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Couple of movie stills:




Blackout badassing it.






Blackout ruining everyone's shit.






Scorponok totally not supporting our troops overseas.






Barricade scaring the shit out of some asshole.






Bonecrusher about to fuck up a bus full of schoolchildren and grandmothers.






Bumblebee looking sick.







Unknown robot totally being gay and not killing the small child and her pony.










Prime ready to fuck robot niggas up.

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Don't be mistaken, this movie will be drenched in Michael Bay cheese, vapid romance, and horrible dialogue. I don't expect the story to be anything great either.


But goddammit are those big fucking robots gonna fuck shit up proper, and look the best they possibly can doing it. No one, I repeat, no one could make this kind of action pieces better than Michael Bay. Also, it does look like it has a lot of Spielberg influence in it (that last scene with the little girl), and I like Spielberg, but a lot of people are sick of him. As a matter of fact, I think I'm totally down with all the possible negative things about this movie. I think corny dialogue and thin plot is actually gonna make this more enjoyable.

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my boss designed the majority of the transformers from the old cartoon.

she got paid $1.50 a day for her troubles. i've seen the original cels for

it as well, very tight. the thing i was suprised about was that she also

designed the go bots which i would have figured was just some

third party rip off.

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John Rogers (Catwoman) had a hand in a very early version of this script. Orci and Kurtzman handled it from then on. I'm unsure how much better it may have gotten, but seriously, I think a good story would get in the way of a heavy focus on robots blowing shit up. I seriously WANT this to be a cheesy throwaway storyline with unforgettable action pieces. This is what I really want to see in a Transformers movie, and what made me fall in love with them when I was little. Robots kicking ass. I feel like a lot of people are deluding themselves if they think what made Transformers so intriguing was strong writing and good characterization, because even the silliest thing seems so awesome and important when you're little. I'm a huge fan of of good plot-and-character driven cinema, but I'm also a huge fan of spectacular visual shit, and if there's any movie that should veer in the latter direction at the expense of the former, it's this. All I can think of is all the awesome set pieces Michael Bay has created in the past (however shitty the movie around them was), and then imagining them with giant robots and it's just fucking too crazy to believe.

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