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Just kind of a lame for my own info question but say you rip a cd at 320 kbs and convert it to 192 to save disc space does it really save space without affecting the sound quality and if you rip a cd at 192 and convert it to 320, does it improve sound quality? Just curious /nh.

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Just kind of a lame for my own info question but say you rip a cd at 320 kbs and convert it to 192 to save disc space does it really save space without affecting the sound quality and if you rip a cd at 192 and convert it to 320, does it improve sound quality? Just curious /nh.



Why not just rip it at 192 in the first place? Upconverting destroys sound quality.

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no, you cannot improve sound quality by going to 192. that's like saying you have 3 slices of pie but you want 6, where are those extra 3 slices of pie (or in the case of upconverting, information) going to come from?


sound gets diminished the lower you go. dont even bother with 320, it is way too close to lossless audio in terms of file size that you should just rip to flac or alac. converting to 192 does affect sound quality, but you probably don't have the kind of system where it will be overly noticeable.

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i'm having horrible wifi problems with my laptop. i can always get wifi connections to my xbox and itouch but when it comes to my laptop, it's horrible. it's always going on and offline, sometimes never shows up on my network lists. i've tried deleting and re-acquiring it to my saved networks, i can't find any new updates for the wireless drivers. it's miserable. i really am putting off having to call up tech support and dealing with a call center but if i have no other options, i shall be making my 45 minute call tomorrow

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thanks guys. that's pretty much what i was gathering. i am trying to get an invite to what.cd and preparing for the "entrance exam" and rather than bombard here with all the lame questions, i am trying to spread them around. i probably won't ever get anything from there, but am just trying to prove a point to a friend that has this l33t attitude over an invite to a torrent site. beer is involved.

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no. it's only one room over. yesterday i sat my laptop down right in front of it and still nothing. i actually haven't had a chance to bring my laptop anywhere else to try. it used to work perfectly all the time and i don't have a clue why it changed



Firmware update? Make sure you get the right version number for the router from a sticker on the underside.


Could try changing your MTU on the router settings to 1492.

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aaaayo. I got this external drive in one of my classes. 320 gb. Its formated with NTSF. For this class I only need 20gb so i was trying to copy my music and other shit to the new drive but i cant for the life of me. It says the drive cant be modified. I cant create a new folder, cant copy pasta to the drive... I reset the permissions for the drive on my PC to full permission. I need to use NTSF as its being used for a couple virtual machines. Everything I want to copy to this drive media wise currently resides on an Imac. Is that the problem? Does this mac not honor NTSF? On the Mac after i reset my permissions to Full Control on the PC it still says read only. If so... how do i elevate privileges for the drive on my Imac?

Seriously. I dont know what i want to kill more. The mac or the pc. Abcs about to go full blown nerd and step his Linux game up

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macs can only read ntsf, not write to them.

format it to fat32 and you're good to go.

you will lose any info on the drive by formatting.


Found on a mac forum:


1) Format the drive as Mac OS Extended. This will provide total access read/write/no limitation for your Macs. It will not be readable by a Windows PC without a third party software like MacDrive.


2) Format the drive for a Windows PC, as NTFS. This will provide READ access only from the Macs, no writing. It will provide total read/write no limitation for the Windows PCs.


3) Format the drive for a Windows PC, as FAT32. This will provide read/write access to the drive for both a Mac and a Windows PC, with limitations (which are FAT32 based). These limitations include (but aren't limited to :p) Maximum file sizes of 4G, partition limit of 32G(which is actually a W2K/XP limitation), and according to NTFS supporters, less overall stability compared to NTFS, as Fat32 is an "old" filesystem replaced by NTFS.(Which I have no reason to doubt, but also have not run into any more/fewer problems with a FAT32 drive than any other one)

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What's the smallest program I can use to listen to music? I've just been using VLC for years now but seeing as my laptop is a trillion years old, when I'm editing photos and have heaps of shit open, it skips and fucks up and drives me nuts. So now I work for hours in silence and I'm going crazy.


Oh and it's for linux (gnome).


Cool story bro.


Edit: I'm about to try Audacious, any other suggestions?


Re=edit: Audacious is working a treat. Uhhh... thanks anyway I guess!

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I use foobar

Supposed to use minimal memory, and its very customizable



edit - not positive that it works on linux



I have a 64 bit processor, but I'm running 32 bit windows. Does this matter? Is there an advantage to running 64 bit?




Can anyone recommended a good but not too pricey graphics card for gaming? I'm trying to run GTA IV, and my motherboard graphics card (256mb i think) is definitely not cutting it - graphics are fucked and i get about 2 frames per second. HA. I've got a 3ghz dual core processor and 1.93gb of ram, if anyone thinks that's a bigger problem than the graphics card.



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I use foobar

Supposed to use minimal memory, and its very customizable



edit - not positive that it works on linux



I have a 64 bit processor, but I'm running 32 bit windows. Does this matter? Is there an advantage to running 64 bit?




Can anyone recommended a good but not too pricey graphics card for gaming? I'm trying to run GTA IV, and my motherboard graphics card (256mb i think) is definitely not cutting it - graphics are fucked and i get about 2 frames per second. HA. I've got a 3ghz dual core processor and 1.93gb of ram, if anyone thinks that's a bigger problem than the graphics card.





A newer nvidia geforce will work. Check newegg.com


64 bit is faster. You may or may not notice differences depending on

what you do with your computer/what programs you run.

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What's a good laptop for under $750 (i'm on the poverty tip). The most i will be running on it is photoshop.


I noticed the Vaio link said sold out. So my suggestion is this




I own this Laptop in a red finish. It is fuckin awesome and well worth the price. Granted it doesn't come with Microsoft office but there are ways of getting around that.


More than enough power for what you need. However the only drawback is the fans go on a lot and they are rather noisy plus you said you were going to be using photoshop so the Ati Radeon 4250 may not be the best route, may want to upgrade to the 5 or 6 series card if you can.


For future reference when comparing Ati cards which are going to be AMD cards due to the buy out, THe first number in the set is the generation number then it's the second number you want to look out for. The second number is the strength of the videocard. so a 4250 is apart of the fourth gen card series and at only 2 for strength. But a card such as the Ati Radeon 5870 is apart of the 5th gen series with a strength of 8. HIGH ASS QUALITY.


I don't fuck with nvidia they don't innovate all they do is slap on a new name on an old ass card and call it new and improved. Ati is about to reveal their new gen series while Nvidia just stagnates.



Blahh, I suggest upgrading to at least 2 gigs of DDR3 RAM.

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okay so i have a problem with my admin rights

everytime i run something as admin or when i try downloading something

this pops up for like 2 secounds and then goes away

this also pops up when i log into my computer

it stayed up for just enough time that i managed to prtscrn it


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Consent.exe is the executable file for User Account Control (UAC) in Windows Vista. This process is a new security feature. UAC is also a component of Windows Server 2008.


Consent.exe or UAC allows users to perform common tasks as non-Administrative users, commonly referred to as standard users in Windows Vista. Users can also perform Administrative tasks without the need to switch between users, log off or use Run As.


File Information

By default, the consent.exe file is said to be found in the C:\Windows\System32 folder. Its size on Windows XP is 0 bytes. The most common size of the file on Windows Vista is found to be 81,920 bytes. The file has no visible window and has a security rating of 42% dangerous.


Is Consent.exe a Malware Program?

A rogue consent.exe is known to be circulating around. This rogue file is a dangerous malware that can spy on your online and PC activities to gather personal and confidential information about you. This is the reason why, if you have the slightest doubt, ensure that the consent.exe file on your computer is located within the default folder. Anywhere else, it is more likely to be a malware. At times, the malware file may even overwrite the legitimate file in its default folder. Therefore, you should also check the file size to make sure that it is consistent with verified file sizes. You can also right click and check Properties to see if Microsoft shows the file there.





go download malwarebytes





install and run

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sorry, I forgot to mention, you will need to restart the computer and boot it into safemode



to do this press the f8 key continuously when you first see a splash screen keep pressing it till you see a list that says safemode


select it and then run malwarebytes do a full scan


then when it is complete follow prompts and restart the computer, after it restarts open up malwarebytes again and run the update and do another full scan


then you should be all set

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What do you guys recommend for a good slideshow program besides powerpoint? I have a ton of pics that i want to put onto a dvd and make copies so that other people can see the trip i took. Need a program that has cool transitions and allows you to put music as u watch.


Powerpoint takes for ever to place all the pics n resize them.

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