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The Skateboard Thread


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well as far as "skateboarding" goes he was...

vinny ponte 1993 and its considered the first time it was done by anyone(including philly kids) who i have talked to...



I knew you were talking about Vinny Ponte at that contest in 93, but I seen a local cat ollie that shit in like 91. It just wasn't filmed or nothin.

Vinny Ponte was the first documented/filmed or whatever, but he wasn't the actual first.

I'm not trying to knock your boy or start an arguement, I'm just sayin.

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yeah its like this kid I knew who claimed to paint this one commuter train, but "didnt have pics"


its not what you know its what you can prove..



Nobody has to prove shit. I was there and seen it, as were more than a handfull of other people.

People didn't call up filmers and wait till the cameras showed up to do shit back then, they just did the shit to do it.

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today i found out 3 new things about myself.


i can bunny hop a bike atleast up a decent sized curb hahaha (ive never attempted a bunny hop in my life before i started trying this and now i have it down)

i can do quite a few push/claps easily.

you know where you do a push up and spring up clap, land and repeat.

and i can run, jump, grab my nose and tail then land in a hand stand and roll.

i havent perfected how to get out of it yet but ive got the whole thing up to that part down haha.


so far the techniques ive tried are:

while hand standing putting one foot down and finger flipping back onto the board.


i also tried pushing myself up from the handstand and tucking into a crouch position as if id just followed through on a large set of stairs :D


ok ok ok that is gonna sound retarded tomorrow but i guess maybe you get what i mean haha.

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