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Issac Brock

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this may be a subject more suited for a thread where arguments and e-thuggin arent more important than flicks, but do you guys think its "cheating" to do a wall and use tape, rollers, markers, and things for like stencils or masks or to differ paint from covering a certain part of the piece. OR shoulf it all be straight can besides a buff?

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this may be a subject more suited for a thread where arguments and e-thuggin arent more important than flicks, but do you guys think its "cheating" to do a wall and use tape, rollers, markers, and things for like stencils or masks or to differ paint from covering a certain part of the piece. OR shoulf it all be straight can besides a buff?


1 do what u want and fuck what people think.

2 I'd say everything is ok, besides heavy use of stencils, that's more of a "street art" type of thing

3 many writers use blue tape for their backgrounds (jurne, ensoe, sueme)

4 many writers do their first outlines with chalk

5 all elements are fine unless you use them as a crutch. If you can't already do a straight clean line, then using tape won't help, it will just be obvious that's what you did. I'd say they're things that should be used after someone has figured out can control.


That's my two cents.

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First, I don't use chalk, thats what dollar paint is for, but I understand why someone would use it.


Second, quite a few writers that everyone here dickrides definitely use some of those methods, mostly for backgrounds and patterns, but it's not like it doesn't happen.


Third, none of those techniques are "street spot" accepted, doing that shit on anything else than high paying legal walls, or production walls in yards, is pretty bammer.

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all chalk city. Big ignint ass shits on the side of pretty much whatever. Broad daylight side of the freeway hookups. In case police show up i guess have a broom and a bucket of warm soapy water handy. Cant think of a reason you would need to try and get away. It sounds silly and im not really serious but im also pretty sure it would ride until someone swept it off. Pretty hard to call chalk marks malicious or destruction. Maybe get cited for trespassing. That or the MDOP and while your grounds for fighting the charges would be pretty solid it would still be a pain in the ass.

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Hense. Guess it doesn't matter it's not the biggest secret:



My friend had been painting with him a few months before and told me he was doing it on rough walls too. Said friend was a prankster though I thought he was fucking with me. The thinness of a marker would throw me off I would think, generic or scrap cans for first outlines

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yo ward good looking. I didnt even know about the ignore button, so I dont see flicks unless someone other than sarcasm posts em. also, if you guys give a fuck, in detroit, the current law is, of course with any half assed lawyer you'll beat the rap anyway in this city, that if the vandalism or graffiti or whatever you want to call it cannot be washed off, it is a mdop. if it can be washed off on the spot, and you can do it right quick, the charges will be thrown out.


i know it sounds dumb, but it's truth. you can pretty much just do wheat pasting in this city and get away with it legally with the right representation until the laws are changed.


I will say that right now I know of a few people that are caught up in cases, and the normal the arresting officers are not present the case is thrown out, which I have had twice, not only didn't happen, but they were not offered plea bargains either. which makes me think that the city has had enough. but that isnt anything none of us already knew. I mean look at the guest count. I know it isnt correct, but at the same time, I gotta figure there are a few narks here everyday. I know a lot of you use flickr and facebook to store your flicks. I wouldnt be surprised if when the state sorts out this financial mess even somewhat here, the laws are gonna change real quick. any retard that actually has lived in this city their whole life, and painted here their whole life can see that shit coming a mile away.


so my point, other than this city will no longer be the wild west, we'll see who is real and who aint. so even though I talk mad shit about out of towners, most them niggas come from places that the laws are so much worst than they are here, and them niggas are straight g's. no matter how much shit I talk about them.


nigga Ima bout to go get some soaps, a razor, some rollerblades, some chalk, and still gonna be the king. jewish elvis niggas. eat a dick.

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