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Ever have a hernia?

Spuds Mckenzie

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I got a hernia like 3 years ago in my abdomen area. I didnt even realize I had it until someone pointed out the small lump. I felt no pain or anything. I went to a doctor and appearently hes a shmuck because all he told me was "yeah you got a hernia" and never suggested me doing anything about it. I still havent taken care of it cause I'm the type of retard that waits for blood and extreme pain before I seek any help. Any of you ever get a hernia? What did you do about it?

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Originally posted by Flavicon+Mar 13 2006, 11:07 AM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Flavicon - Mar 13 2006, 11:07 AM)</div><div class='quotemain'><!--QuoteBegin-bobthedestroyer@Mar 13 2006, 11:00 AM

Surgery was required because my ball would go in my stomach..



:shook: :shook: :shook:



i had one and had to have surgery too... but i was liek 13 yrs old... though i had a hernia above my belly button...mine never hurt but it did kinda of fell weird

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you need to get that shit checked. you'll have to have surgery, there's no way around that. the downside to waiting for blood or extreme pain with a hernia is that it is probably not going to happen. but what can happen is that the hernia will attach itself where it's popping through. bottom line is that you gotta get that shit taken care of asap. that's my advice, take it or leave it.

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its really not that big of a deal. if you just let it go...it'll go away...just like this guys.




no...thats not his unit...its his fucking intestines popping out of his abdominal wall. There's an even worse pic I've seen...but I'm not motivated enough to track it down.

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i heard once on the sunday night sex show some girl asked the lady why her bf's balls go up into his stomach while they have sex....she(the sex lady) just said that its that way from birth and you need to get a surgery to fix it up, cuz when balls decend i guess theres something up there thats suppose to make sure they dont come back up??? anyways yeah thats that....the sex lady didnt seem too concerned tho she was just like yeh go to a doc no biggie








Definition: A general term referring to a protrusion of a tissue through the wall of the cavity in which it is normally contained. More specifically, a hernia often refers to an opening or weakness in the muscular structure of the wall of the abdomen . This defect causes a bulging of the abdominal wall. This bulging is usually more noticeable when the abdominal muscles are tightened, thereby increasing the pressure in the abdomen. Examples of activities that can worsen a hernia are lifting, coughing, or even straining to have a bowel movement. Imagine a barrel with a hole in its side and a balloon that is blown up inside the barrel. Part of the inflated balloon would bulge out through the hole. The balloon going through the hole is like the tissues of the abdomen bulging through a hernia.


Symptoms of a hernia include pain or discomfort and a localized swelling somewhere on the surface of the abdomen or in the groin area.


Serious complications from a hernia result from the trapping of tissues in the hernia -- a process called incarceration. Trapped tissues may have their blood supply cut off, leading to damage or death of the tissue.


The treatment of incarceration requires immediate surgery .


webMD is good shit

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