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The Skateboard Thread


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flashy pro fail. fancy rappers and fancy switch tres down 15 sets have a lot in common these days.[/quote


I guess some people cant focus on the skating instead they talk about what they are, but whatever i guess he can still do some switch tre bombs down 15 while others are typing.



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haha yea that shits my favorite...i gotta find some pics of the other customs he made, dudes mad creative.hope you guys are gettin it in while the weathers still nice. i fucking pulled my hamstring playing kickball...i know, kickball, so i cant really skate. SHIT SUCKS. the whole back of my leg is fucking black its gnarly, i never seen anything like it

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ya shits weak.. im gonna be taking it easy for a few months. im pretty sure something in my finger is broken, cause i hurt it like 4 weeks ago and thought i might have broke it, and its still real fucked up and tender and shit, if i reach into my pocket to fast and it catches it kills. my arm is fucked up now to from a slam i took the other day, if i lean on it the wrong way it goes dead.


no fun.

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ahhh that sucks man, tape ur finger up, thats about all u can to...or if u like drugs go to the e.r. and get some perks or somethin...if u got insurance...which i dont, which sucks b/c some one told me if u dont get ur hamstring check out and rehabilitated it never really heals, which i dunno is true or not, but he was a soccer player so i assume he knos what hes talking about. fuckkkkkk...oh yea, beer works good too, but im sure u knew that....when i broke my foot a while back i drank more than i usually do (usually take sundays off) but i had to drink extra just so that shit would stop fuckin hurtin so bad...rant rant rant

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yea dude, its been a black bruise for like 3 weeks now, so i dunno whats going on, why cant any of my friends be doctors, they all gotta be low lifes, i seriously have like 4 or 5 friends on unemployment right now, and one of them has been on it for like 2 years. bastard gets 300 bucks every two weeks, and spends it all on booze and food. lucky fuck


the trowels at fdr


boston i dunno if u ever skated here.....if not its a must, fucking awesome park....these dudes (the trowels) play shows here once in a while to collect money to build new shit at the park.


more fdr

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I guess some people cant focus on the skating instead they talk about what they are, but whatever i guess he can still do some switch tre bombs down 15 while others are typing.






Who gives a sit about how these dudes act in their personal or business lives?

You hang with them?

Do your boys ride for their teams?


This is the same as people getting all against Mel Gibson for saying racist shit and slapping his wife.

FUCK THAT SHIT...BRAVEHEART IS BADASS and so are most of his movies.


Jamie Thomas too...dude is running a business with an image.

His videos are projecting that image.

You think movie directors give a fuck what some bit part actor wants to do while they are filming their movies?



Don't hate.


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oh damn, so theres no parks in the city? that sucks..theres 2 in philly that i know of, prob more, but fdr is the only decent one..they built that shit to keep kids outta the street spots, so cops are pretty hard on kids who skate the city....i dont even live in philly any more, which sucks, and i dont have a car, so basically the only thing ive been skating is that bowl we built and a few street spots that i can skate to. im sure bostons got plenty of cool street spots tho.

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Who gives a sit about how these dudes act in their personal or business lives?

You hang with them?

Do your boys ride for their teams?


This is the same as people getting all against Mel Gibson for saying racist shit and slapping his wife.

FUCK THAT SHIT...BRAVEHEART IS BADASS and so are most of his movies.


Jamie Thomas too...dude is running a business with an image.

His videos are projecting that image.

You think movie directors give a fuck what some bit part actor wants to do while they are filming their movies?



Don't hate.



When you are not out skating and just wasting time online and just so happen to have that inside info, why not share it?


Are you really a bigger person by keeping it from a message board ?


Most people who share a passion for skating have some gossip about the inner workings of the industry. Its just bullshit, you either enjoy it or you dont, kind of like TMZ.



The relationship between a business and a sponsored athlete should be healthy and mutually beneficial to ensure longevity. However its not a perfect world.

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