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the immigration thread.

luke skywalker

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the only reason i have the job that i do right now is because the illegal immigrant that had it before me got sent back to mexico. it kind of upsets me that while i was out looking for a job, my current employer chose to, knowingly, hire an illegal. mexicans should try protesting in their own country if they want change and if that doesn't work try violent protests. and screw their protests anyhow, hopefully congress has the balls to ignore their headline-making walkouts and remember those of us that cast votes in protest of their illegal behavior. what is going on here? so everyone that despises their own countries policies or economic state can enter the u.s.? great. okay, okay, if these people can't overthrow the mexican government on their own, we need to get them some weapons, military training and help them overthrow their own shitty government. the u.s. is very close to becoming bilingual and it sucks. mexico, all we ever wanted was your cervezas (and the land which is now southwest u.s.). goddamn i hope george bush's brother runs for president one day because mexico, when we're finished dealing with the middle east, gay marriages and abortion...you're next.

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what is going on here? so everyone that despises their own countries policies or economic state can enter the u.s.?


Well, aside from the obvious argument that the Pilgrims pretty much did this exact thing around the tme this country started... I think you might want to consider these words written on the big staute of a lady (you can't see up her dress, I tried) in New York Harbor:

Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. The wretched refuse of your teeming shore, Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me: I lift my lamp beside the golden door.



Turns out we've had like 120 years to change that and for some reason, nobody has got around to it yet...

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"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. The wretched refuse of your teeming shore, Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me: I lift my lamp beside the golden door."


yeah, i just cant figure out why in the hell the "undocumented workers" just wont come through the legal way. then to top it off, for coming in illegally, their supporters use things like that statue of liberty saying to justify them illegally coming into our country, illegally working, illegally drawing social services, illegally using public tax payer funded schools to send thier children too and then turn around are DEMANDING citizenship.

these rallies arent doing anything but making guys like me 10 times as mad. send everyone the fuck home. it costs alot of money you say? hell, cut 70% of the government back to constitutional boundaries and we'll have a whole bunch of money to do something that the government is actually supposed to do. but we'd rather send trillions of dollars overseas in foreign aid every year.

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they come here illegally for the same reason you write graff illegally and don't go to the arts council and get a legal wall somewhere. Because red tape sucks. Especially when you're poor. There's too many angles to look at here. I agree with the illegal immagrants and at the same time I don't. Sometimes you need to do whatever you have to do to better yourself especially when nobody is directly being hurt by your actions, then again, it's wrong to break the law. Whatcha gonna do? It's bigger than me and you, so like everything else this immigration problem is just going to add to the worlds already enourmous monkey wrench.

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no, i don't write graffiti because of red tape

i do it to piss people off

i do it for an emotional release

i do it for creative expression

i do it because guess what? i can do whatever the FUCK i want and it's the epitome of that freedom.


graffiti and illegal immigration have absolutely no relationship to each other whatsoever in my world.



immigrants need to get here legally

if they can't because their country is fucked up and there really aren't any realistic ways to 'sign up'

then they need to join the US military

it really is that SIMPLE

if you want to live here legally, get your ass to iraq

then you can come back and hate the place, vote, protest, pay taxes, and send all your cash back to your family in the motherland.


however, on the REALITY tip

there is no fucking way we are going to be able to round up all the illegals and ship em home

or stop people from sneaking into this place.


i will say this: at least these motherfuckers are willing to work.

we have enough uneducated people only interested in sapping the system who are americans.

i wouldn't mind shipping them off somewhere either.


still in favor of total annhilation.

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they come here illegally for the same reason you write graff illegally and don't go to the arts council and get a legal wall somewhere. Because red tape sucks. Especially when you're poor. There's too many angles to look at here. I agree with the illegal immagrants and at the same time I don't. Sometimes you need to do whatever you have to do to better yourself especially when nobody is directly being hurt by your actions' date=' then again, it's wrong to break the law. Whatcha gonna do? It's bigger than me and you, so like everything else this immigration problem is just going to add to the worlds already enourmous monkey wrench.[/quote']


Bah, fuck the laws.

Here is a story for your consideration.

My ex girlfriend is from Ethiopia. In order to come to this country, first she had to apply for a visa at the US embassy in Ethiopia, in order to even get a meeting with the assholes at the embassy, she had to pay - around the equivilant of $2000 US.

I've lived in the united states all my life, and I've never had $2000, so fuck it, if someone wants to come here, I'm all for it, no matter if they jump fences, or whatever. And fuck Hillary Clinton, she makes George Bush look progressive on the immigration issue.

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in the early 1800s the US had a problem with illegal immigration too: Americans going into French, Mexican, and British and Spanish territory (not to mention soverign Indian Nations), to not only work and raise families, but GASP, settle and claim the land...




you reap what you sow... must as we are paying for the evil of our forefathers, so will our children and descendants...

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just to illustrate how far the country has moved on the political compass over the years... here is Teddy Roosevelt in 1907. this is one of the guys who kick started the progressive era, believed presidential power to be unlimited, issued over 1000 executive orders on his watch, (compared to the average of 50-100 before him) and was a strong supporter of imperialism. he is one of the often left out fathers of modern statist liberalism.... (not to be confused with classical liberalism)


"In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here

in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be

treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to

discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin But this is predicated upon the person's becoming in every facet an

American, and nothing but an American...There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag... We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language... and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American


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in the early 1800s the US had a problem with illegal immigration too: Americans going into French, Mexican, and British and Spanish territory (not to mention soverign Indian Nations), to not only work and raise families, but GASP, settle and claim the land...




you reap what you sow... must as we are paying for the evil of our forefathers, so will our children and descendants...



thats true all america did was take what wasnt theres and now they are worried that we are taking back what was ours in the first place. seriously though who else is gonna take all these below minimum wage jobs?! no one thats who! so damn! If you take every immigrant out of this country this economy is going to hell and if you guys like to eat some fruit now and then, kiss em good bye cuz there is not going to be anyone to pick em for you!!! so think about what you guys seriously want before you speak man!







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Too bad someone didn’t start shooting them all! Fuck this bullshit. I would love to see some demonstrations in Mexico and protesting for change!!! Shit that would be wonderful then they all would get shot! LOL


There is a big difference from being a immigrant and an illegal immigrant. Someone should of rounded them all up and deported them.

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my teacher is making us watch this gay indy movie called " a day without a mexican"..










its gay









i'd have to agree with you on this because that movie is actually pointless it pokes fun at mexican people more than help them out it and whats more messed up the director was mexican!

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Too bad someone didn’t start shooting them all! Fuck this bullshit. I would love to see some demonstrations in Mexico and protesting for change!!! Shit that would be wonderful then they all would get shot! LOL


There is a big difference from being a immigrant and an illegal immigrant. Someone should of rounded them all up and deported them.


Demonstration in Mexico



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you know what its so easy for you Americans (which i am myself) to say the shit that you do but boy do you sound so fucken ignorant and narrow minded you people seem to think that our government is doing something good here by getting rid of all these people well it wont be long till your ass is sitting in a jail cell wondering why ur wonderful racist war loving materialistic government is fighting to keep you in there.........we are at war right now your government has decided to get you focused on other topics other then the war they have decided to give birth to a knew form of racism and your dumb asses are okay with it do you want your country to represent a country of racist a country of contradiction is that what you want do you want your country to turn on you and make you a criminal for being who you are because of the pigment of your skin are you fucking kidding me are you saying that you are totally blind to what your government has been doing since the beginning of time this is just like the roman empire except its modernized keep the poor poor and the rich rich fuck what your contribution to this earth is as long as you build me big buildings pick my crops and let me at your women you fucken people dont get that there are natural laws we should go by that since the beginning of time we have been a species that migrated that married into each others tribes all this for one purpose to purify the races to make them one human race free of separatism you people dont get that you are giving birth to a communist country that you are the ancestors of illegals of thieves of greedy materialistic people you dont get that you are only hurting yourself by being ignorant as to what is actually going on here your narrow mind can only fathom whats right in your face and whats being told to you through the media but you cant think for yourself you cant think beyond your local interest yourself you cant think on a global level all you care about are your possessions we would not be in this situation had man not decided he would claim the earth as his settle fence his land in and make people work pumping our earth of her resources for the sake of being a god are you fucking kidding me do you think that your purpose on this earth is for gaining material possessions that you would resort to being a hateful person just for the sake of money ...had our ancestors not gone into Mexico and pumped it of the resources it had and had not killed off its people it would not be in the situation its in now your country the great U S of A created this problem now they will suffer the consequences did you know that your ancestors the same ones that invaded the Mexica Indians actually wiped more then enough of those so called savages then married their wives making most of the population of Mexico your family those are the descendants of the spaniards who killed off the natives ...the people you claim "all we ever wanted was your cervezas (and the land which is now southwest u.s. " well they took more then that u fucking idiot and what they took away was a whole civilization and made it their own and they continue to do this becasue its in their blood fuck the rules right fuck the laws of nature right they want what the Spaniards wanted they want what their ancestors wanted a better life and no not all of them can do it the legal way not all of them have the fucken money they have starving families they need to work they need the work as soon as they can get it so they can support their families those people will have the best work ethic then you will ever have becasue they do it to support their families and not their greed that's why poor people stay poor becasue they work to live and not be rich they do it becasue that's all they know how to do is survive and keep their families taken care of you think your all high and mighty on your pure bred American pompous ass well go fuck yourself you dont know shit about anything I'm an American citizen i am a 4th generation American citizen of a mestizo background my ancestors are Spaniard mostly and i am a registered voter i know damn well immigrants with or without papers pay taxes how the fuck else do you think they have survived they work they pay bills here they buy American goods they pay their fucken taxes so dont even go there i have known illegals who work for a paycheck only to have some of it sent to the government that doesn't want them here they dont get those income checks all that money that illegal immigrants make stays with the system all that money goes to support the war that started this shit they want you to think its this bad but tell me will i see you cleaning a fucking toilet in a titybar for 5 dollars an hr 8 hrs a day 6 days a week with no paid vacation really are you willing to do it becasue if your not i know some illegals who have families to support that could give a fuck less what they look like cleaning a fucken toilet as long as their babies are fed that night so go screw yourself and your narrow minded point of view......

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yeah, i just cant figure out why in the hell the "undocumented workers" just wont come through the legal way. then to top it off, for coming in illegally, their supporters use things like that statue of liberty saying to justify them illegally coming into our country, illegally working, illegally drawing social services, illegally using public tax payer funded schools to send thier children too and then turn around are DEMANDING citizenship.

these rallies arent doing anything but making guys like me 10 times as mad. send everyone the fuck home. it costs alot of money you say? hell, cut 70% of the government back to constitutional boundaries and we'll have a whole bunch of money to do something that the government is actually supposed to do. but we'd rather send trillions of dollars overseas in foreign aid every year.



I can only assume I don't get your first sentence because the sarcasm key has yet to be invented but I don't understand how your solution could work in reality. How do we pick out illegal immigrants? Do we just round up everyone brown or do you make all Hispanics where some sort of scarlet letter? What about my state where many of the illegal immigrants are from China, India, Canada, etc... Do they get a free pass?


So you're solution is to what, cut illegal immigrants off from society? Good because the best thing for an impoverished minority group in the USA is for their children to grow up illiterate and have no useful skills, awesome. So you want to end public schooling, Medicare, all civil service jobs, to get the constitution back to its original spending pattern? Wasn't it supposed to be a fluid constitution, that's why we can amend it? If we did everything as the constitution said we wouldn't have to worry about Mexicans becoming citizens because they wouldn't even be people, but I guess that's how it already is for you.

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The massive influx of low skilled mexicans will turn usa in to mexico. Where the aristocratic upperclass rule the poor uneducated masses.


America is selling out its own poor and it will be the end of the middle class.


Its like pissing your self in the winter. At first youll get warm, then youll freeze to death.

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i better get out my waders, because the bullshit is getting deep in here.


i think no illegal immigrant should get a pass. i dont give fuck if your from mexico, chechnya or ireland. i bitched out one of my girlfriends friends last year because she is not a citizen of america, is from ireland, and is only going to school here so she can extend her green card. but hey, im a racist right?


as for the constitution, yup, i want all unconstitutional measures cut. i fucking hate the federal government. it was not "supposed" to be a "fluid" document. it says what it says. if it is to be amended, hey, i'll see you at the table. funny thing is 90% of all unconstitutional expenditures and programs ARE NOT IN THE CONSTITUTION ANYWHERE, NOT EVEN AMENDMENTS! the government is the problem, not the solution. when the constitution was written the states and the people gave it very few powers. mainly defense, trade, foreign treaties, coining money. now we have a federal government that regulates what to put in toothpaste. we have everyone screaming about police states on the left (which is cool) but at the same time they want "entitlements," and tax payer funded EVERYTHING for themselves. sorry dude, the government doesnt owe you anything.


this race card stuff is getting comical. seriously, the whole world operates on discrimination. hell, did you discriminate against mcdonalds last night when you chose to go to burger king? did you discrminate against the baptist owned business because you chose to go to an athiest owned business? think about it. "equality" is unattainable. illegal immigration is not about RACE. its about coming to this country legally. quit playing the victimhood race card. its old. its weak. it isnt working.


get the fuck in line. or go the fuck home. its pretty damn simple.

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as for deporting illegal immigrants, some of you agree with our wonderful perfect imperial president Bush on the issue. isnt it ironic? you say its unrealistic to deport illegal aliens. its also unrealistic to catch all murderers. shall we legalize it as well? its unrealistic to possibly catch all rapists, should we give them amnesty from thier crime?


what is the problem? you have a government who has no respect for the rule of the law, the constitution, sovereignty, and only seek gaining a voting bloc and more back pats from CEO's for not enforcing immigration laws. you guys should love the government. they arent doing thier job. they want amnesty. what is the deal? you both want the same thing!

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i wish it were simple:


legal? cool.

illegal? get the fuck out.


that does pretty much sum it up for me.

however, how the fuck are we going to round em all up and get em out???

how? are we going to catch all murderers (anyone wanna start with our president)


gimme some ideas!

how would this actually happen in practice?

i'm serious.

unfortunately for our country, our legal system and enforcement division is in shambles.

and let's not even bother to talk about the INS. ha.


but NO, i still don't think we should go for amnesty.

it undermines everyone who took the trouble and time (and it is A LOT) to get here.

no free passes for anyone.

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I love how AoD says 'the bullshit is getting thick' and then he jumps up with the hyperbole argument. That's like the shit I broke down on my homies porch a couple weeks ago... we were talking about how this whole issue was about to blow up and implications, etc...


So, it was, and is, my contention that we just need to do a few things. First, get OUT of Iraq, then knuckle down, take the financial burden for the 10 years it would take us, and simply annex Mexico. We did it w/ Cali and that's worked out, we own it and the Mexicans come and go as they please already so... We just take the whole country, seal the southern border down there where the land is skinny in Central America. Further, instead of that stupid border fence idea, we use the fence around Mexico city... and that becomes a jail without supervision. If they step outside the wire, we shoot them dead...


This way, everyone is happy.

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sure, i am down to annex mexico, and adopt all their laws.

they do seem to have a better handle on this whole 'freedom' thing

while we're at it, let's do canada as well.


then our name "america" might actually be appropo



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I'm surprised noone here has touched on the core of this issue yet. I expected more from y'all. If we TRULY want to resolve this issue, we have to dig it up by the roots, and that's multinational corporations. The corpofascists run all over the world raping countries of their resources, enslaving their populations, all in the name of profits (which they largely absorb the lionsshare of), and since they produce the goods so cheaply and are in fact absorbing the vast majority of the wealth in the world, we are forced to buy their cheap goods, and we continue the vicious cycle. We shouldn't be surprised when even more poverty stricken countries peoples are clamoring at the gates of the US. We are the ones robbing them of their own wealth.

If illegal immigrants were granted a legal status that would establish a minimum standard and raise us all up so that noone can be exploited, and noone loses jobs. If you're going to be mad about something, be angry at the kleptocracy, not some poor immigrants just trying to feed their families because they were unfortunate enough to have been born in neocolonial backwaters.

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exactly its going on all over the world.......its been going on for a long time and it wont stop till people can open up their eyes to whats really going on here when i marched i did it for everyone not just my own people but for humanity i think on a global level and maybe that makes me some fucken hippie tree huggen pagan dreamer but at least i will go to sleep knowing i tried my best to fight for what i believe is right for humanity ...... this wasnt a race issue until i saw brown skin people in my commuinity getting stopped and I.D'ed as they walked home from the grocery store the cops were just posted there ..thats some pretty fucked up shyt my sister is an american citizen they stopped her as she was waiting to get on the bus to go downtown to her job. they asked if she was a citizen she is also a registerd voter i mean im sorry if no one can see that this sort of shyt needs to stop becasue racial profiling effects everyone not just people of darker skin but this is what they are using to identify illegals and that is the most fucked up about whats going on it wont be long till this evolves into something even worse we are at war in our own country over something that our goverment decided to ignore for a long period of time and now they want to do something about it they have gotten the American people so caught up on a local issue that they are forgetting why we are at war and that they are also having to pay higher fuel prices becasue of it and why becasue no one wants to understand that materialism and seperatism are the downfall of our scociety this planet does not belong to you when you buy a house its not yours nothing u have in your life is yours .... everthing you have worked to obtain is worthless cause when you die thats it you just spent your whole life working for money that will do you no good alive and dead u spent half your life working in jobs that you didnt like just to survive but you did it you conformed and thats understandable becasue you are a product of your enviroment the difference is you have control on how much you want to be aware on and what you will do to make change people just dont understand that we do not have to live this way ......when you die thats the end of you but our planet will still be here people will continue to live without you until you choose to come back when i come back i sure as hell do not want to come back to the same old shyt .....

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