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Bohemian Grove California


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Guest imported_Tesseract
Originally posted by SF1+Dec 19 2005, 12:27 AM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (SF1 - Dec 19 2005, 12:27 AM)</div><div class='quotemain'><!--QuoteBegin-KaBar2@Jun 25 2005, 07:42 PM

The Bohemian Grove thing is very real, and they definately do most of the shit that is alleged that they do. The "Bilderbergers" meet at various places (it used to always be held at the Bilderberger hotel in Amsterdam, Netherlands, I think.) They have met several times in recent years here in the U.S., in Virginia and in Washington, D.C. This is an organization of the world's wealthiest, most powerful people, and it is at meetings like this that these people decide the future for the rest of us.

The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and the Trilateral Commission are two other organizations very similar to the Bilderbergers. These organizations are filled with the world's most powerful industrialists, bankers, politicians and investors. They also include top educators from major universities, high-ranking military officers, scientists and other people in key positions of authority. These people are NOT ELECTED by the rest of us. Regular, normal people are not represented at these meetings. These are meetings, essentially, of modern royalty.


If the fact that these bastards are collaborating to keep us under their boot makes you feel angry, it should. Why not start studying and learning everything you can about them? Your ignorance is their power.


Are you bi-polar??? :haha:




i'm saying...

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On the "owl". Heres the deal as far as i can tell.


Why do all these dudes worship the owl? Well, first and foremost I think its roots are in ancient egyptian mythology, which it would appear these guys strongly believe in. The owl is the egyptian symbol for the sound "m" as in "Mason". Im not so sure about the owl representing "satan" or "molech", but it wouldnt suprise me seeing as they are making mock (?) sacrifices to it every year.


These guys are very into symbolism. And it creeps me the fuck out.

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Originally posted by BucketHead@Dec 19 2005, 04:27 AM



the bohemian club of the ol' days, early 1900's


Yeah back then they used a real human sacrifice.


Interesting how the guy second from the right in the first row is holding a walkie talkie, looks like a motorolla. Very 1909ish.


A simple question- do you guys find yourself buying into this type of thing to have an excuse? I'll admit being able to blame your shortcomings on some massive plan to hold you back is certainly comfortable...if you don't get anywhere in life its not really your fault. But doesn't common sense rear its ugly head and bite you in the ass once in a while?

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well.. there is no doubt in my mind that is not a walkie talkie, but a pipe. But i dont take this shit seriously, i dont obsess over it for weeks on end, i just find it interesting that our government is so deeply obsessed with ancient pagan gods and symbols. Its worth talking about.


you're obviously a dis-information agent.

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Yes, its a pipe that he is holding upside down (with his entire hand), with his index finger over the bowl. That would be the part where the fire and tobaccy meet. Fire + finger ='s ouchy.


The fact that the quality of the photo is the same as the ones that are taken at amusement parks might as well not be mentioned.




Bucket head, you got me all wrong man. I am on here saying the opposite of what I really believe, because if I said the truth the CIA would read my brain waves and kill me.... just like back in the Nam. I'm wearing my tin foil hat right now, so its all good. Anywho, you are absolutely correct. Walt Disney was a freemason. So was Mickey Mouse, and you know what that means. Chuck Norris = new world order. So obviously, if you put one and one together, it means that wal mart is being run by the knights of templar, and thats why an aerial photo of the capitol looks like the roller back smiley face. But no, it does NOT end there! Our drinking water is being contaminated by gatorade, that is actually the urine of Kobe Bryant's great great great grand uncle Jebedizah Bryant, slave to Benjamin Franklin. And as well all know, Benjamin Franklin created AIDS with the alien shemales in his seceret basement, which coincidentally has a map drawn of it on the back of the 7 dollar bill. Perhaps I've said too much......


Is there a Scientology angle here I'm missing? Maybe the alien ghosts who live in volcanoes started the freemasons? SF, you must know.

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I’m speaking for myself on this but I have a feeling that a few of the heads on here are coming from the same place as I for the most part. I don’t believe any of this to be fact in any way, however being an open minded person I won’t rule anything out and will take all possibilities into consideration.


I happen to find things like this interesting, especially when most of it IS in fact rooted in truth. I do find it fascinating and disturbing (all at the same time) that our government and many other governments are obsessed with occult symbolism, especially when these symbols adorn our currency, national monuments, and key government buildings.


Yes, there are MANY outlandish stories, websites, people, and “facts�; but I think that most of those are easy to spot and just as easy to dismiss. It’s sad indeed that the world is filled with so many gullible people, but I don’t consider myself to be one of them, and FYI Scientology is a crock of shit and not a religion.

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although some might call me a conspiracy theorist,

i'm not all that crazy. i believe that there is some amount

of truth to this stuff.


bohemian grove is a real place, they do have a ritual around a 40 foot stone owl name molech. it's a very secretive place. perhaps the secrecy drives the conspiracy theories....perhaps that is true of the bilderbergers, too?


i dunno. maybe none of us will ever know. i just find this stuff to be fascinating.

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Originally posted by BURLAP+Dec 23 2005, 01:23 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (BURLAP - Dec 23 2005, 01:23 PM)</div><div class='quotemain'><!--QuoteBegin-gasfacevictm@Dec 22 2005, 12:38 AM



did you capslok this for impact?

please make a case for us why this book should be

taken seriously...please...



i wasn't serious.

although i think the book is amusing.

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So first we hear:


Originally posted by Irobpeople+Dec 24 2005, 11:59 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Irobpeople - Dec 24 2005, 11:59 PM)</div><div class='quotemain'>most of the people that go are just rich people and golffes and shit




Ok, so its rich golfer types we are told. Than this statement is backed by personal experience as follows:


<!--QuoteBegin-Irobpeople@Dec 24 2005, 11:59 PM

my step dad is at that thing all the time and he isnt rich



Which proves...

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now on wikipedia:







Blair attended in 2006?




Blair to attend Bohemian Grove This Weekend?

Date: Sat, 29 Jul 2006


Will Tony Blair attend Bohemian Grove This Weekend?


Others including Schwarzenegger, Clinton, Murdoch, Shultz, Peres, Gore, Gingrich, Beane, Summers, Bono all in San Francisco this weekend



Steve Watson / Prisonplanet | July 29 2006


This weekend sees the finale of the annual gathering of the Bohemian Club in the secluded redwoods about 75 miles north of San Francisco. It just so happens that Tony Blair will be in San Francisco all weekend along with a whole host of other powerful elite luminaries.

Whilst the world seems to be on the brink of major war, Blair is, as reported today by the London Independent, on a flying tour of California to meet and do private business with Rupert Murdoch.




The San Francisco Chronicle reports:


The Tony, private event, a five-day management retreat for 250 executives of Rupert Murdoch's News Corp., is set to bring together a VIP guest list for the ages to chat about issues like volunteerism, technology and politics. Among them: Blair, Israeli Vice Premier Shimon Peres, former President Bill Clinton, former Vice President Al Gore, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, Oakland A's general manager Billy Beane, former Harvard University President Lawrence Summers and even U2 lead singer and international do-gooder Bono.


Introducing Blair to the crowd on Sunday evening will be California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger. The Republican governor will be celebrating his birthday and is expected to be on hand with first lady Maria Shriver at the event sponsored by Murdoch, a generous donor to the GOP whose mega-corporation owns Fox News, 20th Century Fox, DirecTV and 175 newspapers worldwide -- including the New York Post -- with a total circulation of 40 million.


Whilst in San Francisco Blair will also dine with George and Charlotte Shultz, the former secretary of state and current state protocol chief, respectively, and he's also expected to meet with Democratic gubernatorial nominee Phil Angelides.


Clinton, Shultz, Gore and Gingrich have all reportedly visited Bohemian Grove on previous occasions. The SF Chronicle also reported that Schwarzenegger was hand picked to become California Governor in 2003 at the Grove.

Could Blair and his friends be popping by the Redwoods for a visit this year? The timing of the gathering with Murdoch is very convenient.





The Grove hosts the Bohemian Club every year, members include George H.W. Bush, Charles Schwab and Walter Cronkite. It has been reported by major publications in the past that world policy is discussed at the Grove in between frolicking naked, urinating on trees and engaging in bizarre Paganistic rituals.


In 2000 Alex Jones infiltrated the gathering and caught exclusive video footage of a bizarre mock human sacrifice ritual, known as "the cremation of care", under a 40 foot stone owl that the members refer to as Molech.

Former President Richard Nixon is on record discussing homosexual activity at the Grove, whilst it is also documented that male and female porn stars and prostitutes are shipped in for the annual retreat.


We have previously reported that Tony Blair and his wife are "obsessed" with new age practices and ceremonies and have in the past according to the London Guardian, attended Aztec Re-birthing rituals.


Furthermore, according to the London Times, Blair has made major political decisions based on new age readings of a hidden force called 'The Light'.




Hear Nixon's audio about the faggotry of bohemian grove

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It seems like I heard about some movie Harry Shearer did about this place.


Harry is a member.


Bohemian Grove has a 15 year waiting list... But if your a gay pornstar you can get in. LOL


Screw that yall. Bomb it I say.

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under a 40 foot stone owl that the members refer to as Molech.




Hear Nixon's audio about the faggotry of bohemian grove


The Owl is hollow, with a stone facing. Nixon hated the grove, so they got him out with the 'Watergate' scandal.


We need more people like Alex, who can infiltrate and get more footage out there.

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