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Movie Recommendation Thread

H. Lecter

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I've never met a person who doesn't approve of Chopper, let alone love it


Pretty much the same goes for The Hurt Locker





I don't get why everyone loves the Hurt Locker... it seemed to me like they spent the entire movie trying to show how fucked up these guys get due to the shit they do through, then at the end glorify him leaving his family because war the only thing he loves/can deal with? I thought the ending ruined the entire movie, mainly just through the choice of music.

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perhaps "beware" wasn't the proper alert. maybe..."prepare....." yourself to see a lot of penis and real time porn on the silver screen. regardless of your feelings. you cannot tell me you've ever seen anything like that in an actual film.


haha. yeah I guess not.

fuckin crazy film.

just dont get why they included so much penis.

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fuck "a serious man"


just because they made another movie doesn't mean it was good.

maybe i missed the punchline, but im usually good at reading thru the lines on that kind of shit...

did not like, would not recommend...


Agreed. A Serious Man fuckin sucked.

I'm gonna have to nega prop niggas who like shitty movies

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Now, if we're talkin recent releases than this movie is worth a watch, even though it was a complete rip off of "Wolf" with J. Nicholson and Michelle Pfeiffer. Undeniably cheesy, except for the chick that plays a modern Pfeiffer(only back in old english days). But the kill scenes were extremely satisfying.




Serious? Its a remake of the original wolf man with lon chaney jr.






Its nothing like "Wolf".

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Serious? Its a remake of the original wolf man with lon chaney jr.






Its nothing like "Wolf".


:nope: atchurself bruh. good wolf, bad wolf situation. good lookin broad in the pasta. same shit. don't come up in here tryin to act like your the only dude to ever watch og horrors from the 40's. f.o.h.

great job!


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i just saw the movie blood diamond for the first time yesterday...while it was good, i really wouldnt recommend it to anyone.


funny thing is that the whole time i was watching the movie, i kept thinking about kandybah.


I laugh my way through this movie every time it's on because of the overly dramatic faces that charcoal colored dude makes during any scene that deal with his son. That plus the way they make out all of the Africans they encounter seem like the jungle dwellers that Tarzan would meet make this movie a 2 thumbs up comedy. The part where the journalist girl calms the tribal rebels with her camera is the best example of this. "Look, magic white woman and camera OOGA BOOGA we no kill now!"


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