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fuck you rain

coffie crave 7

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Its interesting to think about controlling the weather. I read an article in time about it a long time ago, but how would it all work? Who decides when it rains and when it doesn't? Do they designate areas with certain weather? What if there was a schedule, monday it rains, tuesday its cloudy, so on. Crazy shit. I always want to imagine what it would be like in the year 3000 or something, but then I remember that with Bush and global warming at all we probably won't last that long at all.

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its people like us that contribute to global warming...with all the aerosol cans and all

Im not sure if there are really bad "green nature heads" that write out there, but if there is, they should try and develop a can that does not contribute to global warming.



i find global warming interesting. especially that movie, the day after tomorrow.

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