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Issac Brock

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you only get better by wanting your shit to look fresh like other cats, your shit isnt fresh.


Bump that army, still rock'n that dope style


I aint mad. Any tips? No shame in asking. drawing the shit is no problem but transferring it is sloppy man. I may need some thins. Can't make art if you don't have the supplies.

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can't make art without the supplies? oh goddddddd hahaha.



this whole page is fire.


Yes, I come from a family of well off oil painters and we drink the finest of wine! I come from a schooling that teaches us the rules and aspects of everything! Do not offend me for I will take into consideration when I find you.


*Sips Merlot*

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you dont need fucking thins, hold the stock cap closer to the fucking wall to get a thin line, now fats i could see you wanting cuz filling with a stock is a bitch. dont ever talk about fucking wine and gay ass shit liek that on here, this is for graf not cats who like to get raped


Come on mang. I was JOKING around. That tip helps man, for real. How's a mutha fucka suppose to learn the proper way to box and not know the stance.


I'm not looking for a damn teacher or some gay shit like that.


Man fuck it.


gimme more msk.

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Re: DETROIT GRAFFITI - Today, 04:33 AM




sbk krew detroit - like the fact that FBS is smashing all of SWL gurls hangouts cant wate to roll with them fools n reallie put a smashing on them fags!!!!

Fuck SwL., less talk more punches n E-N-j bottal throwing!!!suckers


Do you ever shut up? Bump MSK.




Last edited by obligado : Today at 04:36 AM.




man fuck u bitch ass nigga u anit shit but a pussy nigga how im ganna shut up if im typing dumass

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just because someone talks, it does not mean they know what they're talking about.

it takes more than 'getting close to the wall' with stock caps.

also, i highly doubt you can do it just fine on paper, but then have problems transfering it to the wall. i imagine the paper versions suck as well. no offense, just saying. learning takes time, nothing wrong with that.


i appreciated the wine reply. keep a sense of humor, theres no reason getting bent over the comments on the internet.

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09-04-2007, 03:51 AM

long time no see -


o seeking how I have missed you and your salty smut magazine we call 12oz detroit graffiti I really can not believe you have let people be so fucked what eve me and you should get some coffee some time I realy want to hear your 2 cent


consider that my '2 cent'.

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