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Everything posted by ci31o

  1. ci31o

    Kiwi Mops

    First off, I'm sorry if this is already somewhere in the yard. Anyways, How do I go about making a kiwi mop? I have the thing, and I have India ink, but I'm not sure how to make one. Do I just take the shoe polish shit out, and put the ink in? I've heard some people say that I should mix the Ink with some paint. Can someone please help, I've never tried to make a homemade marker before.
  2. Just use your surroundings, for example; If you're in an urban enviroment, find a glass bottle or if you're in a somewhat rural area, get a big ass stick. Don't bring something like a blade or a strap unless you honestly would be able to use it on somebody. Consider this: You'd be fucked if someone tried to jump you, so you pulled a knife/gun to scare them, and then they pulled a weapon and actually used it.
  3. Flee the country and move to australia.
  4. All I've ever found was a bag with like ten tips. =(
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