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Issac Brock

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drugs/pills/chemicals is tricky & complex. some people can take em or leave em. others prolly have underlying imbalanced/malfunctioning bioneurochem mechanisms that make them more/less vulnerable to taking it too far or they simply stop caring, which is heartbreaking. legal issues aside, it’s the 'art of dosages' i suppose, like anything in life…to be sure tho, the drug might be 'in control' and not the user. im not necessarily condoning or condemning, but to be fair, the pharmaceutical companies stocks greedily & statistically count on a part of the populations deviation & subverted value/illegal exchange..…they are creating their own 'demand' in the first place and a surplus 'supply'…and from what ive observed in clinical trials & abstracts as well as personally/anecdotally, once you head down the road (of course, smoking, imo, is harmless), it becomes a hard path to reverse without some kind of steel will/help/desire to stop…ive seen some of the most intelligent people get funneled into these vacuums, so, imo, its not necc. a matter of being dumb enough to keep crushing or a character flaw or anything-- not sayin you thought so, just in general..…these are powerful and potent substances studied in laboratories, designed & tested specifically to maximize profits and get bodies of consumers increasingly dependent, unwell, and desiring to cross certain thresholds…im not sayin all of modern medicine is out for blood, but mostly with corporate ulterior political-economic motivations, it sadly cannot be avoided.

if you can stop, you could save ur moneys/mind/life & do something possibly more inspiring with them, if you wanted to. now i shutthefuckup so red wont hate, etc.




whole lotta big words there... if i'm not mistaken, threads are only for regurgitating your own opinions, not for hearing anyone else's... sir.:D :D

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yo greyghost. shut the fuck up with your 15 paragraph essays and stick to posting flicks. no one cares. and stop posting gang graffiti and bullshit. yeah bump the porab gasm olse and them but cmon. think about what you pos with that land and whatever garbage.


ok. fair enough.

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actually....i like seeing gang graffiti along with all random graffiti....keep posting them! however peoples failed attempts at rap letters, now that shit hurts my eyes.


hey-- cool. ha, yah, theyre pretty abrasive to view...im not sure i should discriminate

thru da lens, but i can definitely try to for what goes up here

if thats the consensus...personally, im happy to see it all but

this is your guys space, so..

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first off, bump greyghost for coming through and posting flicks. I was mainly the only person the last few years, and it's cool to see another guy out there just taking flicks, but try and keep up with the scene. there is new shit out there to flick, and if it aint new, trust me I posted the shit before, prolly 3-4 times already. so if you're not a writer here, just kinda pay attention so you know what's new and what aint. but regardless, thanks for taking flicks dude.


2nd, gans, kid, seriously, come the fuck on already. you got potential. I seen it in you. I tried to take you under my wing and teach you everything I know, most importantly history, but time and time again you fucking shit on this cities history and those that came before you. my best advice, stop man. get a new name. keep practicing, buff yourself out. dont go over anyone. because one of these days, someone is gonna run into you, you're gonna be 18, and your jaw is gonna get wired shut, and your pockets and paint is gonna get ran. that aint a threat kid. redeem yourself. I am trying to be nice to you, but you make it so fucking difficult. just stop going over cats. even if it is in the yard. I've done a lot of dumb shit over the years, and I regret most of it. there is no need to go over cats in this city, unless it's warranted. on a side note, I dont give a fuck what yall say, sidebusting is comepletely acceptable in my book, for the most part. eat a dick.


3rd, I respect your opinion, but this is kinda retarded to me..."actually....i like seeing gang graffiti along with all random graffiti....keep posting them! however peoples failed attempts at rap letters, now that shit hurts my eyes."

I mean I cant hate on you for saying you dont like shitty graffiti, but not you, or anyone else here has any authority to say someone "failed." there are a few exceptions, that fagit extinguisher being one of them, but everyone has a different style, and their own opinion on how it should be done. I personally love grimey ass graf, and shitty graf. I prefer it over multiple color peices and burners. you've been along long enough to know. shit might hurt your eyes, but if cats are out in the streets putting in work, that aint no fail, no matter how bad the shit is.


I would post flicks but the wifi in this motel sucks and takes 9 years to load. also, if you got through all that, you're an idiot. nothing I say matters, and usually I am just talking out of my assholemouth. fuck yall.

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Yo gans. Keep wasting your dads money on paint cuz your shits not gonna stick. And if you delibertly went over Porab in the yard im blasting your fucking mouth out when i see you. Dont give a fuck if youre 17 or not. Have your dad with him cuz ill knock that fool the fuck out too.



"...and get knocked out like your daddy used to."

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