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Poop Man Bob

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Originally posted by I.C.Shadow+Feb 15 2006, 06:46 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (I.C.Shadow - Feb 15 2006, 06:46 PM)</div><div class='quotemain'><!--QuoteBegin-SpyD@Feb 15 2006, 11:36 PM

Dont Copy That Floppy!


haha oh shit, soooooooooo cheesy








No Carmen Sandiego, no more Oregon Trail

Tetris and the others, they're all gonna fail

Not because we want it but because you're just takin' it

Dis-res-pec-tin' all the folks who are ma-kin' it

The more you take, the less there will be

The disks become fewer, the games fall away

The screen starts to tweak, and then it will fade

Programs fall through a black hole in space

The computer world becomes bleak and stark

Loses its life and the screen goes dark


You see, on these disks we have frozen in time

The creativity of someone's mind

Do you think, that because, with a flick of a key

You can copy that game, that the work is free

This creativity, we protect it by law

We value so highly, what the mind's eye saw

Don't copy! Don't copy that floppy!

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I know so many girls that toss around nigga like its cool to say.


I was going to a show with some drunk bitch saying nigga after everything.


The bouncer is like what show you gonna see?


"Appreciation Post, Nigggaaaaa!"


The huge black dude just looks at her.


She got ill apologetic and was like sorry sorry, i didnt mean it.

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Fans immediately began putting copies of the video online. On one free video-sharing site, YouTube (http://www.youtube.com), it was watched a total of five million times . NBC soon made the video available as a free download from the Apple iTunes Music Store.


Julie Supan, senior director of marketing for YouTube, said she contacted NBC Universal about working out a deal to feature NBC clips, including "Lazy Sunday," on the site. NBC Universal responded early this month with a notice asking YouTube to remove about 500 clips of NBC material from its site or face legal action under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. YouTube complied last week. "Lazy Sunday" is still available for free viewing on NBC's Web site, and costs $1.99 on iTunes.


Julie Summersgill, a spokeswoman for NBC Universal, said the company meant no ill will toward fan sites but wanted to protect its copyrights. "We're taking a long and careful look at how to protect our content," she said.


YouTube and others in the new wave of video-sharing sites have so far managed to avoid major legal problems even though they often carry copyrighted material without permission.

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