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Issac Brock

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well, some people don't like to be the grommet kid, foaming at the mouth at anything related to graffiti.


"oh shit man! i'm gunna get this belt buckle and have my name on it and my hat and my shirt and blah blah blah"


it's the same dude that "tags" color names on their cans.


Also, the same dude who introduces himself as "i'm so-and-so, you know, Phaze 1 DIK Krew SON! I run with Psycho, Splat and Theme!"


Don't get me wrong, we all have done it, but some people decide to grow up, and some people don't. Also, radiologist, you know damn well you're talking about a different era in graffiti, back then, shit was less blown up, it as pretty rare back then to bump into another writer in this city, so crew name shirts, and stuff of that nature was a lot more acceptable.


bump downplaying something that shouldn't encompass your entire life.


I gotta say what makes me ponder the most over what you have to say is the "it as pretty rare back than to bump into another writer in this city:


Death as i recall you came up into a scene that was already blown up by the "turtle era" Everyone knew everybody and painting without running into people was the rarity. So maybe you should stop taking grams stories and inserting yourself in them, because you came up when graff was a fad and the cool thing to do. Im not saying your a groupie, you proved yourself in the begining and that lost your roots as time rolled on. And thats on you, but please dont try to humor the world by associating yourself with the old school cats when you were a coming up with the 245325215 people that already quit painting.


And i can see not wanting to support your crew being that you peaced out on your original crew fbs. Because i damn sure remember you starting that up taking it like it was your own and than letting little shit get to you like a bad ex girl friend who was a waitress hitting up your boys after you two broke it off.


Either way you do you thing and spend time convincing yourself your right, and not supporting crew repping, because well you are the prime example of abandoned a crew you started.


Death neither of us are painting like we did any more, but i still have love for my crew like it was the deepest of days. Remember your roots cause you were the coolest humble cat and I'd hate to see that shit go further downhill than it already is.



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The only people who agree with what you are saying, and are still crying about my "loyalty" are the ignorant one's, left on the OTHER SIDE of the crew split.


And as for being humble, you sure weren't humble when you bumped into our friend at the bar and said "i'm the reason you were up."


You can keep beating your chest for that dead horse,

show everyone how much you support people robbing their close friends,

show everyone how much you support beating up people in your crew over money.

show everyone how much you support 100% flat out IGNORANCE.

show everyone how much you support pulling guns on friends.

show everyone how much you support a crew that ROBS PEOPLE.


that's not the crew i or you (who started it right along with us) wanted, that's not the goals we had. Crying and being hurt that i decided to leave the steaming heap of shit it became, while you, (who have nothing to do with anything), and the others who didn't drop, are left to being known as a sheep.


show everyone how hurt you are, being the one left with just enough brains to know that you got the shit end of the stick.



this is the last time i will reply in regards to this, i have said my peace.

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The only people who agree with what you are saying, and are still crying about my "loyalty" are the ignorant one's, left on the OTHER SIDE of the crew split.


And as for being humble, you sure weren't humble when you bumped into our friend at the bar and said "i'm the reason you were up."


You can keep beating your chest for that dead horse,

show everyone how much you support people robbing their close friends,

show everyone how much you support beating up people in your crew over money.

show everyone how much you support 100% flat out IGNORANCE.

show everyone how much you support pulling guns on friends.

show everyone how much you support a crew that ROBS PEOPLE.


that's not the crew i or you (who started it right along with us) wanted, that's not the goals we had. Crying and being hurt that i decided to leave the steaming heap of shit it became, while you, (who have nothing to do with anything), and the others who didn't drop, are left to being known as a sheep.


show everyone how hurt you are, being the one left with just enough brains to know that you got the shit end of the stick.



this is the last time i will reply in regards to this, i have said my peace.


no need to put personal shit out there like that. especially on this shit hole of a website. keep it to the pm's or better yet, keep your opinions to yourselves. everyone has an opinion and thats why opinions are like assholes. not trying to be a dick, i got respect for both of you cats, but yall need to SHUT THE FUCK UP ON THE INTERNET.

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