in most hoods anyway, but if you have no real props & no no one that does, then you're assed out.




As far a n*gga saying white boys, say that shit hood, & see what happens PLZ.


Is someone really afraid of someone wearing a white tee?

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think about this.. would you rather be caught by the jacks with a weapon or be caught by cunts who want your blood without a weapon?


but only bring that shit if your 100% prepared to use it.



lol, comeon doggie, if you was really in the hood, eve nthe most bitch nigga gots a ox.

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Just use your surroundings, for example; If you're in an urban enviroment, find a glass bottle or if you're in a somewhat rural area, get a big ass stick. Don't bring something like a blade or a strap unless you honestly would be able to use it on somebody. Consider this: You'd be fucked if someone tried to jump you, so you pulled a knife/gun to scare them, and then they pulled a weapon and actually used it.

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When I was 16, I only knew a few other people that had the will to bomb on weekdays, so a lot of times I was stuck bombing for dolo. This is Brooklyn btw, we don't have crazy gang activity like LA, but it's not the safest place to be caught alone at night.


My advice....


1. If you're alone or with one other dude, don't go where you don't belong. There are areas in Brooklyn where a white guy like me gets strange looks during the day. Imagine going to a place like that at night, where you're out in the open waiting for somebody to spot you. Only go into potentially dangerous areas if you have a car, or if you're rolling deep. Or if you're really fucking intoxicated, then most people will avoid you. Not really the smartest thing to do lest you wanna wake up in the mental ward the next day to find out you got dusted, wigged out, and stuck your hand through someones eyeball.


2. Learn to connect with people. If someone steps to you in the middle of the night, the first thing they'll do is try to find out what the fuck you're doing, and if you know what the fuck you're doing. Don't be a bitch. Don't get all nervous and say "Hey guys, it's cool, I'm not looking for any trouble." or some stupid shit like that. That's like saying, "Please take my money." I remember I got rolled on by three black kids one night, only one of them spoke to me, he asked me for a cigarette, so I gave him one, he asked me what hood I'm from and what I was doing, so I told him where I'm from, started talking about graffiti, I explained that I'm alone cause none of my boys are down to bomb as much as me. After that, he was cool, told me he used to catch tags in junior high, told me his tag, and bounced. Crisis averted, and I caught mad wreck that night.


3. Either run or run your shit. In NY, if motherfuckers step to you, 9 times of 10, they just wanna rob you. If you want to hold on to your personal belongings, make sure you have your running shoes on. I'm being real with you right now. Weapons will only get you into trouble, with cops and thugs. Even if you managed to use your weapon effectively, that motherfucker who you just maced, smacked in the head with a stick/can/bottle, or even cut, will now have a When I was 16, I only knew a few other people that had the will to bomb on weekdays, so a lot of times I was stuck bombing for dolo. This is Brooklyn btw, we don't have crazy gang activity like LA, but it's not the safest place to be caught alone at night.


My advice....


1. If you're alone or with one other dude, don't go where you don't belong. There are areas in Brooklyn where a white guy like me gets strange looks during the day. Imagine going to a place like that at night, where you're out in the open waiting for somebody to spot you. Only go into potentially dangerous areas if you have a car, or if you're rolling deep. Or if you're really fucking intoxicated, then most people will avoid you. Not really the smartest thing to do lest you wanna wake up in the mental ward the next day to find out you got dusted, wigged out, and stuck your hand through someones eyeball.


2. Learn to connect with people. If someone steps to you in the middle of the night, the first thing they'll do is try to find out what the fuck you're doing, and if you know what the fuck you're doing. Don't be a bitch. Don't get all nervous and say "Hey guys, it's cool, I'm not looking for any trouble." or some stupid shit like that. That's like saying, "Please take my money." I remember I got rolled on by three black kids one night, only one of them spoke to me, he asked me for a cigarette, so I gave him one, he asked me what hood I'm from and what I was doing, so I told him where I'm from, started talking about graffiti, I explained that I'm alone cause none of my boys are down to bomb as much as me. After that, he was cool, told me he used to catch tags in junior high, told me his tag, and bounced. Crisis averted, and I caught mad wreck that night.


3. Either run or run your shirt. In NY, if motherfuckers step to you, 9 times of 10, they just wanna rob you. If you want to hold on to your personal belongings, make sure you have your running shoes on. I'm being real with you right now. Weapons will only get you into trouble, with cops and thugs. Even if you managed to use your weapon effectively, that motherfucker who you just maced, smacked in the head with a stick/can/bottle, or even cut, will now have a vandetta against you, and will probably try to track you down. You don't need that kind of drama. Your family doesn't need that kind of drama. Don't think homeboys won't jump your moms, or fuck with your girl, or anyone. But if you get rolled on and you bounce, they'll have a little laugh at your expence and forget you ever existed. against you, and will probably try to track you down. You don't need that kind of drama. Your family doesn't need that kind of drama. Don't think homeboys won't jump your moms, or fuck with your girl, or anyone. But if you get rolled on and you bounce, they'll have a little laugh at your expence and forget you ever existed.

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fuck cops, gangsters and all that shit. its them desperate tweaked out homeless crack heads im worried about. i cant leave me apartment without being trailed by atleast 3 of them. and id imagine by this point in their life they have built up an imunity to mace. and theyre all blitzed out of their minds, so they probably wouldnt even notice you pokin a blade through their ribs. so what i suggest... is just carry around a lighter... im sure most of you smokers do already. and we all know what you can do with a lighter and spray paint. id imagine that a big stream of fire would make any man keep his distance.

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i use brass knuckles sometimes, and last night, i found out a valuable lesson:


even if you knock the first one the fuck out, he usually returns with 4-5 of his buddies and 4-5 of his buddies can kick your ass w/e weapon you got


run your ass off... i got cornered and now have 4 stitches on my mouth



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Mace is lovely...was about to get jumped one time by a whole gang of thugs, blinded 6-7 of em in one spraying. One I did'nt get to well (go figure the big fat fucka)and he managed to grab and wrestle me down but it got broken up quickly and his boys were all screaming like lil bitchasses.


Knives are also good but not so good if someone is experienced in marshal arts....cause next thing you know they will use that shit on you. If you got hit someone hit em with a large pipe or baseball bat. Ive hit three different people with bats before...its fun stuff. aim for knees , and shoulders.

No one is swinging any punches after you knock that shoulder out.

Try to stay away from the dome piece. I hit someone and took em right out...was a wee bit nervous that he might not be getting up...i prefer to say out of jail.

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did you have to have a pink dot or some shit on the mace bottle?

cause the streams are pretty thin...

unless they were all standing in line i dont think you couldve got 6-7 people in one shot

some have a jet spray some have a fog spray , but a pink dot may work :D .

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Don't bring shit unless you know somethings going to go down. From my experience bringing weapons just makes shit worse if something does go down. Because if someone comes up on you and you pull out a weapon then they have no chice but to pull out a weapon or backdown, and most of the time they don't backdown. So you go from getting jumped as a possibility to getting stabbed or shot.

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