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Motorcycle crash at 174 mph


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Guest KephaOneLove

^^i dont know if this is in refrence to what i jsut wrote,but your speakin knowledge.(.i mean to fuzzy reply)

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haha...fucking mamerro.


I've already got a motorcycle...or three. I've had my license for over a decade. So, yeah...I know what's up. I've even been down on the pavement before. I've lost a couple friends from bike wrecks as well. Some of the things I've learned...be vigilant, be more vigilant, always assume the worst driving decision from someone else and no matter what...if something doesn't feel right...pull over and get off the road.


And Jackson...yea...the motorcyclists in London are nuts. Fuckers share the lanes with cars and busses.




I'd really love to know the story behind the wreck that those photos were taken from.

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Guest imported_El Mamerro

I'm a little confused as to why there's both a riding boot and a normal tennis shoe in that mess.

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Guest imported_Tesseract
Originally posted by SteveAustin+Mar 23 2006, 02:12 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (SteveAustin - Mar 23 2006, 02:12 PM)</div><div class='quotemain'><!--QuoteBegin-BEEFEATER@Mar 23 2006, 01:00 PM

just dont crash.





Tell your car racing friend that he’s a pu$$y….. He’s not man enough to go out there with 2 wheels and 2 inches tire on the ground. He’s got to have four wheels and a whole bunch of body panels.


My buddy Aaron Yates crashed at 170++++ on the high banks of Daytona, in the exact same corner that Dale Sr. hit the wall and died. Aaron didn’t hit the wall, but he did tumble for an eighth mile on the asphalt. He got up and walked away.


Dale had a big car, roll cage, body panels with crumple zones and all that shiznit, hit the wall about a hundred mph less than what Aaron was doing and died. Pu$$y.


Viva La Road Racer!


- dude's broken nearly every bone in his body at least once. once the weather and streets get cleaned up...dude's gonna hook me up with some riding tips. I'm stoked.




No offence and all but dude sounds completely moronic.

The whole debate is based on 2 facts:

1) You're safer in a car than on a bike

2) Shit can happen regardless.


Athens has more bikes in the streets than cars so i know alot of people with bikes. Death is death, shit happens and you die, to me its like fate so i wont even talk about it on a safety basis.

Accidents though, we've all been in some. ALL my bike friends kept quite a souvenir from them (artificial knees, plates in the spinal cord, etc etc etc) while car users just got their stupid boring ass vehicle smashed.

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tesseract...you'd have to know my boy and know what my other friend said to truly get that statement.


LG's got carbon fiber balls. dude was all or nothing. he typically won a race...or wrecked trying to win. he's been in a lot of accidents on the track and a few off.


lots of testoserone and skills....yes. moron...hardly.


it's all good though...I think I might turn this into a carnage thread now.

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Guest imported_Tesseract

I dont mean to even call someone i dont know a moron to be honest and its quite untastefull since he's your friend and all but i'm always pissed with people that dont realise that their talent+special attributes AND luck doesnt apply to everyone else. So moron, most likely not, but i'll stick to the moronic

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I know where you're coming from...but its like I said...one of those... one moronic statements deserves another kinda thing...with his being the return.


the first one being my other friend implying that since I now own a bike that is capable of doing 160 mph...I'll end up like the ground up hamburger guy in the pics. the other friend was kinda discounting my experience and talents on motorcycles just because its a superbike.

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While we're on the subject of... I really wasn't paying attention... couple things.


Euro-heads may not care but for californians looking for a way to possibly take out Porsches for pennies on the dollar, look no further than VWw in the next year or so. They're calling it the GX3 and they've given it a price tag of $17,000 with a possibility of releasing it as soon as 2007. 45 mpg, 0-60 5.7, lateral grip of 1.25. All I can think of is drop a turbo busa into it and you're set to destroy.


If noone else gets excited by these things, I appologize. I'm a car designer.







For skeptics: http://www.edmunds.com/insideline/do/News/...cleId=109643#14

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I like to think of every time you've had a slight 'graze' in a car, if that were a bike you were riding you would be on the ground. Not a nice thought considering now many times I've sideswiped shit.

Plus who wants to put their lives in the hands of every asian woman on the roads?

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Originally posted by fuse=--action+Mar 24 2006, 01:08 AM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (fuse=--action - Mar 24 2006, 01:08 AM)</div><div class='quotemain'><!--QuoteBegin-Soup@Mar 23 2006, 06:26 PM

I'm a car designer.

Sweet soup, how do you get a job like that?




Degree in industrial design with a focus on transportation.

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