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Everything posted by getursaladtossd

  1. its a lulz because they make it out to be like hes from detroit.
  2. i wonder how blownout her hallway is...
  3. bump detroit drama, kidding this shits getting old, i wonder how different things would be if there was no 12oz? anywho, bump sarcasm supplying us with flicks, and those bis and hues freights!
  4. the blonde with the pink pannies and the brunet next to her....those little sluts would get it.
  5. this is fucking incredible man, great work!!
  6. its the detroit walls, they only can withstand dollar store paint
  7. PAID AGENT REMIX.........(wickedwacko!)
  8. ahhh how i love me some bengali girls.. dated one, and live in a city full of them
  9. bump that elmer at the skate park that shit is lookin buttery!
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